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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. I was reading an account of an Town Hall meeting in Pennsylvania last night with Arlen Specter. It got raucous as did a meeting in Missouri. The two senators later expressed something that is the heart of it all. There is a lot of emotion and bitterness towards the federal Government right now. Perhaps its time to step back and assess the reason for the emotions and it may not be the Health Care Bill, its just the frenic pace the Government seems to be running at. We have to pass the Bail out bill by friday or the world as we know it will collapse, yet a huge precentage of the funds havent been spent. Before and during the Iraq war there were many anti-war demonstrations. President Bush commented they were Americans expressing their right to Free Speech and Freedom of Assembly. People who demonstrate against the Health Care Legislaton are astro turf and pawns of the Insurance Companies.
  2. This is what concerns me Page 965, HR 3200 PART DIMPLEMENTATION OF BEST PRACTICES IN THE DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE SEC. 931. CENTER FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT. (a) IN GENERAL.There is established the Center for Quality Improvement (referred to in this part as the Center), to be headed by the Director. (b) PRIORITIZATION. (1) IN GENERAL.The Director shall prioritize areas for the identification, development, evaluation, and implementation of best practices (including innovative methodologies and strategies) for quality improvement activities in the delivery of health care services (in this section referred to as best practices). Now, the question is, what does "BEST PRACTICES" mean? What does it mean now and what will it mean in the future. Saying "best practices" will lead to Death Panels may be over the top, but is there a limit to the power they will have? What we think of best practices today could morph tomorrow? We as a Country did this once when we had a large government document in front of the nation. Instead of arguing over the points and what means what, why not attach a Patients BIll of Rights to the legislation, such as the Freedom to choose the physician who treats us and so on. I could be happy with that.
  3. Is that the panel who will decide if a person is 100 years old and diagnosed as being in End Stage Renal Disease that providing dialysis is too expensive given expected life span and then associated costs? Then if 100 years old, how about 99 years? 98 years? etc?
  4. I thought Roundtable was where you picked up on real answers to real situations and received supplemental training
  5. Didn't BadenP's favorite Scout executive of all time eliminate all the Divisions in the BSA? There are no more Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venuring, etc Divisions, correct? next, when I hear about the proposed merger of the GSUSA and BSA, I always hear it was the Girl Scouts who backed out, anybody confirm or deny?
  6. So the non-committee parents fill out an adult applicatin before they begin the BORd, now they are committee members. If they think they will get "roped" into doing more work, they can always refuse, its not like an eternal contract with the devil. So for those who say these are only guidelines, you have a choice, grin and bear it or leave, I wish I had a method to solve the problem, but I am lacking
  7. If any of us came across a person with multiple wounds all with arterial bleeding, would our first instinct be to stop the flow of blood or assign blame as to who caused the wounds on the first place?
  8. AArrghhh yes, GSUSA, not GSBSA, I have to learn to type
  9. I always wondered what the Eagle ratio was in the Omega House as compared to Delta house
  10. Is it the demonstration of CPR that is the issue or the availibilty of Training Dummies that is the issue?
  11. Most of what I know of the Girl Scouts is from this forum, so perhaps I don't really know as much as I think, but here goes. The subject of the supposed merge of the GSUSA and BSA gets talked about alot, and the story I understand is that the GSBSA was the one who didnt want to do it, it that correct?
  12. For the 2010 Camping Season, the Shooting Sports area of an accredited Boy Scout Summer Camp must fall under the auspices of the Council Shooting Sports Committee. Standard M-63 "... Effective in 2010, the council utilizes a shooting sports committee to manage summer and off-season shooting sports activities." has you Council done this yet? How is it structured, where does it it fall in the Council Structure? What have you done so far? What's the dish?
  13. In a Country like America, I can say that I would nto be surprised if Swastika wearing, skinhead types came to a Town Hall meeting on healtch Care reform. They probably come to every Town hall meeting wearing Swastikas, it what they do. They don't define all those who oppose the current legislation. I am sure there are plenty of old time Hippies at these Town Hall meetings as well, brains addled by long term substance abuse and they don't define the people who hold the same values they do, for or against the proposed legislation.
  14. Interesting point, if Pelosi mentioned Nazis' first then she loses, and when Limbaugh responds in kind, he loses. So, in effect both sides lose, so it can also be said that both sides win. Perhaps if we communicated in straight, unemotional terms and did not label those who think differently than we do as the epitome of all that is vile, we may actually accomplish something. Then again, if we as scouters have difficulty doing this at times what hope do we have that the politicians will behave any better?
