The CO just doesn't have the bandwidth to start a cub pack. The CC went to the Boys and Girls Club across the street and sold the idea to them. Same troop number, different CO. She thinks it will be a feeder pack, but we already have a pack in the community with no troop - which we could simply court. Seems like a lot of work to start a whole new pack, especially when there are no parents initiating it. The Troop CC says she is an advisor, but when she asked for the donation, she was the one who spoke for the group. Only one other person was there from the pack - a past Troop scout, who she recruited on a temporary basis. He's about 20 y.o., and she kept dismissing him (he's only here til Jan - he's temporary as we find someone to lead the pack) when I tried to ask him questions. Even he didn't seem confident that starting this pack is a good idea. But she's an authority figure to him, and he couldn't say no.
For Venture, she started that too, and we're not sure what her real position is. We don't see any real evidence of anyone else being involved in that either.
I thought maybe I had found a polite way to avoid funding these groups, at least until we can see if they have substance or not.