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Everything posted by Brewmeister

  1. This petulant behavior is not surprising from a regime that's closed access not only to open-air monuments that require no staff, but also to the Grand Canyon and the Atlantic Ocean... Maybe they'll buy a big tarp to put over Mt. Rushmore too?
  2. Jblake, that's not a good example and I think you know it. The drop off is not coming from boys who are sitting around on Saturday morning wasting the day away in front of the TV. The issue is not the choice between X-Box and Scouting. The choice is between football that requires attendance and Scouting that doesn't, marching band that requires attendance and Scouting that doesn't, etc etc etc. Scouting is a year-round program that spans 7 years and offers monthly events. That's a lot of stuff. And the reality is that while a patrol can function at a campout without a few members or even its PL, the football team isn't going to do well if its QB and middle linebackers choose to go camping instead. It doesn't matter how compelling the event is. So Scouting has a choice--require participation and try to recruit a hard-core group of Scouting-only boys who choose to be involved in no other extracurriculars that might conflict, or offer a more flexible program. I know there are folks here who say "Give me a single-patrol troop that is truly committed to scouting and I'll be happy," but that's just not realistic. I'm sure there will be disagreements with that assessment....
  3. Well, let me try this again. I'll speak slower this time so you can hopefully understand. The house is historically called "The people's house." Not by me, but as a matter of history and tradition. So do you see how that works, then? I am using a historical fact to illustrate a point I am making. Whether you agree with what the House is called or not is not the issue here. Totally irrelevant. My point is that this "Big f-ing deal," in the words of our vice president, was rammed through with no bipartisan support. Just to explain that for you even more, "no bipartisan support" means that NOBODY from the right side of the aisle supported the legislation. As a matter of fact, there was bipartisan OPPOSITION to the bill in the House, with 34 Democrat representatives voting against it. In other words, unlike the "New Deal," the "Big F-ing Deal" is the first sweeping social program to be enacted unilaterally. Heck, even the Civil Rights Act, which was opposed by so many Democrats, at least got a little support from them in the end. So the fact that people are still unhappy about and fighting this should be no surprise to anyone.
  4. Haven't you figured out that they will never stop blaming the previous administration (or, for that matter, anyone and everyone else) for the problems they create or perpetuate?
  5. There's another recent thread where I mention what a tremendous responsibility Den Chief is. Obviously the requirement that is filled is the POR for various ranks. However, just like other positions in the troop, being a good Den Chief starts with training. Take advantage of your council/district training for Den Chief. If you don't have it, read the book. Be sure that any boy who wants to become den chief understands both the responsibility and TIME involved. Not only does he go to all troop functions like other Scouts, but he must go to Den and Pack meetings as well, so it is probably the most time-intensive POR of any. Also, in our council's training, they stress that Scouts should commit to the position for a minimum of one year. This is not just to qualify for the Den Chief Award, it is also to help build a better working relationship with the chosen den, which operates on a yearly program. Although it's a lot of work outside the Troop, it is a very rewarding position, particularly for a boy who has a bit of "showman" in him.
  6. The House of Representatives is commonly called "The peoples' house." If you'd spend less time "watching" your radio and more time studying basic civics you might actually learn something.
  7. When congress "passes" the most sweeping social welfare program in a generation by parliamentary maneuver and with NO bipartisan support, it should be no surprise that the peoples' house would lead a revolt.
  8. Actually, I don't spend a lot of time "watching" radio of any kind. I just don't find "watching" the radio all that interesting. But, to each his or her own.
  9. If mainstream Republicans are going along with them, then by definition they are not a minority, at least in the House of Representatives. There are probably very few Democrats who are completely unwilling to compromise on ACA - are they, too, "extremist ideologues"? But it's not outside the legal process. All spending bills originate in the House. That is not merely a Congressional rule -- it is a Constitutional one. Again, that the ACA is the law of the land, for now, does not at all imply that it can't be debated, defunded, revoked, etc. It wasn't that long ago (1974-1995) that a 55 mph speed limit was "the law of the land." That is why the minority is called the opposition party. This is all nothing new. Just theatre.
