So, I've been the den leader for my son's Tiger den since the beginning of the school year. I've been diligently tracking and planning super fun activities for the boys every two weeks, as well as doing everything necessary to earn the den leader training award knot.
Halfway through the year, our cubmaster stepped down and, because I said I would "help", and no other parent responded to the plea for volunteers, I was named cubmaster by default. It was awkward since I am brand new to the program, but I've tried to embrace the position, while still keeping up with my den responsibilities.
Was discussing something with the committee chair recently and it came up that I am not registered as our den's leader. I'm listed as assistant den leader because, evidently you can't be registered as a cubmaster AND den leader? Is this true? She stated something about Journey to Excellence doesn't let them dual-register leaders. The person they've registered as our den leader originally volunteered to be den leader, but then dropped the ball for the first two meetings (he did no training, no parent communication, no meeting planning---he had no clue what the Cub Scout program was about or what we should be working on), so I took over as den leader. He's done nothing for the den since I stepped up, despite my repeated attempts to involve him in planning and training.
It stings that he could get recognized for all of my hard work, and that I will receive nothing. It has taken an incredible amount of work and time commitment to juggle the responsibilities of both positions, and get up to speed on the Cub Scouts program in general. Of course, I've been doing everything for the boys' sake, and all the extra work has contributed to our very successful and fun year, but I have to admit I was looking forward to earning my first piece of "bling" for my uniform and I'm a little disappointed I now don't qualify to earn it because of a paperwork issue. Looks like there's no assistant den leader awards, and the cubmaster awards start at 3 years of tenure.
A scout is I'm not going to just buy the knot because I'm not the registered den leader and didn't officially earn it, according to the paperwork (
But, before I give up on this and move on, is it really true you can't be the registered cubmaster and a den leader at the same time?