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Everything posted by corey.holmes

  1. After only three summer camp seasons and investments reaching over $100,000 Connecticut Rivers Council is reviewing the closure of one of the Oldest Cub Scout Camps in the Nation. Emails can be sent directly to the Board of Directors atfutureofcubcamping@ctrivers.org Please let me know if you have any questions, or need any further information. Thanks! Corey
  2. Good Morning All, It is with a heavy heart that I report Connecticut Rivers Council has a proposal before the Executive Board to close and sell Camp Tadma Again! We're gathering testimony to present to the board on September 17th to prevent this from happening, and I just wanted to reach out to you and my other contacts to gather as much support as we can. Emails can be sent directly to the Board of Directors at futureofcubcamping@ctrivers.org Please let me know if you have any questions, or need any further information. Thanks! Corey
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