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Soon2Beagle's Achievements

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. I have about a month and a half till I'm 18. :/
  2. Thanks for the feedback, I talked to him and he will look at it my proposal and I explained my situation, and I will most likely be approved within the week. Again, thank you for the advice it looks like everything will work out great!
  3. Thank you for your reply. I have one more question. My project involves the collection of hygienic supplies (toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, etc.) and then making kits of these for the a local charity to hand them out to the homeless and people who stay in the charity's shelters. My role was contacting various hotels, dentists, and offices and asking for donations, and picking these up. I then had to lead a group of people in packaging these kits. Would you consider this enough leadership, planning, and service to pass muster. I plan on immediately contacting my advancement chair, thank you for the feedback. Also in my original plan I had a large fundraising component which I had to change to the afore mentioned donation system do to logistics, should I explain the change, or should I leave my original proposal as is?
  4. In my experience as a member of my troop and from what my friends tell me of their troops, the smaller the troop the easier it is to encourage Service Leadership. In our troop the Eagle Scouts usually stay until they go to college/age out. In some cases if they decide to go to tech school they will still come camping and teach scout skills. I'm from a smaller troop so everyone knows each other well, and even among us boys those who are in scouts only for the 'Eagle' designation are looked down upon. My friends in larger troops tell me that most of their fellow scouts leave soon after getting Eagle. I think at some level it is because in smaller troops older boys can feel as if they are making a difference and it is easier to connect to a troop as a whole. I've never been in a large troop (my troop has had a max of 7 people until last year) but from what I've been told smaller cliches form, and boys tend to hangout with a core group of friends. This lack of social mobility may make returning to the troop less desirable. Another thing I've noticed is that there are only seem to be two types of boys who get Eagle Scout, those who have been in it for the Eagle from the beginning and are highly motivated for it, and those who love scouting, and gradually gravitate toward eagle, eventually working to complete it. The first usually earn it earlier, leave the troop, and don't truly enjoy scouting because they are always looking for the next rank, the second tend to enjoy the experience, truly benefit from it, and generally are the ones who make scouting a part of their identity, and strive to live by scouting values. Obviously their are exceptions but in my experience this has been the case. ^all of this may be purely anecdotal, but it is based on my observations.
  5. Hi, do you have to get Council or District Approval before beginning a project? I didn't realize I forgot to get the signature of my council/district before I started my project. Can I get it signed and back-dated? Will I need to start over? I'm almost done, and in fact could turn in my project soon. I know it will get approved, but I'm not sure what to do now. Any suggestions on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for responses.
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