I am new to the site but would like to post a question. My son joined as a Weblo in the fall of 2011. Even though we were told his popcorn and card sales would be credited to his account, we never received an account. The following year when my son crossed over we were part of a new group. I made SURE he was given an account. However, my son (at 11 years old) worked 10 hour days both Saturday and Sunday on 3 different weekends for a total of 60 hours. He and one other child sold $2000.00 worth of popcorn. The entire troop combined sold a total of $3000.00. My son received $120.00 to his account. When I questioned how it was broken down, I was told that each child received a portion of the percentage of the sales. He did not receive ANY credit for the cards he sold, And $70.00 in dues were deducted from his account for dues in addition to the check we wrote for $40.00 for dues. I am sure each district/troop does it differently but does anyone know if there are official BSA rules regarding the breakdown of the sales credited it to each account? Thanks for your assistance.