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Everything posted by DuctTape

  1. or that Gold actually represents Excellence. I see that not getting gold means serious deficiencies in at least the basics. Like a restaurant passing their health inspection. It doesn't mean the food in any good, just that the place shouldn't be shut down.
  2. I think it is too much, by one. The answer is 42. 😁
  3. You asked the question, and now appear to be defending the JTE instead of taking our analysis into consideration. If I am mischaracterizing your response, I apologize. To some of your comments: Subjective, non-measureables can be consistent. It requires significantly more time, and effort. As I mentioned before, using descriptors instead of numbers. Just because something is measureable does not mean a higher number is a reference of quality(excellence). That is how I would change the JTE.
  4. My sole complaint is that it is an attempt to measure quality in an objective manner by using quantifiable metrics. Excellence is a term of quality not quantity, so using numerical metrics can only, by definition, objectively state quantity. Quality is much much more subjective and can only be expressed as descriptors, not numbers. It is unfortunate that in recent decades subjective analysis using qualitative data has been relegated to such an inferior position as its cousin, objective analysis using quantitative data. Subjective analysis is not merely "one's opinion" as it is often referred in an attempt to dismiss it. Not everything that matters is measureable.
  5. In the end, parents still need to provide adequate supervision, oversight, and accountability of their children. It matters not whether it is an agricultural, industrial, or digital world. The raising of kids is hard, it is a continuous test of choices, responsibility and accountability to earn new freedoms and responsibilities. Sure computers add a different dimension, so did tv, telephones and car keys. Giving kids age-appropriate responsibility and holding them accountable (meaning taking away freedoms and responsibility when they demonstrate their unreadiness) then giving them another chance in the future. Over time they get more and more freedom and responsibility (as they demonstrate they are ready) is how kids transition to adulthood. This of course is the ideal, and often doesn't happen.
  6. Like you, I focus on the scouts. My father used to have a saying he would repeat to us Scouts when we asked him a question, usually permission to do something (we never caught on that he never said yes/no). I doubt this was his own invention either. Scout to SM: "Can we..." SM reply: " Is it safe? Is it fun? Is it scouting?"
  7. easiest solution is for units to do YPT right before re-charter so everyone is on the same calendar. Do it at a December troop meeting. The scouts are doing their own thing, the adults can do theirs. Might be a good way to keep adults separated from the scouts a little more. By Dec, the patrols should be functioning quite well with SPL/ASPL helping the PLs.
  8. VHS? What about the slide show trainings? I was too young for those, but remember my father setting them up.
  9. As with all things in Scouting, we as adults can do the research, shopping, etc... much more efficiently than the scouts. I always try to see how anything we as adults do can be a learning and growth opportunity for scouts. If an adult is a "tent expert", great! How do we utilize tgat expertise to help the scouts become more skillful and knowledgeable moving forward. Ultimate goal being the scouts become the future experts. If a scout cannot "do" yet, the adults should not just do it for them by themselves, but instead involve at least some scouts in every stage of the process. Even if the first step is the scouts "watch & listen". For example if I am calling a campground to inquire for camping availability, I do it with the SPL and ASPL there to hear the conversation. As they progress, they make the call with me listening. If I am internet shopping around for new tents, scouts will be doing it with me. Everything we do is an opportunity for scouts. They may not be ready to do it all by themselves, but they never will get there unless we show them and let them try.
  10. or it could be done in reverse order. The QM in consult with the PLC determines what gear is needed, puts together a proposal to the SM who brings it to the Committee to approve the funds.
  11. Your speculation is what I have witnessed. While some of the youth instructors might be well versed in the content, this still denies the scout an opportunity utilizing the adult association method. Even more so when the mbc abdicates his responsibility for testing.
  12. That is only one wall in the (finished) basement. There are two more walls, plus the parlor which has all the scotch bowls, and other non-hangeable items. In the kitchen I keep just one skillet, and one griddle. I don't take the CI camping, I use stamped steel.
  13. Almost all of my CI has come from estate sales. I have 4 different Eries, none are of collectible condition. Those are found at auction. Or once-in-a-lifetime in the wild. Erie's on bottom row.
  14. Those old Eries are awesome. The rough bottom comes from pitting the iron by cooking over coal. Collector pieces are pristine. I wish I had some that were that nice.
  15. The newer pans are not sanded because it is added labor and increases the cost. The older cast iron was very refined, not crude. One can how carefully, and perfect the sand molds were packed by looking at the casting details. The inside was sanded out, but it was all highly skilled labor. The best iron often has the maker's mark cast into it. This was how they knew who was better. Poorly packed molds would yield crappy iron, and were then melted down again. In todays world, this is all machine cast and thus quality is assured at the basic level but no more.
