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Everything posted by DuctTape

  1. As one adds a condition, it is no longer an absolute; it becomes conditional. Another problem arises that even if one were to accept the condition, when/how/if that condition has been met becomes another rabbit hole to define. If one attempts to be vague instead, then it leaves the interpretation to others, not exactly an absolute either. One might as well go the full distance of vagueness and just say, "make ethical decisions".
  2. And together with the green/red socks pulled up the knees while wearing scout shorts... the ugliest uniform was complete.
  3. Then it is not an absolute.There is a reason philosophers have been debating this for millenia. I highly doubt we will find the magic solution. There are problems with moral absolutism, relativism,pluralism, realism, etc... Those much smarter than I couldn't satisfy this. Kant, Plato, Nietzche, etc... In the end, the only thing "I" can do is "do my best" as I travel this world.
  4. AZ,although all your "facts" contain the word "should" which makes them not absolutes. Secondly, what happens when "should" is replaced with "must" and then someone is faced with the moral dilemma of having to make a decision which must violate one of the "facts" if the situation puts two of the facts at odds with each other? That is the fundamental problem with moral facts, or absolutes is that with more than one, a situation could/will arise in which they contradict. If one trumps another, then the inferior fact is not an absolute.
  5. My favorite resource for PL's to use is the first edition fieldbook (any of the printings). The sections are called Pow-wows and are basically activities for a patrol to do to grow as a patrol, for the PL do develop as a leader, the Patrol to go on increasingly more challenging adventures, etc... while the handbook is for advancement, the fieldbook is for patrol adventures. IMO, it is often the most ignored resource when I think it should be one of the most used. Especially the older ones the way they are set up.
  6. And the triangle itself isnt a "real triangle" in euclidean space. It is often referred to as an Euler triangle. I always loved geometry.
  7. Yes, but then one has just added a different 5th postulate, the pythg thm.
  8. Correction to my post. Parallelism was Eucluds 5th postulate.
  9. The fourth parallel postulate, from which the sum of a triangles angles is 180 is proven was needed as euclid could not prove parallelism without it. We now understand the problem more clearly with what is referred to as non-euclidean geometry, that which is planar. Parallelism (and the interior angle theorem) are not true for example in a geometry which exists in a curved space. Think of the surface of a sphere as a non-euclidean geometry, the fourth parallel postulate, as well as much of euclidean geometry fails to hold true. In fact one could argue that the geometric "facts" are relative to the geometry in which they exist. In a highly complex curved universe, (which may be the result of gravity, or gravity is a result of the curvature), we would exist in a non-euclidean existence. over very small distances the curvatures are nit noticeable, so euclidean geometry works as a good enough approximation. Just like when we walk a straight line on a map for 100 mmeters on the surface of the earth. Airplanes use great circles for the shortest distance in the spherical geometry.
  10. Agreed that some places it is impractical or illegal. That is why I made the statement that for us, those were not the obstacles.
  11. No. But the majority of adult leaders are addicted to propane. Thus the scouts, "I learned it from watching you." It isnt like we cannot have fires, they boys still do a fire but only for "campfire" it serves no practical function.
  12. When my father was in scouts, very few in the patrol could afford full uniforms. They had the neckerchief (a square, not the useless triangle) and the patrol sewed armbands from leftover scrap fabric to which they affixed their patrol emblem. That was their uniform.
  13. Society agreeing on a moral code does not make those morals "fact"in the sense they are absolute for all societies and cultures at all times. Thus the concept of moral relativism does not require no codes or laws, just the understanding that those codes and laws are not absolute and may be changed by future or other societies and cultures.
  14. http://www.amazon.com/St-Paul-versus-Peter-Missions/dp/0664255612 This professor knows more than I, for example.
  15. As with all things biblical and historical, one should not use a single line or event and ignore all the rest. I am not a biblical scholar, nor do I proclaim to have a monopoly on the knowledge of history of those times. I defer to those much more educated and learnned than myself and my statements are based upon what these scholars have written in their studies of the texts and history. Like I said, it requires questioning ones dogma, thus not everyone is willing.
  16. No, I was being general in the sense that there were inconsistencies between Paul and the apostles. And that some do not believe, now as then, that Paul was infallible in his own interpretation. First and 2nd century history is fascinating, although it requires some to question dogma.
  17. As others have mentioned, it is a result of Pauls teachings which were not always consistent withcthe teachings of James and Peter. Why Pauls theology became the "accepted truth" instead of that of the other apostles is mostly a result of Paul teaching to gentiles which grew his following much greater. Some believe Pauls teachings were the will of Gd, others believe Paul was no more than any other human with fall8vle interpretations at the time. Not all apostles agreed all the time, the fact one (and not an original 12) is elevated to a level above others (due to some believing his own vision) makes some question his authority.
  18. Easy solution, close all the US army, air force, etc... bases in TX and move them to another State. I bet the Gov will change his tune rather quickly if this was imminent.
  19. In Danieal Beards, shelters shacks and shanties he provided multiple native (and european) designs specific to the different areas. Some of these were included in older bsa publications. Boys love to make forts in the woods, what a fantastic patrol activity either as a day trip or on a campout to make a shelter based on the natives designs of the area. Outdoors and fun...learning to do things fir themselves. thats is what scouting is all about.
  20. As a non-cub scouter, take my opinion with a few grains if salt. As I read the weather requirements it seems to me the purpose is for the boys to use the thermometer they mounted, and the weather vane they made to gather the data, and to do this on a daily basis. Not trying does not seem to be fulfilling the spirit if "do your best" and adults providing data or even a website to collect it appears to be adding/subtracting from the requirements. From a Boy Scout Scouter perspective, that type of modification will create problems down tbe road where the boys need to do similar observe, record, etc... in BSA requirements (both rank and MB). My 2cents.
  21. Science is not anti-religion nor is it pro-religion. Evolution, gravity, magnetism, etc... are not theory, they exist. Science looks to explain the process by which they operate, this part is scientific theory which is always incomplete. Scientific knowledge increases/changes etc... in the understanding of the specific process, the "how". Religion does not seek to understand the how, for the most part religion seeks to answer the "why" (sometimes "who").
  22. I have been involved in many large organizations. Financial controls often seem tedious, but the best practices are rather consistent across all organizations. Not having a debit card is typical. Checks signed by two individuals is another. Any potential use of a debit card can be accomplished by a reimbursement policy. Though it isnt the same thing, financial controls best practices can be thought of as youth protection for the money.
  23. We can only hope the next step is a full prohibition of the larger and also holding Districts/Councils accointable for their blatant disregard of the requirements by promoting these mb mills.
  24. Another way to accomplish the same idea is to have some merit badges be pre-requisites for others. Camping and hiking as pre-reqs to do backpacking for example. Camping and first aid before wilderness survival. Etc...
  25. My parents only allowed me to choose 1 activity at a time. I had school, school sports team, plus one other. I chose scouts. My neighbors are always complaining about all the driving, and scheduling for their kids, but they allow them to do everything. In the buffet of life, one cannot choose "all of the above". My neighbors by not teaching their kids to prioritize and choose are doing them a disservice.
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