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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. Lisa, if the volunteer fire depts get any funding from taxpayers, then they should not be chartering BSA units. They may volunteer their time, but where does the money come for equipment and utilities?
  2. Isn't this about the time of the year that NOW (National Organization of Women) start talking about how Augusta National should end its descriminatory practices? Wonder if Congress will cite them as well?
  3. Well, actually if what we are talking about is a Public Playground, I would expect the BSA and its units to have the same shot at it as any private group would have. If that means they stand in line to get a permit, or pay for a reservation, they should be treated as well or as poorly as any private group. If its a public playground and the governmental unit who owns it has an organized program consistently there, basketball in the summer under the lights and maybe flag football in the fall, etc. And the playground has a staff, I could see that they, supported by public funds, would not be eligible to be a chartering organization for the BSA
  4. "Now we know that FScouter always looks at things assumin' the worst of fellow scouters," Hey now, that seems like quite the interesting comment unless one has an intimate knowledge of the afore named scouter and understand the ins and outs of all of his experiences and I really don't think anyone here can make such a judgement based on the miniscal slivers of a persons personality we get to glimpse on this forum. I think we should support and encourage volunteers, not drag them down Then again, thats just my opnion, I could be wrong
  5. I sent Scouter-Terry an email and he responded this morning that he is lookign into it
  6. So if a registered merit badge counselor says this scout earned this merit badge, we honor his/her decision and it doesn't matter if the venue is the counselor's home,(the scout had a buddy with him of course) a troop meeting, at summercamp or a merit badge day (mill?)
  7. Introspectively speaking, would that be a bad thing?
  8. Is doing "doin' as little as possible" meant to be another way of saying doing the minimum requirements is not enough? Because if you feel the current requirements for any rank is not stringent enough, then the answer is to change the requirments. All the BSA expects from the scout is in the requirments, if we do not like those requirements we either seek to change them or live with them Oh and by the way "and rackin' up MBs at the mill" seems to be a slam at merit badge "mills" and I thought we were supposed to respect and honor volunteers who give of their time to work with the youth and any slur towards their behavior and actions is unscoutlike.
  9. Brent, I thought I was on your side, I guess not
  10. How does a scout who does not come to meetings, or events ever do anything to advance?
  11. Well at least now we know how BSA defines "... maintaining contact with the Scout on a regular basis." (from the last definition of "Active") Sandspur, I beleive leaving the nonresponsive on the charter until recharter is the simplest thing to do. Someone (hopefully the scout) paid his registration fee for the year. If you drop him off the charter, could there be a claim for the rest of the year? Why not just drop him at recharter? If after six months and the Adults stop contacting the scout, how long will it be to recharter? if the scout contacts you after not being seen for 8 months and says he really wants to get back to scouting, who here would not pursue it? With a goodwill understanding with the scout over what he needs to do of course. Now, if he is 17 years and 9 months old and wants to get his Life BOR done and Eagle done, that's different
  12. The AFL ? Good Lord Frank, you are older than me!
  13. Brent, I will complete this hijack, although we can certainly talk more about the movie as well, but... Just what do the people buying all that ammo think? That they have to lay in cases of shotgun shells and 30-06 ammo so they protect themselves from the government? Do I see myself with my neighbors blocking off the neighborhood with partially paid for SUV's and rally against a M1-A2 Abrams? Or Bradleys even? I am a Shooting Sports Director and an NRA Instructor in Shotgun, Rifle, Pistol and Muzzleloader. I am as staunch a defensed of the 2nd amendment as I can be but I am not sure I am going to ever use my firearms against US authorities be they local police, National Guard or regular Military. The people of Mass. elected Scott Brown, now, because the balance of power has shifted by 1, 1 mind you the President's health care package is seen to be in jeopardy. The reform that has been categorized as absolutely required, the reform that says we must fundamentally change a huge portion of our economy and the citizenry is demanding it gets derailed because of one man? Thats it? One vote? If only one vote can upset the applecart, how solid was the argument in the first place?
