Your Troop seems to be lax on teaching the Scout Oath and Law also. Perhaps you should have them implement a new award where they stop you once a month, and have you prove you know what they are, what they mean, and that you actually do try to live by them. Unfortunately, from your comments here, you seem to be sorely lacking in the Courteous part, along with a few others.
Young man, being on an internet board, and feeling that you are "immune" to consequences, does NOT excuse the above behavior.
Especially on a Scout forum, from someone claiming to be an under 18, Boy Scout, and a leader in his Troop.
BTW - I HAVE read both - the Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America (pub 57-191), and the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America (pub 57-492).
I just hate how this organization is slowly "decaying" over time. I mean look back in the first couple handbook editions, compared to now. If you read the first couple of posts I made in this thread, you can see where I do not lack the courteous part (but also cut out the "fluff" ), but after a couple of ignorant things were posted up, you can see the lack of the "courteous" part. I guess That is about all that I am going to get out of you Scoutnut, and I apologize for getting off on the wrong foot. You also need to take a look at yourself, before trying to discipline others.
And yes Brew, I understand being a "total jerk" is unacceptable, but honestly most of these "scouters" aren't giving me much to work with.