Hello everyone,
This is for anyone who might be interested in doing
"Flat Girl Scouts". I am new to this program,
but it sounds like lots of FUN! I just found about it
within the last few weeks & I have never done it yet.
This is how it was explained to me, so I myself dont know
the actual way to do it. I am hoping to get my Troop some
other Troops to share with & get them out for October.
If anyone is interested, please contact me at:
Thanx, Marlene Baxter
Brownie Troop #538 ( We are 3rd graders in Front Royal, Virginia)
Hi Marlene
We are new to flat brownies this year but are really
excited about it. Our girls are making paperdoll
versions of themselves-flat brownies. We are mailing
them in pairs with swaps, a journal and disposable
camera to troops that have agreed to host us. They
"visit" the host troop for a month. The host writes
about the activities our flats participated in with
the troop, and a little about their area and take a
few pictures and mail it all home. In the case of
international troops they will also share information
about girl scouts/guides in their country. My
daughter and the other two leader's daughters have
sent their's out this summer and it's really alot of
fun. We got the pattern for the flat brownies from
www.makingfriends.com. They have paperdoll patterns
for brownies. We enlarged ours to about 8 inches, put
a photo of the girl and e-mail address on the back and
lamenated them. There is a flat girl scout group if
you're interested-
groups.yahoo.com/group/flatgirlscouts/ Let me know if
you need any more information.