  15. Hey Sherm, contratulations and welcome !
  16. Oh, Sorry then BadenP since when you said "Bob is more of an general overseer..." and then started the next paragraph with "His main job is keeping ..." without referencing another name, I thought you meant the person "Bob" mentioned in the first paragraph who I had thought was Bob Mazucca, but as you say I am wrong, I apologize. I thought I was light heartedly making a point but I guess I failed, oh well, wish me better luck next time
  17. OOps, I had a post that Gern must have read and responded to while I was changing my post so now, his comment doesnt make any sense. In Bethlehem PA we are having Musikfest, Fridays big act is Pat Benatar and Blondie, Blondie's lead singer is of course the renown Deborah Harry well known for her heroin addiction. Yet no one said well Known heroin addict is comming to town, only that Blondie was. On Sunday, the final act will be Crosby, Stills and Nash. I can't list the substances they have abused, but they are still running around, Crosby with his transplanted liver because his lifestyle ruined his original The Bush girls caught hell becaue they drnak to excess, as well they should as they were underage but when Al Gore's kid got arrested for going 100 MPH in a Prius (which I must say always impressed me)with prescription drugs for which he did have a prescription, it was really downplayed as youthful exuberance. ANyway, Gern was commenting on at least Deborah Harry and David Crosby can sing and entertain, Rush? I don't understand him most of the time
  18. Personally I am glad that BadenP said he would lighten up on Mazucca on 7/28 and posted the following: "... I will for your and others benefit tone down my rhetoric on the CSE, even though my intent was to appeal to him to have a change of heart and make the BSA the positive driving force that it once was in our society...." Because I shudder to think of what his unedited thoughts would look like
  19. In the name of getting it right, it's a Caduceus. I went to the Limbaugh site, are you talking about the graphic that fades back and forth between the Nazi's symbol and the caduceus? Perhaps he is trying to make a connection between the way Nazi's ran things and the health care bill. Of course as a disciple of Godwin's Law, this means to me, of course, that Limbaugh loses, but why the fascination with him in the first place? I hear people make fun of him because he is a big fat tub of goo, then he loses 80 pounds (or so) and people slam him for losing weight the wrong way. Can't we just ignore him? I didnt get that he was comparing the caduceus with nazi's.(This message has been edited by OldGreyeagle)
  20. Pack, I am a little confused by your description of being "churched". If the entire Presbyterian congregation would turn their backs to the Churchee, who would usher the person out? Did you hire At-large Baptists to perfrom the Sargeant at Arms routine?
  21. It was my understanding, and only my understanding, that Wood Badge was changed because of the need to give multiple scouting positions, such as Cubmasters, Committee Chairs, Charter Organizational Representatives, scoutmasters, District Commissioners, District Committee members, etc. Organizational skills. BSA realized they could not develop an advanced training module for all these areas so they changed Wood Badge to be the management class for the BSA. I don't think the change was done by the BSA to kill the Patrol Method, but some could certainly argue that and do and thats not what I am talking about. The shift from Wood Craft to Management was done because the BSA wanted to give everyone the same base level of knowledge. Was it right to use the term Wood Badge, perhaps not, but it is what happened. Was it changed as a direct attempt to kill the Patrol Method? I don't think it was a conspiracy, but rather an effect from a not well thought out plan. Was it not wise? Seems so, but we speak from hindsight. Should we restore Wood Badge as the ultimate Scoutcraft training experience, I would be fine with that. And then have a second Management style course? I am fine with that as well. Could each Council handle such courses? That would be the issue
  22. The news story says Lancaster, PA. which is more eastern PA, not all that far from me in the Lehigh Valley, while Ed is in the Pittsburgh area. But still 2 hours from me
  23. There is a story in the Bible that the Scribes and Pharises were out to trip Jesus up and asked him to tell them what was the most law of all. Jesus replied by giving them two: You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all your mind This is the greatest and first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
  24. I realize I must come off as an enigma, I think I am pretty conservative, but then again, I have had plenty of people label me as a liberal. I like to think of myself as being able to look at a situation and judge for myself what I think about it. I have known many gay people. And When I say gay I mean males and females. Many say they knew from their earliest memories they should have been the "other". Some gay males talk of being drawn to dolls, and sewing, while some gay females talk about being drawn to construction toys, and being outside and camping and rough and tumble sports. Are they all telling untruths? My son was born with epispadias, its a form of extrophy. We have scouts in the troop who have MS, a nerve disorder. The guy who bagged my purchases at Target last night was born without a left hand. We have at least one Asperger's scout in the Troop and possibly two more who have not been diagnosed. In such a world where nature has not shown itself to be perfect, cannot the possibility of homosexuality be a variant from the norm? And yes, there are mental problems, Pyromaniacs outside of Scout camps, Child molestors, kleptomaniacs, etc. A Society has an obligation to keep those who would harm its members from inclusion in it, but just how does two consenting adults making love harm society?
  25. I guess it helps if we define "fundamentalist religious member", or define any of the terms we talk about, such as "Family Values" or "Traditional American Values". They mean so many different things for so many different people. I was talkig to my brother the other night. He learned ancient Greek so he could read scripture in the language it was written to by pass translation difficulties. We were talking about modern culture when he made a comment on the perversity of today's culture and I asked him how did he define perversion, he went into a long explanation and when he was done, I said I thought perversion was anything you wouldnt do yourself, he did laugh. SAying someone is a Fundamentalist in a Religious sense seems to be regarded as a taunt, yet in NFL training camps all across the country, young men have come together to drill on the fundamentals of football. Just drafted rookies will be judged on their talent and how well the exhibit blocking, and tackling. The fundamentals of the game. In baseball, teams can be described as being a good solid fundamental team. They almost always score the runner from third with less than two out. Players who are solid fundamentally are sought out. In basketball, fundamentals are king. Can you dribble with both hands? Drive to the right or the left both? Hit free throws consistently? (What if Shaq had a 80% freethrow record?) Could our friend Kudu be called a Fundamentalist of Scouting?
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