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Everything posted by DuctTape

  1. Stosh, I would direct you to the link I posted earlier. The article addresses some/all of your questions.
  2. See #14 and #15 http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/15-answers-to-creationist/
  3. Agreed Stosh. I for me, it is more of a repetition thing. If a scout does all the menu/patrol cooking type requirements for T-FC all at once, then they miss out on the growth potential from the increased complexity of the requirements at each stage and the lessons learned from repeating the basic portions as part of each next level. This is part of why we have FC scouts who dont have FC skills.
  4. I agree with much that has been stated regarding the issues with the mb colleges, etc... While some make valud points about a few mbs and how they can be done in these venues, I think the proof is in the pudding that in general these types of mass-MB-mills are not a positive means for the boys. The discussion over rank requirements is also apropos. I would eliminate the clause which allows a scout to work on any requirements for any rank at any time.
  5. Good question. Perhaps "Do a good turn daily" is an acceptable metric?
  6. If we go back to the early days of scouting, the handbook is quite clear. Ones duty to god is demonstrated by actions. Helping others, doing a good turn daily, etc... Reverence and duty to god were not explained by the scout in terms of his belief system, but demonstrated by his actions.
  7. I treat all my hik8ng clothing with permethrin at the beginning of each spring season. Lasts until the bugs are not an issue in the fall. Have not needed any other repellants since.
  8. I do not see participants here using specific examples as categorizing entire groups. If there exists one example of a scouter, or a troop acting in a negative manner, it is one to many. Just because it may be rare, doesnt mean we should be silent about it, instead we should be cautious about any changes which some might interpret as justification for said behaviors.
  9. Since the discussion has moved on to BOR and beyond a SM conf, wouldn't asking these types of questions (in reference to the Show Scout Spirit requirement) and then denying a scout based on his answer "retesting" assuming the requirement was signed off by the SM? Just thinking aloud here.
  10. For duty to God, I have always fallen back on the words writtenin the 1911 Handbook. To paraphrase, a Scouts duty to God is demonstrated in their actions by helping others, doing ones good turn daily. It is practical religion. IIRC, the word faith wasnt part of the descriptio, it was a scouts deeds by which they demonstrated this virtue. If the new regulation is as described, I can comply by asking a Scout during a SM conf "tell me about some of the good deeds you have done since we last talked."
  11. What bothers me about the entire "faith issue" is how it apparently needs its own extra requirements. There is no declaration of patriotic principles on membership application or guidance on how to discuss with a scout his being physically fit in accordance with the Scout oath, etc...
  12. I agree. Even if a patrol decides to do patrol cooking in the backcountry. each scout packs one pot and one utensil for the group. A patrol of 6 will then have at camp: 1 coffee pot 1 large pot 1 medium pot 1 large fry pan 1 medium fry pan 1 other... 1 spatula 1 tongs 1 spoon 1 ladle 1 knife 1 other... A full kit all carried in their backpacks. Food gets packed inside the pots. Personally I think that is too much kit for a patrol. If one plans menus wisely, they can go with much less.
  13. Sad that all national seems to care about is whether the paperwork is in order not whether the scouts actually fulfilled the requirements (for rank or mb).
  14. The helicopter moms have devolved into velcro. No longer hovering and watching, waiting to swooop, but attached right to their kid. Only way to separate velcro is with a forceful rip. The good thing is parenting styles are never constant. The next generation will do it differently as will subsequent generations.
  15. Andysmom, many of those characteristics you describe of problem adults are true, or can be true of adults with boys in the program as well. Thus the issues with adults are not related to whether one has a boy in the troop or not.
  16. Adult leaders can be good, or bad regardless of whether they have a boy in the troop. Having one's child in the troop or not is not a requirement nor a detriment to providing the opportunity for a quality scouting program.
  17. For pie irons "Smores" Bread slices butter peanut butter chocolate marshmallow graham cracker Butter slices bread and place in the pie irons. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on each half, Add chocolate, marshmallow and a crushed graham cracker. Cook in coals. Be very careful when biting in, the insides will burn.
  18. pack54... The one thing i noticed in your last posts is that these were MB's YOU wanted him to get done. What does your son want to do? Why does HE want to go to summer camp? The Scouting Journey isn't a trail to eagle or a list of requirements to check off. It is a journey for a boy to discover, grow and have fun. He should be the principal decision maker in this. While mom and dad can and should provide encouragement and advice, they should take pause if they begin to interfere by making the decisions for him.
  19. Stosh you are exactly right about using a better meat. In fact, most of those started as a recipe which used something different but changed to hot dogs as a first step in the progression for younger palates. In my adult backpacking circle, I am sometimes called "the sausage king" because I almost always have some type of good german sausage as a base for my dinner.
  20. I have a whole bunch more in my notes if anyone wants them, but the idea is pretty simple. Hot dogs, some grain, some sauce, some veg.
  21. For those patrols who like hot dogs... moving to other sausage types is an easy step. Another idea is using hot dogs as the meat in one-pot meals. Recipes (amounts adjusted to number of mouths) "Hot Dog Stew I" macaroni hot dogs bell pepper onion spaghetti sauce "Hot Dog Stew II" Hot dogs onions bell peppers kidney beans tomatoes chili powder "Hot Dog Stew III" Hot dogs rice-a-roni peas onion "Hot Dog Stew IV" hot dogs sliced apples cabbage salt&pepper
  22. No banned foods. But like Stosh, when the boys see and hear what the Old Gray Wolf Patrol (SM & ASMs) are eating, they try to emulate. Also, like in the extra food thread, menu planning for amount is important as is nutrition because it is the fuel for our bodies. When they zonk out after an hour due to their food choices, thisbecomes part of the after trip reflection. "Too bad the patrol was too tired to visit/do xxy, I wonder what could have given everyone more energy?"
  23. I don't do a lot of trips where it is feasable to carry that weight. Even on canoe trips, there are multiple portages and a light duffle is still the way to go. I learned to cook on the open fire and using the simplest pans.
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