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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. One weekend and 3 popcorn fires leaders that "should" know better and use common sense. One buys his son lunch to eat while selling popcorn and his son just sits and eats for his shift....Another pack squats on our location for another shift and just says no it is theirs (It wasn't) talked to the committee chair for that pack and they say "sorry". Then to top it off I get an email for cm's wife at 2am accusing me of random crap, sigh..... I think my cubs are more mature than the leaders sometimes.
  2. Yes, they stay in the same dens throughout there progression. It is there identity.
  3. You ever have one of those scouting days that you just wish there was an adult drinking badge... I am constantly amazed at adults lack of common sense.
  4. You ever have one of those scouting days that you just wish there was an adult drinking badge... I am constantly amazed at adults lack of common sense.
  5. My understanding is similiar to dc's. I taught a camping/overnighter course at our U of S last year and this is how I seperated things and much more experienced scouters than I agreed. It still may not be the "legal" terms but they work. Day trips: contained in one day no sleeping at the site Overnighter: A specific program that is run by a third party for the scouts. e.g. sleep over at NASA. 1:1 parent and child, extra attendance rules may be imposed by the site, like age limits and attendance limits. All programming planning is done by the third party. Hardest problems I've had are alchohol. e.g. campout at the baseball stadium and dad's drinking beer. Rules say no, I agree with those rules but the dad's aren't happy with me. Campout: Sleeping at a location either indoor or outdoor, all programming and planning is done by the pack. Campouts are open to entire families of scouters assuming the BSA rules are followed. e.g. No sleeping in tents with children not your own
  6. Our popcorn season started today. Everyone gets all stressed and competitive about it. It amazes me see how people spend the money from popcorn. I don't get why some focus on buying the boys toys and other crap as incentives. I guess I see having the money the boys earn go towards scouting adventures like overnighters and camps. What do you spend your money on?
  7. Do you guys sell popcorn? Because I know that we are usually struggling to figure out how to properly spend our commissions. Belt loops and patches never seem to be an issue for us.
  8. Don't tell that to my son. By the end of his Wolf year he had his rank badge, full belt of loops and 9 arrow points. He loves them and most of my den ended up the year with at least 4 arrow points, My wife just sews the arrow points on during the den meeting and everyone is happy. We don't do the instant recognition beads because they just fall off and they would rather wear the hanging patches on that pocket. And regarding patch vests, I like them because the boys love actually wearing all the patches we give them.
  9. We are going on a family trip to numerous national parks and I am trying to find info about what badges we can work on together. I've emailed her leader and get no reply because she likes to control everything. I can't find anything online. Can someone point me in the direction of senior badges that we can work on?
  10. They continue to disagree with the DE and can't move on.... ugh. Sometimes this job isn't worth the pay.
  11. Thanks, please send the rain our way please. We need the rain in Texas. I hope it dries out for you.
  12. OK, they shot at the watermelons and pinatas and they absolutely loved it today. The DE had to come video it. They thought it was the best.
  13. I'm not leaving, Everything other than her runs smoothly and the pack continues to grow and is very active If she decides to pull her son it would be punishing them which is very unfortunate. I've told her we still welcome her and her son in our pack, just not her as a committee member.
  14. Yes I'm the CC. The person who is the wife of the CM has written and resigned to me and the CM. I accepted her resignation(called her bluff) with the COR included and thanked her for her services. Of course after I informed the pack leadership of course I got a snide remark from her about me telling them. After I sent mail that she was leaving, I received two seperate emails about how they felt bullied by her. Those have been sent to the COR in case we ever need them. I can't/won't comment on the accusations being made but they are serious and I immediately raised them up to DE who has raised it with council. It kills me that there are people in the world like this.
  15. I'm a unit leader and I have to deal with one of those parents that has to do everything their way... Including making accusations of leaders that I have to raise up to our DE. They are only happy if stuff is done exactly their way with anything. Of course they are on the committee and related to the CM. Does anyone have a good method for dealing with this? It isn't good for the pack and makes people not want to volunteer, including me.
  16. Thanks for the feedback, I ran the idea past the camp leaders and they liked the idea even the district exec. The plan isn't to have one pinata but 5 pinata's attached to a target for 5 lanes and 5 lanes with Watermelons low and water ballons pinned to the target. I'll let you know how it goes. I got most of these ideas from the scout day camp archery guide that I found on the net, and adjusted it slightly. Has anyone ran a camp where you had boys test for the Pro archery levels? I don't know how I would logistically get the boys that have a shot at passing it take it. Some of these boys can barely nock an arrow.
  17. As a committee chair I feel for the guy. I am our committee chair and I have to basically do everything other than run the pack meetings and treasurer duties. THankfully I have a great treasurer otherwise I might go insane. I have an outdoor activity coordinator but that usually entails me giving him the previous plan that I did and he changes the dates. I've been looking for an assistant for a year without success, in two years when my son moves up to Boy Scouts, I plan to move as well. having a plan to pass along the knowledge is a great thing but everyone just tells me that I do a great job and gives me a Starbucks card every once in a while. I'd rather have an assistant....
  18. I'm the archery range master for our day camp and I have a question for the board. They visit my range multiple times during the week and for the last time I wanted to make it fun. I was going to pin pinatas on the targets for the boys to shoot at. I'm staying away from humanoid shapes, but is it ok to have a cow shaped pinata? I'm trying to make it fun and not have parents getting upset for much ado about nothing.
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