  14. I didnt know every anti-administration protest was researched and documented well enough to back up your assertions but I will beleive you. I don't deny what went on at Tea Parties, but to say nothing of the sort every happened before seems to stretch credibility. People on both fringes are lunatics And here I thought they were Americans who were exercising their First Ammendment Right to Freedom of Speech I did not realize Tea Partiers were the first group to supersize their numbers to media Do we know if they paid people to show up and demonstrate? It has been known to occur and I think any "cause" that has paid protestors is a crock.
  15. Wait a minute, there has been two outright knocks on this thread about "tea partiers" and I have a question. What have tea partiers done that any anti-current administration protest groups have not done in the past to deserve such shots? They may be with merit, I just found it odd there would be two such references where prevoius there had been very few if any?
  16. All in all it's no Billy Jack Listen children to a story that was written long ago...
  17. I thought the context of the death was that it was another thing that the Boy Scouts did wrong. Something on the order of see how bad they are, they shoot people dead when there are far more ways to die at summercamp than at the rifle range, or waterfront actually. But it was something negative to say about the Boy Scouts
  18. I saw a few refrences to "sashes", plural, in these discussions, what sash other than a merit badge sash is being talked about?
  19. Unless there has been an incident I am unfamiliar with, there has never been a fatality associated with a Boy Scout Shooting Range and my Shooting Sports Director persona was a bit shaken when they shot that kid in the center of the rifle range. No one saw him comming? They couldnt do an absolute accidental death? ::shaking:: Then the only person to stand up is "the last Boy Scout", no Glenn Becks, Rush Limboughs, Sean Hannities or even Mark Levines to say nothing about Mike Savages? its scary to think anyone thinks this will help scouts or even portrays anything remotely real, I could see it in a double feature in a few years to be shown after "Rocky Horror Picture Show" Lips Lips Lips Lips Lips Lips Lips Lips Lips Lips
  20. From the BSA concerning the uniform at a Board of Review "The Scout should be neat in appearence and his uniform should be as correct as possible, with the badges worn properly. It should be the desire of the board to encourage the Scout to talk so that the review can be a learning experience for the candidate and the members of the board." OK, here's the rub that we keep rubbing up against. What is meant by the phrase "Uniform shoud be correct as possible", does this mean that all the badges are sewn on within a 1/16 of an inch to specs? or the BOR can't be held? Does it mean mean the scout may have a shirt, the tenderfoot badge in place and the BOR is for Life? and be wearing jeans? I don't know I do know that none of the Rank Requirements call for the scout to wear a uniform. They have to go on unit outings, they have to light a stove, tie knots, read a compass, do first aid, identify plants, do all the boy scouty things in the book but none of the rank requirements say anything about wearing the uniform. Some troops are big into the uniform method and do it quite well, others not so much and they do well. The methods are the methods but while some strongly pursue Advancements others may pursue Uniforming and another advocate for Patrol Method or combinations, these things are not mutually exclusive Which is correct? I guess it depends, in the time I have been on the forum I think we have so many more issues to spend time on than argue that the methods the troop you serve emphasize (or your troop, depending on your local colloquialism) is the only way to deliver to program and to do otherwise means your a charlatan
  21. I haven't received any PM's lately, have not gotten any replies from a few posters who I admonished to be more scoutlike, perhaps they never got them, and here I thought the lack of response was a sign of their contriteness or recalcintrance and most likley they never received them
  22. I spun this off as it is not scoutmaster related. I understand what Beavah is saying, I think, that a commisioner should stick with a program (Cubs, Boy Scouts, Venturing, etc) and not try to be all things to all units, but... But, that is the way I understood the Commisioner Service to run, that a Chartering Unit should have 1 commissioner who then takes care of the Cub Pack, Boy Scout Troop, Venturing Crew, Sea Scout Ship, Varsity Team, and Explorer Post that the Organization sponsors. After typing it all out, I suppose its a bit of a stretch that one person could be merely competent in all of the above How do your Councils handle it, is it one commisioner per CO or do you break it down by program?
  23. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Awards/HornadayAwards/Forms.aspx
  24. And we all know the urban scouting legend about taking the corners off the card and making the scout redo the requirements?
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