Hello again, I have quite a dilemma. I have recently been elected into the position as SPL for my troop and I feel like I am doing a great job. I have received many compliments from parents and leaders alike. However, some things still bother me.
Usually I have no trouble motivating and inspiring (my crew could move a mountain in about 15 minutes if it was necessary) my youth leaders and scouts but it seems like I always have one problem scout at a meeting or event. A perfect example of this was last weeks meeting. As a senior scout, my scoutmaster lets me teach certain lower level merit badges such as canoeing. I was going over the basic safety info... (That is every badge)...and it is quite boring. Moreover, one kid kept acting out so I asked him to be quiet repeatedly then told him that if he did not want to listen then he needs to call his mother to pick him up. (And I offered my cell so that there were no excuses)
Did I do anything wrong? It got to the point that I felt it was taking away from the other 25 scouts that were listening attentively.
In addition, I need some help planning meetings. So far this month I am going to enlist and adult leader to teach the boys camping merit badge. The class will culminate into a weekend long campout in the beginning of December on an out island in the everglades.
Is this a good way to run meetings (work on achievement that is applicable to a certain event) or should I try a different method?
Thanks again for all of your help,