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Everything posted by DuctTape

  1. Who is this RichardB, and why does he get to decide? If it was him that changed the GTSS, he should be fired.
  2. The Seychelle uses Iodine to kill the virii and bacteria. Some have a bad reaction to iodine, especially those with thyroid issues so this is something to be aware of. I believe pregaant women are advised to stay away from it. I do not intend to knock the efficacy of the filter and chemical treatment as the tests do show it to be rather effective. However I am dismayed by the marketing ploy in the statement "up to 99.9%", this means LESS THAN not in excess. If one looks at the testing of the seychelle products it can be seen that some of the contaminants are removed at significantly less percentage than 99. This doesn't eliminate the effectiveness, but we should be aware of what the true effectiveness is and not be mislead by the manufacturer's misleading statement.
  3. Aye, there's the rub. There are critters that will pass through a 2 micron pore that you absolutely do NOT want in your body. Crypto, etc. is way smaller and .3 micron, while possibly needing greater than gravity pressure to use is closer to "safe". With most filters, pre-filtering to get the logs and boulders out of the untreated water really increases the time between filter cleaning or replacing. "Pre-filtering" can be a bandanna, coffee filter, or even just letting the logs and boulders settle out in a pot for 15-20 minutes before filtering. The fastest my filter (MSR) ever got clogged was when one of my Scouts did an "experiment" to find out how efficient it was. He deliberately stirred up the pool of water we were using. Sure enough, within 1-2 quarts of water (waaaaaay less than we needed that hot and humid afternoon) it clogged and needed cleaning. I made him take it down and do the cleaning. IIRC crypto cysts are about 5 microns, so a 2 micron filter should suffice for them. Giardia cysts are even larger.
  4. It did upset me when I saw the new GTSS which required the adults for camping, but I never interpreted it to mean no patrol camping. The patrol (unfortunately) needed two adults, but they would be needed anyways to drive. Does the requirement also mean they transportation providers must hover over the boys, or can they let them be? How close must they remain? The GTSS is vague on this. Is it wrong to allow the boys as a patrol to camp a mile away from the adults if the SM deems the PL qualified to lead?
  5. Quick answer, yes. The pump provides significantly more pressure than the gravity feed. Pre-filtering does help especially with sediment laden water. The pre-filter will help prolong the life of the main filter but will not make it filter faster. In fact, it will likely slow it down. One reason the seychelle appears to work better is the pore size of the filter. The Seychelle is a 2-micron filter while the base camp is a 0.3 micron filter. The smaller pore size requires more pressure and will also clog at a faster rate.
  6. LOL. I must have internalized so many of the discussions from the forum. Answer is the same, traditional silver/gray, but will use colors for specific tasks like marking my bear canister with neon yellow.
  7. Twins from the Northeast, or did I miss something?
  8. As I am not quite sure what characteristics would categorize me, I hesitate to label myself. I *think* I am a traditional scouter.
  9. I think the 3-tub method is one of four reasons troops find it difficult to transition from car camping to more wilderness trips. The 3rd tub isn't necessary. I would argue the first two aren't either. The outdoors isn't supposed to be the indoors with no roof. The other three reasons are the gear trailer, refrigeration and adults. (How is that for my first post after lurking for a few years.?)
  10. Been a long time lurker and would check in infrequently. Was saddened to read about the passing of OldGreyEagle. The past few months have certainly been interesting here. I have been involved in scouts since I joined cub scouts as a kid. I am currently an ASM in a local troop. As with many troops, this one has been operating as a troop and not as a collection of patrols for a while. Boy-led is in name only. Change is slow and I continually remind the other ASM's that we "aren't there yet", but we should strive to the ideals. Over the past few years lurking I see I am not alone. I have often thought about commenting, but didn't register. I don't know how much I will post, but at least I now have that option.
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