  16. I love my cast iron. I have close to 100 skillets, griddles, bowls, ovens. All are older, some from the 1800s. Although for camping, I use a stamped steel skillet when I need to fry. Usually I just plan a menu which does not require a fry pan at all. The boys still like to make eggs, pancakes, and french toast. They have issues with food sticking regardless of the pan. That come with practice. If a boy can learn to get his eggs to cook without sticking to an aluminum fry pan, he can handle any material.
  17. One thing to remember is that determining quality is most often subjective, hence descriptors not numbers. Quantity is easy to determine objectively, as it is a number already. Subjective measures are not bad, in fact they are usually found where quality is the highest. Michelin stars for chefs are solely from subjective analysis for example. Thus we should not shy away from subjectivity, but embrace it.
  18. Exactly! Which is what I was attempting to describe as a better alternative system than what currently exists.
  19. The JTE is not at all what I am envisioning as it is simply a checklist. There is no quality continuum. There is a vast difference between a troop that has 20 camping nights a year all planned and executed by the adults where the scouts basically show up unload stuff from the trailer and maybe cook their own food. vs a troop whose patrols plan independent camping trips on their own (in accordance with ypt) where each patrol member is responsible for some aspect such as patrol qm getting/returning gear from the troop qm.
  20. Agreed. It should not be used as a ranking system, but one for self-evaluation. UCs could help with the self-eval and then provide training and support to help the unit improve. However, if a unit is functioning at a lvl 1 in almost all areas and refuses to improve then the council should not renew their charter as the CO is not providing the proper oversight, leadership, and is in default of the chartering agreement.
  21. Good point. A place to start would be to define the core areas of the program, and describe what quality looks like at differing levels of competence. This is a different approach than "requirements" which are check-boxes. For example, if we define Uses the Patrol Method as a core area then the levels could be: LVL1. Patrols are created by adults. Patrols are mixed up at events based on attendance. Patrols make no decisions for themselves and rely primarily on adults. LVL2. Patrols are created by scouts with parameters decided by adults. Patrols sometimes stick together but usually not. Patrol decisions are primarily about menus and kp, and make little/no decisions about activities and rely on adults for most other things. LVL3. Patrols are created by scouts with guidance from adults. Patrols usually stick together at events. Some Patrol decisions are guided by the PL and made by the patrol. Most aspects of patrol activities are within the troop structure. LVL4. Patrols are created by scouts with guidance from senior scouts. Patrols always operate independently from each other. Patrols make all decisions guided by the PL. Patrol activities are independent of troop, however multiple patrols may choose to coordinate via the PLC. This example is just a rough idea to illustrate the concept. Many aspects are not included, and other core areas are obviously missing too. The idea is to first create a description of what a "perfect program" would look like, then break it down into different core concepts which are then "leveled" to assess a unit at each core concept. There should never be an expectation that a unit is "perfect" ie LVL4 in all core areas. There should be an expectation that they are not at LVL1. The purpose of levels instead of check-box reqs, is the levels provide specific descriptors to which strive.
  22. Flyers and events are both passive marketing. They require folks to make the effort to come to you. If few show up, then more active marketing is required. Some suggestions already like utilizing existing networks, and scouts inviting 1-on-1 are good starts. The next level which has also been hinted at, including your community event, is based on the adage "bring the mountain to mohammed". Scouts should go to where kids are already and do scouting activities there inviting others to join in. Then invite them to the next meeting, hike, campout, etc... For example, if kids are congregating at a local park for soccer, skateboarding, basketball, whatever... have the scouts go to the park and lash a tripod, cook lunch, do stretcher relays. Invite the other kids to join in.
  23. IMHO the program skills training which is lacking, and sorely needed: 1. Patrol Method 2. Training youth to be leaders. 3. How to be a Scouter. 4. Advancement as a method, and the process. all of the above should be specific "how tos" and also include counter-examples.
  24. Many of the factors described by the OP in the first post, and then clarified as lifestyle choices are very prevalent in wealthy areas. The only difference is those with $ are able to hide it better and (unfortunately) the myth persists that those with wealth must have worked hard for it and the poor are lazy. In many wealthy areas, drug use by adults abounds, and broken homes are the norm too. In no areas are the kids responsible for where they were born and to whom. Yes they have choices too, but they are still kids.
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