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Everything posted by BrianChevy

  1. My troop has raised $210 for this effort, i am putting together a christmas package from our Troop to theirs with a couple of checks to help them get started with some equipment. Brian LaRose ScoutMaster Troop 764 Dunwoody, GA http://www.troop764.org
  2. I neglected to address the insurance question. I'll go ahead and reply again so that I can get my post count up there for you cynics. Sure the trailer might be covered, but I doubt the insurance will pay out for the contents of the trailer. Thanks to those of you with the donations, every little bit will go to the effort and every bit helps. Brian LaRose ScoutMaster Troop 764 http://www.troop764.org
  3. I am absolutely not phishing but I appreciate your concern, there are all sorts of web scams out here these days. I live in the real world too. As far as my post count goes, I have been a member of this forum for some time but have not made many posts. It's ok, you don't have to paypal me anything -- I just threw it out there for those of you who do know me or wanted to throw a $5 toward the effort. The good news is that I made an announcement at our Troop meeting monday night and received $45 from parents and scouts. Some of my older guys even took a $5 out of their own wallet and handed it to me. That made me proud of these lads, Baden-Powell would be proud too, a scout is helpful! I will most certainly send a check for the final amount to the Scoutmaster and I'll go ahead and post that information here so I can start gaining the street cred here with you guys. Apparently one has to spend huge amounts of times posting here in order to have people believe you. And I always live by the scout law, specifically the first one. And no, this Eagle scout does NOT have the phishing merit badge, but I do have the fishing merit badge. Brian LaRose ScoutMaster Troop 764 Dunwoody Georgia http://www.troop764.org
  4. Dear Scouts and Parents, This community in Knoxville is the one where I grew up. It was NOT my Troop as a kid, but a nearby Troop. I would like to start a fund to collect donations for this Troop to help them restock their camping gear. Please contact me if interested in helping out with this effort. You can paypal any money to me (larose@cs.utk.edu) with the subject Troop 506, Knoxville TN written on them, I'll get them to the Scoutmaster and ASMs. It should also make us thankful of the wonderful scout gear that we all have access to -- and how much we should care for and respect that equipment. Yours in Scouting! Mr. LaRose http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2008/dec/01/thieves-take-halls-boy-scout-troops-gear/ Thieves take Halls Boy Scout troop's gear ----------------------------------------------------------- A local Boy Scout troop lost most of its equipment recently when thieves stole a trailer containing their gear that was parked at a church in Halls. The trailer and its contents, valued at about $7,625, were stolen from Christ United Methodist Church at 7535 Maynardville Pike sometime between Nov. 23 and 24, according to a report from the Knox County Sheriff's Office. The supply trailer belonged to Boy Scouts of America Troop 506 and had only recently been purchased, according to Dave Parmly, assistant scoutmaster for the troop. "One thing that makes Troop 506 unique has been its extensive inventory of troop equipment," Parmly said in a written statement. "Troop 506 has been scrupulous about maintaining all of the gear needed for all boys to have a full year of Scouting activities with minimal equipment needs from the members themselves. In other words, a young man can join Troop 506 and know that his equipment needs are largely met by the troop." The list of stolen equipment includes tents, stoves, pots and pans, shelters, tables, Dutch Ovens, utensils, lanterns and three-compartment "kitchen sinks," he said. Scouting officials have passed on identifying information about the trailer to local dealers in case the thief or thieves try to sell it, he s
  5. I'd have to say in order 1) Medal of Honor 2) Silver Beaver 3) Eagle Scout Knot 4) Religious Knot 5) Order of Arrow Vigil 6) Order of Arrow Brotherhood 7) Woodbadge
  6. we've had some rain, but we are still WAAAAAY under the levels needed. We are just overpopulated for not having any natural water sources but lakes.. We are headed out to the Camporeee. Brian
  7. We do have several troops from Dunwoody (just north of Atlanta) and we have some people who frequent here as well. Some of them are in our troop, and some of them in neighboring troops. As far as Philmont goes, we are sending crews there every couple years but that wasn't me there last year. We HAD a crew there, but I don't know the trek they took. Might have been our lads though... We also do Seabase and Northern Tier -- we do a lot of high adventure. We have 6 patrols, 73 Scouts in our Troop, just accepted 11 new cross overs from various webelos packs. Our troop has graduated 2 Eagles in the past year and we have several projects underway. Brian(This message has been edited by BrianChevy)(This message has been edited by BrianChevy)
  8. Greetings all, I'm Brian LaRose, ScoutMaster of 764 in Dunwoody Georgia. I have been active on other scouter forums that had very low volume discussions and finally found this one where all the activity is. I have been the SM of 764 since August of 2007, so the SM thing is new, and growing on me. I'm an old scout -- grew up in Troop 59 in Knoxville TN, Eagle Scout, OA member and then worked thru the cub program with my boys until reaching 764. Glad to have found this place and all the postiive things going on here. We have been having a wonderful time with the boys and have lots of great things going on. Brian LaRose ScoutMaster Troop 764 Dunwoody GA
  9. As a new Scoutmaster I allowed any first class scouts who wanted to run for SPL. It went ok -- NOW that I have been on the job for a bit longer, I request that candidates consult with me in a ScoutMaster conference before being placed on the ballot. This way, I can decide which scouts live the Oath and Law, which ones meet the rank requirements and which ones are ready. I can counsel people toward an intermediate leadership position while they deveolop their own leadership style before pursuing SPL. We just had an election last week, 3 candidates on the ballot -- existing SPL running for re-election (i liked that) -- and 2 new candidates. I'm pleased with all three boys and would have been happy with any outcome. The troop elected a new leader -- DEMOCRACY at it's finest. I'm pleased. Brian SM
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