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Everything posted by Brewmeister

  1. My only point in that apparently overused analogy is that the corporation is obviously concered with protecting its brand through some level of consistency. Units should be concered with operating as the program intends; if not, why be part of the program? And consumers should have some level of assurance that things should be reasonably the same from one unit to another. So, if not J2E, what? It's easy to complain but complaining is not a solution.
  2. Sorry Beavah, I had actually never heard that analogy before. Sorry to cause you an aneurism. Be happy to send you some Tylenol. Won't happen again !!!
  3. We are all volunteers who run franchises of BSA's program, and this is what BSA has decided makes a good franchise for them. It has nothing to do with what makes good scouting for youth. If I decide to run a McDonalds franchise, I expect to be held to quality standards defined by the corporation. And, customers to my store come for Big Macs, not tofu. I'm not saying the J2E is necessarily spot on, but neither do I think it should be dismissed out of hand just because it comes from "corporate."
  4. You need to separate the avowed orientation from behavior. This is a YOUTH organization and sexual behavior has no part in it. A boy tells me he is a thief. Well, have you stolen anything? No, but I know that I am and really feel that I want to steal something. You counsel him to avoid his immoral urges.
  5. "Most" being the operative word, but the vocal minority is very vocal. And homosexuality is the cause du celebre these days.
  6. So, do you know a lot of quality units that would not score highly as Quality Units?
  7. Problem is they're BSA's goals, not the unit's goals. We are all part of the BSA and this is what the BSA has decided are good measurements of overall quality. The Methods of patrols, outdoor programs, advancement, etc., and aims such as fitness are in there. I would think these would be unit goals as well.
  8. Well said Seattle. It amazes me how much the pro gay people here won't comment on those issues.
  9. Interestingly, a prize from the popcorn sale this year is the "Blast Bow." Basically a stringed bow that launches plastic-tipped foam darts up to 40 feet. I'm absolutely certain that no scout will point this at any individual.
  10. The service unit my daughters girl scout troop is in (service unit is like a small BSA district) has hosted lazer tag events....
  11. Hmmm...I guess we shouldn't have had the boys whittle guns for the whittling chip activity then? Or made marshmallow shooters that look like pistols? Or created rapid-fire rubber-band machine guns? This is a whole big bunch of hooey. What's the first thing a group of red blooded boys do when let loose in the woods? They go find sticks that look like guns. At a winter campout a few years back they turned barn planks and discs cut from tree stumps they found lying around into a whole armory of Tommy guns. Just tell them not to point them at any individual.
  12. It's parts A and B actually. The form is important for medical info if something happens, and, also, signed permission/waiver.
  13. We have several home schooled boys in our troop, all of whom are sons in the same family. They are the most polite, responsible, well-rounded boys in the troop. The two who are the biggest problems are ones whose parents don't just do drop-and-run, the boys have to do duck-and-roll before mom or dad speed away in the car. These are the two that when I mentioned to my daughter that they are in scouts she said, "You've got to be kidding--they are always in trouble at school and are swearing all the time." So it's not where the boys are schooled, it's how they are raised.
  14. Survival bracelets. Marshmallow shooters made out of PVC pipe. mini marshmallow catapults made out of mouse traps. Bows and arrows made out of PVC pipe and Dowling. we try to focus on projects that are either practical or encourage continued playing and activity.
  15. Survival bracelets. Marshmallow shooters made out of PVC pipe. mini marshmallow catapults made out of mouse traps. Bows and arrows made out of PVC pipe and Dowling. we try to focus on projects that are either practical or encourage continued playing and activity.
  16. Well I'm curious. Didn't all the abuse cases involve homosexual acts and sodomy?
  17. Survival bracelets. Marshmallow shooters made out of PVC pipe. mini marshmallow catapults made out of mouse traps. Bows and arrows made out of PVC pipe and Dowling. we try to focus on projects that are either practical or encourage continued playing and activity.
  18. Survival bracelets. Marshmallow shooters made out of PVC pipe. mini marshmallow catapults made out of mouse traps. Bows and arrows made out of PVC pipe and Dowling. we try to focus on projects that are either practical or encourage continued playing and activity.
  19. Ok, I had to look this one up...it's a 1966 film...whooo! Just let the patrol work it out...
  20. I have used an airhorn. It works.
  21. Eagle, I don't disagree with you...my preface was meant to keep the thread on topic for as long as possible. Any chance you'd be willing to share said document?
  22. Peregrinator, AZ's original statement of "Merlyn is of course welcome to send Lowe's a nasty letter for not supporting his gay hobby-horse d'jour, and demanding that they cease and desist" suggests that I would "demand that they cease and desist" doing something that's perfectly legal. Now, you might not consider that an insult but I do. Seems to me what the BSA is doing has been deemed to be perfectly legal but that doesn't stop you with them.
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