Hello, my name is Jonathan Wood and I am the Program Director for Road to Ranger, a week long program at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch near Bridgeport, TX
Road to Ranger is a Venturing only summer camp that was designed by venturers for venutrers. It is based around the bronze and Ranger awards. Many people have called it a Powderhorn for youth. Venturers are able to earn at least 4 of the core and two of the electives, if they want to earn more they can do that as well. We have some of the best trained staff in venturing, many of which are venturers themselves. Each venturing crew that comes to this camp has a choice of many treks that vary in difficuly, and are lead by trek leaders that are trained in leave no trace, cooking, Land Nav, and many other areas to make sure that crews have a good time.
This program is not just for full crews, we also acomodate individuals that wish to be part of the program. We call the Lone Venturing program, Lone venturers that come by themselves without a crew are placed with a trek that follows what they want to achive and gets to know other people from around the country.
There is a lot mor to know about this program and if you would like to know more then go to www.roadtoranger.org or http://www.longhorncouncil.org/camp/venture/road_to_ranger.htm
Thanks for looking at us for your Venturing Summer Camp.