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Everything posted by ParacordMan1220

  1. First you do realize that B-P explicitly stated several times scouting is not the Military, right? Second, all for seeing someone develop a new award. But if your going to call out an organizations uniform standard as not high enough and then intend to implement "shoulder cords" in contradiction to those very standards I think your a hypocrite. I also need to observe that this program is about Knot tying, a skill so basic to scouting that not being able to tie them means one does not advance in rank and you think people should be given uniform decorations for that? Third, If you like fancy uniforms, and the idea of the Knot Ninja program, take a look at the Sea Scout program. It is challenging, more structured than Boy Scouts and it has a variety of Uniforms. I've posted this once before and I guess I post it again. Once a scout earns a rank, that does not guarantee that they will practice those skills. As far as the uniform standards, I was referring to long hair and things similar to it.
  2. Your Troop seems to be lax on teaching the Scout Oath and Law also. Perhaps you should have them implement a new award where they stop you once a month, and have you prove you know what they are, what they mean, and that you actually do try to live by them. Unfortunately, from your comments here, you seem to be sorely lacking in the Courteous part, along with a few others. Young man, being on an internet board, and feeling that you are "immune" to consequences, does NOT excuse the above behavior. Especially on a Scout forum, from someone claiming to be an under 18, Boy Scout, and a leader in his Troop. BTW - I HAVE read both - the Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America (pub 57-191), and the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America (pub 57-492). I just hate how this organization is slowly "decaying" over time. I mean look back in the first couple handbook editions, compared to now. If you read the first couple of posts I made in this thread, you can see where I do not lack the courteous part (but also cut out the "fluff" ), but after a couple of ignorant things were posted up, you can see the lack of the "courteous" part. I guess That is about all that I am going to get out of you Scoutnut, and I apologize for getting off on the wrong foot. You also need to take a look at yourself, before trying to discipline others. And yes Brew, I understand being a "total jerk" is unacceptable, but honestly most of these "scouters" aren't giving me much to work with.
  3. I guess you didn't read the whole knot ninja thing. If they have got a certain knot rank, anyone can challenge them to tie the knots they are supposed to know. My interpretation of this is to test the scouts once a month to tie the knots up to their level, and if they fail to do so, they lose their knot rank(until they earn it again the following week.) I think it is a better way to keep up with their knot tying ability, not the best but better than before. You may not like it, but everyone has their opinion.
  4. I guess I wasn't clear enough in the OP, my apologies. The reason that I started this thread was to see if anyone has any experience with things such as "Knot Ninja" and to see if it has turn out good or bad, and how they made/wear the award lanyard. I was also looking for ideas on hats, etc., to bring up with the troop leadership at our next meeting. As for the part about "rubber-stamping," you know as well as i do that most scouts do not remember or practice knots, and other outdoor skills on their own. I hope that you are not "blind" and understand what I am talking about
  5. Yes, that is correct, they HAVE completed all of the requirements to earn the rank at one time or another. However I have learned that very few scouts actually remember and practice those skills after they earn the rank. Please, don't post responses that are not completely thought out. I found your comments to be very ignorant, and I believe your troop is very lucky to have a member with as much intelligence as yourself..
  6. ScoutNut, have you even read the Rules and Regs? I recommend that you do, and also take a look at the pukes who run the national level of this organization. I believe in teaching scouts life skills that will be valuable in the real world. Not to mention there is little to no enforcement of the uniform standards (To be honest there isn't much to enforce ). I see scouts with long feathery hair down to their shoulder and wearing rainbow epaulets. Now, I'd appreciate it if you would get this back on topic and stop derailing the OP, or don't post at all.
  7. That's just it, I am still under 18...and most of my scouts have the same mindset as I do. So it is in fact being boy led, and for that reason we are the sharpest looking troop in the district.
  8. It would be good if all scouts would do/act the way we'd expect them to, but sadly that doesn't always happen.
  9. I guess you don't take scouts as seriously as I do..
  10. While I am not an adult leader, I am still a scout leader. I think it is a good way to tell who can teach knot tying by simply looking at their lanyard, instead of spending a lot of time asking questions.
  11. It's just the concept. No one HAS to use beads and stupid crap like that. You can use whatever you want; different color cords, "paracord ranger beads," etc. A plus to using the paracord ranger beads is that you can use them as pace counters to measure distances.
  12. Well their standards are extremely relaxed. No grooming standards, etc., ect. Not to mention that no one really enforces the rules and regs.
  13. No, not in business. I am just wanting to see what other troops have done to improve the scout uniform. For example, the BSA Ball Cap: Looks stupid and doesn't really serve a practical purpose. It is part of the uniform however, and some scouts wear it, some scouts don't, which cancels out uniformity. To get more scouts to wear hats, pick a new one and make it part of the uniform.
  14. Since National really doesn't have very high uniform standards, I want to see if anyone has "improved" or incorporated things like "shoulder cords" (like the military wears in dress uniforms), different hats (Berets, Garrison caps, Boonie hats, etc.), and anything else that looks good and/or serves a purpose. I am wanting to start some new award systems to strike some interest with the scouts of my troop, like the "Knot Ninja" program that many others are starting (just do a quick google search to learn more). So, If you guys have any ideas and/or pictures of uniform ideas, post them up! Thanks in advance.
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