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Everything posted by scout_98

  1. Hello everyone, sorry for deleting the original posting, but it was making me uncomfortable with this unique situation presented and I don't want anyone we might know to see it. For those of you who remember what the post was about, My son was also 13. All the boys were 12-13, no one bullied anyone, from all accounts the boys were laughing and giggling and anyone who wanted to walk away was free to do so... All I really wanted to know was why the national review committee process is such a secret? And I suppose the answer doesn't really matter since we have to wait no matter what the reason or what the process might be.
  2. By the way, the boys involved were 12-13 years old.
  3. Too much information about a unique situation
  4. Thanks for your reply. This scout executive has never been through the appeals process. Yes, National has acknowledged receipt of our appeal and said, "we anticipate the next National Review Committee to be sometime in July" and I was wondering why it would take that long? No timeframe was given.
  5. Sorry everyone, I think I posted too much informatoin about a unique situation.
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