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GSummers's Achievements

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Thanks everyone. This has been a help. One more aspect before I go forward: The scout did say in his Proposal that a Fund. App. would be needed and applied for. Can we write this off as poor plan following? Or is he in deeper trouble for failing do what he said he would?
  2. Hey all, Just a quick question from a new guy. Here's the scenario: The Eagle Project is done. The Final Report has been signed by the beneficiary rep. and the Scoutmaster. The paperwork is pretty much ready to sit in a lockbox until the remaining merit badges are done. But there's one problem: I believe the Fundraising Application was never completed or turned in. Now, the beneficiary handled all funds and donations directly. The scout did go to two businesses and successfully asked for discounts and donations of materials, as well as presenting the church's congregation with the plan and asking for donations to the CHURCH to help pay for the project. The scout never handled or received any funds, but he did ask for donations of materials, which requires a fundraising app. Which was not written or turned in. So, what can be done in this situation? Thanks a lot.
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