  10. If mainstream Republicans are going along with them, then by definition they are not a minority, at least in the House of Representatives. There are probably very few Democrats who are completely unwilling to compromise on ACA - are they, too, "extremist ideologues"? But it's not outside the legal process. All spending bills originate in the House. That is not merely a Congressional rule -- it is a Constitutional one. Again, that the ACA is the law of the land, for now, does not at all imply that it can't be debated, defunded, revoked, etc. It wasn't that long ago (1974-1995) that a 55 mph speed limit was "the law of the land." That is why the minority is called the opposition party. This is all nothing new. Just theatre.
  11. Let's just stop with this silly "shutdown" talk anyway. Nearly 85% of the government is up and running as always. Add to that the fact that we actually have MORE federal employees on the job since the "shutdown" in some areas that we hadn't before--such as erecting barricades and guarding open-air monuments and parks that had NEVER been "shut down" before--and this is nothing more than political theatre.
  12. In 2007, Democrats held up the budget process in an attempt to de-fund the war in Iraq. Pelosi, Reid, and Obama insisted that their House and Senate were not bound to fund a law passed four years earlier by a different Congress. Senator Russ Feingold wrote convincingly that it was the duty of Congress to defund bad policy. I take it you disagreed with the Democrats then?
  13. People like Moose believe we can just keep harvesting the Magical Money Tree.
  14. What do you call a hammock camper? A bear burrito.
  15. Yes, it really is ironic that the same political ideology that claims to want politicians out of bedrooms, doctors offices, and women's ....., and will defend tooth and nail the "right to choose," were so willing to jump on board to a program whose creators have admitted is merely a stepping stone to nationalizing health care in this country via single payer.
  16. I don't see it as adults over-thinking it. The adults are doing their job by making sure the boys are prepared for what they are undertaking. Even in the most mature boy-run troop it is incumbent on the scoutmaster to trust the troop youth leadership in their capabilities. Also, the boys may not plan a long weekend backpack trip because they simply haven't broadened their perspective enough to think of it but, if presented to them, they will choose it. Youth program planning sessions tend to default to the familiar and sometimes it is quite proper for adults to suggest broader and more complicated options.
  17. Add to that the fact that many monuments and other open-air spaces are "closed" for the first time ever as a result of a government shutdown. Clearly there is a deliberate effort to inflict the maximum pain....
  18. The feds also told Wisconsin to shut down some jointly managed federal properties, and the state proceeded to tell the feds where they could put that idea. Unfortunately I'm guessing that the vast expanse of the Nicolet and Chequamegon forests are closed to camping, although not all of the parks have gates...
  19. Sounds like it's time for some civil disobedience.
  20. Just FYI, Hennessey is having their annual demo model sale right now. They have their stuff listed on eBay. Averages about $100 off per hammock, with most having some sort of minor repair.
  21. We found tune up hikes to be very useful for gear checking and getting your pack to fit right but, as mentioned, they really don't lead to conditioning. If a boy can't hike 5 miles with a loaded pack he needs to work on his own or wait on the trip--one or two hikes with the troop won't help.
  22. If it gets to the point where we need government to see a hole in the ground, we are in some serious doo-doo.
  23. If you want the traditional hammock curve then I would suggest something without a ridge line, like a military jungle hammock or even the aforementioned "skeeter beater." As long as you don't tighten the lines real taut you will hang below the center of gravity and be fine. The Hennessy is designed to lay fairly flat, and some hammocks such as bridge hammocks are designed to be completely flat.
  24. You need to lay in the Hennessy on a diagonal. If you are feeling the line on your back it means your are laying in it wrong. Essentially, when you feel the line, shift your feet to the right and your head to the left until the line magically goes away and you are laying nearly flat. The only thing i have to do with the hammock is put a small pillow under my knees because there is still a very small amount of "banana" to the hammock. You don't feel curved at all when you are laying in it right--you feel as if you are completely flat and cradled. But after a few hours I can feel pressure on the backs of my knees. If we are drop-camping I will bring a small pillow; if we are backpacking I will just stuff a jacket into a small dry bag or something.
  25. Because scouting is not all that boys do. Expecting 100% attendance in a program that spans 7 years is unrealistic.
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