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tyaron last won the day on July 7 2013

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About tyaron

  • Birthday 03/30/1969

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    Facility Security Officer
  • Biography
    MSgt, USAF-Ret (21 years)

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Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. I have been an Assistant Advisor for our Crew since 2009 and we are seeing the crew grow slowly and the Venturers are actually earning awards (Two Gold’s, one Ranger, and six Bronzes in 2 years). The key to the program are activities, activities, and more activities! However, there are complaints with the current system that need addressed for next year’s rollout. Respect in the system has to come from the top. Our District chair still calls our crew “Explorers†or “Venturing Patrolsâ€Â. The District is being forced to have a Venturing Committee by our own kids. Why is a Crew forcing this: the Venturer’s could not get any training outside of the crew unless they go out of state. Other Crews in the State are having the same problem. As one Scout Master explained, “I use the Venture Crew†so we could supplement the Troop and offer more diverse activitiesâ€Â. It has Guidance and policy is lack-luster. Sure, there are handbooks, but the “authorized†promotion charts, don’t match the books, and don’t match other references either in practice or in writing. Throughout BSA, there is NO consistency and our Venturer’s pick up on the small details. Competition of resources are a critical blockage to success. In our rural area, some kids refuse to join Venturing for 4-H, since that organization allows for competition, minimal uniform requirements and ways for kids to make money. Others refuse to join because they are in Boy/Girl Scouts since Scouts (BSA, GSA) offer scholarships and are recognized. Other Crews state that if you get a Life Scout to join Venturing that is great, but rarely will you get an Eagle Scout join. It has to offer something more and be of equal or greater footing then the other groups’ awards. I like what I see in the new program and the levels appear to be simplified and it is a graduating level of degree. However, without support from the “Topâ€Â, clear guidance (difficult for BSA on a good day), and elevating the highest award to equal Eagle or Gold for GSA, would only benefit the program.
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