qwazse commented #7.1 So, it sounds like your adults don't pay dues. Are you concerned because the boys will have to raise more funds to pay for adult registrations if you keep your pool of adults large? Or, is this about more than just money?
Nope, this is just about funding. We're a small Troop with just 13 Scouts. We have 4 Assistant Scoutmasters of various levels of involvement and a Troop Committee of maybe 8. So effectively we have just as many adults as we do Scouts, and maybe that's a good thing. I do see both points of the responses above. It's the whole $25 a person, which equals a big portion of our treasury, versus what we are getting for that, versus the rules. And having been informed that these funds effectively go 100% to National, the question of what the local Troops get, meaning what the Scouts get, is very valid. Sure, we've discussed whether adult leaders should pay their own charter fee, but as far as the leaders, the ones that attend the events are already paying for their son's camping/food, their gas to get to the camping grounds, etc. To say, now give us another $25, seems a bit unrealistic. At the same time I do like one recommendation above that whether a leader is paid for should be based on their involvement. If they meet a minimal requirement of attendance/involvement then they are paid for, and if not then they either pay for themselves, or it's based on how involved they've been. Maybe for the Troop Committee it should be that anything beyond the Committee Chair and Treasurer has to pay for themselves.