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Everything posted by Dreya

  1. Hi all, I am a stay at mom of 3 boys. My oldest is getting ready to move up to bear. So we have been in Scouts for 2 years now. I started out as Tiger Den Leader, moved up to ACM, and was recently voted in as CM. My middle boy will be a Tiger soon, so I will be juggling Adult Partner and CM. Hoping to learn loads of info and maybe help out here and there.
  2. Our Pack meets every Wednesday and Pack Meetings are the last Wednesday of the month. We schedule around Christmas and Spring Breaks (moving the Pack meeting to the Wednesday before break). We end weekly meetings in May with the ending of the school year, but continue with monthly Pack Meetings.
  3. Our Advancement Chair just stepped down. We do not have someone to fill his shoes as of yet and I am left with the task of taking it over until we can find a replacement. I do not know if he used any type of tracking system or if he just relied on emails from DLs. I am looking for a FREE, easy to use tracking system of awards, belt loops, and pins. Any help is much appreciated. I am the new CM and honestly have no clue. lol
  4. Our pack continues with monthly pack meetings throughout the summer. Regular den meetings end in May and restart in September. We also have a few council camps (Twilight Camp - June, Day camp - July, Wolf/Bear Weekend - July).
  5. Our pack has bought sleeping bags for boys that are crossing over. They also received an arrow made by our UC's husband. He hand carved arrow heads out of bone.
  6. Hope they fix the problem soon. I just joined today and would love to be able to post. Guess I shall just have to learn from reading and what not lol
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