Thanks for the replies. I've decided to continue through the summer but I am going to visit some other den meetings and pack meetings to see how they can be different. If it was just the dl I would stay and co lead but there are other things that bother me also. Let me know if this is how it should go.
Our PL has been the leader for 24 yrs, It isn't a new group. DL is PL son. He's been a dl for 4 yrs.
Can someone tell me how a bear den meeting should be like. What I had imagined was that there was a opening with the pledge and motto, (we did that for a few weeks in the beginning but not in like 7 months now) so we have no real start to our meetings. I thought then maybe there was a group game for team building or songs or a discussion on a cub scout ideal, etc. Something, anything.
We sit down an the tables and our dl looks through the book for 15 minutes and says we don;t really have anything planned but doesn't really plan anything for next week. The boys get antsy and ask to things but we don't usually make a plan for the next week. I have done a few activites and the boys have done some activities with other dl but only I or 2 with our dl. We've never gone outside.
At pinewood derby and B & G, should the DL greet their cubs and say hi? Ours doesn't really. If we see him at a school function he sort of ignores us. He doesn't really seem like he wants to be a dl, I think his mom just want him to be. If it was just the dl I could stay and co lead. They haven't asked me or expressed the idea that he wants help, in fact, I think he feels like I stepped on his toes when I offered to do stuff. I think he's a little shy and was nervous so I was very patient and waited to see what he had planned for the year. Out of the approximately 17 meetings we had, only about 5 did we actually do anything and all but one was with another den or me.
The issues with the PL really bother me because they seem opposite of what I want my son to learn in cub scouts.
She yelled, Hey fatso to her grown son (DL) at a cub meeting. She caught herself and put her mouth over her mouth but she was laughing. She yellls shut up alot. Doesn't seem to know the words please or thank you. In a speech she told someone (I'm not sure who, I couldn't see, it could have been a kid) they better stop eating or they would end up like her son and then she compared her thin son to her chubby son, on stage in front of the pack with council there! wth? She's very intimidating and has been the pl for a long time so she has to know this is inappropriate, right? She's had kids cry because she's very gruff. She doesn't always mean it but she just isn't what I thought a pl would be. I know it's volunteer and she says it's all for the kids etc but I just don't see them learning anything positive. We had gone on a family camp out (only 3 families including mine from our pack went and I didn't know it til afterwards) and my son learned stuff there, everyone was pleasant and fun and knowledgeable.
thanks for reading so much