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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. We are on the South Rim. Yeah, probably the Geology loop and pin.
  2. I'm a Bear den leader and committee chair for pack 1501 in Cedar Park TX. Also a proud parent of a Bear cub and Girl scout working on her Gold award.
  3. Thanks for the ideas. Of course he already has a bunch of these belt loops but his nephew only has a few. So he'll earn more. The adventure is something that they are really looking forward to and me too :-) I'll check out the Jr Ranger program that sounds like a lot of fun for them. Regarding brag vests, what patches do you put on them? So far we have just been putting either BSA patches or patches from scout places they have gone with their pack/den. I know there is no rule about it, just wondering what the common convention is for them.
  4. Interesting note on the guide. They have vertical wall or tower climbing as Webelos or above but, our council day camp has that for all ranks. Interesting how the District Exec doesn't follow the guideline. IMHO, these are safe for the younger ranks if operated properly with the correct equipment. My son has the cub scout branded swiss army knife and it works well for him so far. It is basic and doesn't have many tools. It did take him a while to be able to open and close it but he finally got the hang of it. Gave me more grey hair teaching him though.
  5. I'm not looking for generic patches. I mis-worded my message. I'm trying to figure out what loops best fit the location, I figure geology and astronomy are a good fit. We willl have our trusty handbook with us for for achievements and electives, lots of good car conversations for sure. my son has LNT and World Conservation already.
  6. First time poster, (I'm a Bear den leader and proud dad/uncle) This summer I'm taking my son and nephew on a vacation of a life time. We are tent camping at the grand canyon and Carlsbad caverns. We are also visited the Petrified forest, Roswell, and the Meteor strike in AZ. I am trying to think of good activities to have my two Bears achieve while on the trip. They already have Hiking and Map & Compass (Pin and Loop). Are there any area specific patches that they can earn.
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