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Snow Owl

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Everything posted by Snow Owl

  1. I fail to see why all the legal hoopla. It all belongs to the Troop and in turn to the Chartered Organization. It was bought or donated under the name of the Patrol, part of the Troop in the name of or for the purpose of Scouting. Unless otherwise expressly stated (Like Mr. Smith is lending the troop these canoes for a year, or these tents etc.) it became a donation to the troop as soon as the Patrol pitched in as a patrol as part of a Troop. The example of the two scouts buying a tent to share together is different in that it is personal gear and they pooled personal money for a personal purchase. Very different than pooling money to purchase a PATROL tent
  2. We have just learned that a long time Scouter, Friend and GREAT guy was killed today by an apparent drive by shooting. He was outside his home which is at the entrance to the Scout reservation. The latest story is here: http://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/crime_police/article_3cfb3d30-ad32-11e7-9bf1-afc03699a12e.html Once there is more information I will post it.
  3. Wow all great input - I never thought it through this much. Our concern was more for summer camp/winter camp and emergency situations when the scouts are all at different programs. I think part of my concern came from Jambo when there was an issue with "Scouts" going into other tents which should not have been an issue and would not be an issue with just out troop and I love the response from qwazse - First: patrol flags, tents should be organized around them. Assuming your scouts average two to a tent, that's a cluster of four tents per patrol. Let's also assume an "old goat's patrol". One cluster 100 yards to the east, the other 100 yards to the south, the other 100 yards to the west, the last, 100 yards to the north. SM/ASM's in the center.
  4. We are looking for ideas to somehow mark the Scout tents so we know who is in each tent. This would be a temporary tag. We are going through a growth spurt and are trying to set up some methods as we grow. When we camp all the scouts are in identical tents. So there is a row or bundle of 12 tents we are looking for some way to identify whose tent is whose during the specific trip. This is both for the Scouts and the Leaders to be able to know which Scouts are in which tent. Thanks for your ideas.
  5. We are another user of the SOAR / Packmaster combination. We used the same set up for the Troop. Our Pack is huge +/- 100 scouts so we needed a very good communication tool as well as advancement tracking. We tried multiple products and did not find anything that served us as well. We tried Scoutbook and found it to be lacking in pretty much everything we need when it cam to the Pack. In SOAR we us a weekly eBlast to keep everyone informed, we use the RSVP feature w/ PayPal for events. The Den leaders and Cubmaster (no longer me WooWhoo!) use the email lists to get information out. We recently added Packmaster Web to the mix which allows the Packmaster App. Packmaster/Packmaster-Web gas many of the feature that SOAR has but not there yet so we still use both.
  6. Has anyone gotten anything official? Our SE never tells us anything so we are officially the last to know. I am NOT trying to reopen or open he discussion of yes or no, or the Pros and Cons, just looking for any current info.
  7. Has anyone gotten anything official? Our SE never tells us anything so we are officially the last to know. I am NOT trying to reopen or open he discussion of yes or no, or the Pros and Cons, just looking for any current info.
  8. We need a national campaign more than ever. I am a firm believer in the basics or core of Scouting - the outdoors, camping, canoeing, Scout Law, Scout Oath....
  9. check the date. the number on the front lower right tells you the version. The newest is 717 (meaning July 2017) I cannot tell you what National thinks or what region knows or does not know. If you want to know what goes on in an organization don't go to the top, ask the folks at the bottom doing the work. As for the bomb shell - Remember Dr. Gates
  10. There are multiple versions of the Youth App out there- the flattest one HAS different language and no longer has the fee amounts listed. Look on the lower right corner of the app to see the issue number. The one I am referring to has the number "717" in the corner. I have tried to attach it New App.pdf
  11. I just saw a copy of the newest batch of youth applications. I quote: Joining Requirements Cub Scout Pack Pack membership is open to youth in kindergarten through fifth grade... Boy Scout Troop Children can be Scouts if they have completed .... ** It no longer says boys or your son.. I think national already has a plan underway.
  12. I fail to see how anything we are doing is untrustworthy, you may disagree with it but there is nothing untrustworthy about it. We tell them up front what the lay of the land is and what we are doing with the apps etc.
  13. There is difference between Not encouraging and discouraging. And I fail to see the hostility. I can assure you our troop is Scout led. All of these question have been posed to the Scouts. I think you will find the Scouts are much more open to a coed program than leaders. Scouting and BP started in the UK, the UK and most of the rest of the world have gone Coed.
  14. We'll have to agree to disagree -
  15. It's called Cub Scouts, maybe you've heard of it Yes the research is mixed and sporadic. A large body of the "research" is more anecdotal than actual peer reviewed research. There are too many variable at play in addition to the gender issue. If you include research from across the pond it really brings to question the pros and cons of coed vs. single gender. We live in a coed world and a change is coming - the sooner we start figuring it out the better. Scout on
  16. We need the information from the girls just like we do for the boys. It all goes into Packmaster. We still need to know their birthday and how to contact them etc. We collect this information on all the Scouts not because BSA needs it but because we need it. We treat everyone the same - as best we can. They have the same rules to follow etc. And They are covered by insurance just like any other participant would be. We have had both the national insurance policies (self insurance and excess riders) and the council policies reviewed and have zero concern about insurance. One of the girls parents is a registered adult for many reasons. so we are not decreasing the scout to leader ratio in any way by adding the girls for every girl we increase the number of leaders by 1. It ensures they know the youth protection rules as well as the Scout program. They are vetted to be a leader on the any trip so we the pack does not have to worry about the female leader for a female scout.
  17. Not sure if that is directed at me or not - But to be clear, Council knows we are doing this, the girls who join also know what we are doing, we are hiding nothing nor falsifying anything.
  18. no we turn in the apps for their parent and we keep the girl app.
  19. We do not "actively recruit" girls but we have girls in our pack both siblings and none siblings. They were a class b t-shirt but other than the uniform they do everything the boys do. We collect the same dues and application from everyone as well as Med form A & B. For the girls we have the parents fill out an adult app and we register the adult as a leader or reserve. This is our 3rd year with non sibling girls and we have had zero issues. We are ready for the scout age girls when that issue arises as well.
  20. We do not encourage OA in our Troop for most of the reason already stated. It is a good ole boys club Pulls the top Scouts out of our unit In our council at least, very poorly run Does not allow females (we have a female Scoutmaster) Not real thrilled with the ceremonies and Native American mimicry The Ordeal looks like hazing Looks like what we tell the scouts they cannot do - secret organization, hazing, exclusion etc. That all being said, I have seen councils where it looks very well run and very open
  21. We need to get the volunteers, those of us actually running the units to take back BSA. Fewer HIGH paid professionals, more scouting.
  22. Yes BSA needs to stop using that argument - the soccer and other programs provide paid coaches etc.
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