I've been a den leader the past 2 years and was asked by the departing Cub Master to take the reins this year. I had a plan during the summer to address shortcomings in the pack leadership since we were down to 5 leaders. Well, when I sent out the July email to have all leaders meet and discuss the upcoming year, the replies made it clear I was leader of a dead pack. We had 23 boys going into the summer and I have confirmed 6 are coming back (4 from my webelos II den alone). The others had various reasons but the majority left for another very active pack. The issue I have is that pack requires their parents to participate so why not stay and build on this pack?
Anyway, I have a huge task ahead of me to rebuild the Pack in 6 months (my son is in 5th grade) and I'm going to have to do it with just the incoming tiger parents. If I'm a tiger parent, I might not join the pack. What if on signing night, the Tiger parents see that I'm the only leader and decide not to join? I have my District Executive helping me out the best he can but he's not a parent. Parents will go where it's easy and where their son will be surrounded by many boys. They want an instant active pack.
Any ideas on how I should proceed?