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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. Proverbs 26:4-5(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  2. I would rather have my son a campout with a known homosexual leader than with a leader who doesn't think that a "prank" involving the ingestion of urine requires at the very least suspension of those involved. We had an adult leader around these parts. His name was Gregory Ritter, after he was arrested for child molestation he was known as Gregory Gene Ritter. You can find details on line under both names. He was a scout leader, heck of a guy as well. He taught middle school and was a year 2000 Disney Teacher of the Year. He taught Camp School and was on staff at one of the Councils camps. Every scout wanted to be in his unit and every leader wanted to be just like him. Until he was arrested of course. Oh, by the way, I said his name "was" because he blew his head off with his pistol on the day he was supposed to admit to having sex with the boy. So, yeah, continue to equate pediphilia or whatever the adolescent term if for abuse with hoomosexuals, I am heterosexual yet there is no problem with me taking female venturers on camp outs, we always follow the G2SS rules, we have the required 2 deep leadership one being female. Not sure how the homosexual leader taking my son camping is supposed to strike fear in my heart.
  3. So Ed, you see your unceasing discourses with Merlyn as an intellectually piquant conversation exchanging sentiments on a myriad diverse themes and you perceive your endeavors edify those who read your efforts?
  4. personally I would like to know the difference between hazing and practical jokes
  5. so SctDad, its ok to teach the younger scouts that taking other peoples property is ok, as long as the victim is included in the next theft?
  6. from the Guide to Safe Scouting: "Adult leaders of Scouting units are responsible for monitoring the behavior of youth members and interceding when necessary. Parents of youth members who misbehave should be informed and asked for assistance in dealing with it. The BSA does not permit the use of corporal punishment by unit leaders when disciplining youth members. The unit committee should review repetitive or serious incidents of misbehavior in consultation with the parents of the child to determine a course of corrective action including possible revocation of the youth's membership in the unit. If problem behavior persists, units may revoke a Scout's membership in that unit. When a unit revokes a Scout's membership, it should promptly notify the council of the action. The unit should inform the Scout executive about all incidents that result in a physical injury or involve allegations of sexual misconduct by a youth member with another youth member. Each Cub Scout den and Webelos Scout den and each chartered Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, and Venturing crew shall have one leader, 21 years of age or older, who shall be registered and serve as the unit or den leader. A unit leader may not serve simultaneously in any other position within the same unit. The head of the chartered organization or chartered organization representative and the local council must approve the registration of the unit or den leader on the appropriate form." So, if the question is how do we discipline scouts when we can't publicly cane them, the G2SS has the answer. If the situation is intolerable in the eyes of the adults present, then have the offended scouts removed from the activity and then deal with is, with parents, afterwards As an aside, I do not favor pushups as punishment. All this does is teach the youth if you are strong and can do a lot of pushups easily, you can do whatever you like, against the rules or not, and the worst thing you will have to do is a few pushups, which you can do without a problem anyway. But if you are weaker, then you have to follow the rules because if you don't, you have to do something that is very hard for you. Of course, if you work at your strength alot, pretty soon you can screw around on campouts and not have to worry about it, as the only consequence is doing a few pushups, which is what you did to get the ability to screw around in the first place. I don't think its up to the adults on trip to decide long term consequnces for a transgession. The emotion of the minute and their state of mind at the time may cause either an over reaction or a dismissing as trivial something that is not
  7. I got an Email from Site owner Terry, he said they have been having server issues but he hopes to get it fixed this week end. I will keeping my fingers crossed for him
  8. How do you cap a troop? The CO says, hey we don't want more than X in the troop and you handle it. OK, easily said, how is it done? In the Troop of my Youth, there was a time when the adults thought it was time to "cap" the Troop. AS we were Troop 65, 65 was the number placed on scouts. And there was a waiting list. Each family of a scout had to have one adult active as a ASM or a committee member or on a troop committee. If a scout didnt show up for 6 meetings, the scoutmaster called him and asked what was up. The scout either dropped or showed up at the next meeting. If the abscences continued, the boy was dropped and another invited to take his place. (I may add this was long before the "ACTIVE" debate started. If you werent active, you werent a member because there were plenty of boys who wanted in Now, why did they want in? As a scout I went with the troop to the Grand Canyon (on a train) and Glacier National Park. After I was in College they also bicycled from Chicago to Jacksonville Florida, did an Ozark White Water trip and went back to the Grand Canyon. It was a happening troop in a far our groovy way. If you have 86 scouts and growing, have you thought of splitting the Troop to two 43 scout troops? Would that be better? I am sure your DE would love to help find a CO to start a troop with 43 members did I mention the Troop was located in the Western suburbs of Chicago?(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  9. Dere's somet'ing stirrin' ma blood tonight, On de night of de young new year, Wile de camp is warm an' de fire is bright, An' de bottle is close at han'-- Out on de reever de nort' win' blow, Down on de valley is pile de snow, But w'at do we care so long we know We 're safe on de log cabane? Drink to de healt' of your wife an' girl, Anoder wan for your frien', Den geev' me a chance, for on all de worl' I 've not many frien' to spare-- I 'm born, w'ere de mountain scrape de sky, An' bone of ma fader an' moder lie, So I fill de glass an' I raise it high An' drink to de Voyageur. For dis is de night of de jour de l'an,[1] W'en de man of de Grand Nor' Wes' T'ink of hees home on de St. Laurent, An' frien' he may never see-- Gone he is now, an' de beeg canoe No more you 'll see wit' de red-shirt crew, But long as he leev' he was alway true, So we 'll drink to hees memory. Ax' heem de nort' win' w'at he see Of de Voyageur long ago, An' he 'll say to you w'at he say to me, So lissen hees story well-- "I see de track of hees botte sau-vage[2] On many a hill an' long portage Far far away from hees own vill-age An' soun' of de parish bell-- "I never can play on de Hudson Bay Or mountain dat lie between But I meet heem singin' hees lonely way De happies' man I know-- I cool hees face as he 's sleepin' dere Under de star of de Red Rivire, An' off on de home of de great w'ite bear, I 'm seein' hees dog traineau.[3] "De woman an' chil'ren 's runnin' out On de wigwam of de Cree-- De leetle papoose dey laugh an' shout W'en de soun' of hees voice dey hear-- De oldes' warrior of de Sioux Kill hese'f dancin' de w'ole night t'roo, An de Blackfoot girl remember too De ole tam Voyageur. "De blaze of hees camp on de snow I see, An' I lissen hees 'En Roulant' On de lan' w'ere de reindeer travel free, Ringin' out strong an' clear-- Offen de grey wolf sit before De light is come from hees open door, An' caribou foller along de shore De song of de Voyageur. "If he only kip goin', de red ceinture,[4] I 'd see it upon de Pole Some mornin' I 'm startin' upon de tour For blowin' de worl' aroun'-- But w'erever he sail an' w'erever he ride, De trail is long an' de trail is wide, An' city an' town on ev'ry side Can tell of hees campin' groun'." So dat 's 'de reason I drink to-night To de man of de Grand Nor' Wes', For hees heart was young, an' hees heart was light So long as he 's leevin' dere-- I 'm proud of de sam' blood in my vein I 'm a son of de Nort' Win' wance again-- So we 'll fill her up till de bottle 's drain An' drink to de Voyageur.
  10. Who's peekin' out from under a stairway Calling a name that's lighter than air Who's bending down to give me a rainbow Everyone knows it's OldGreyEagle Who's tripping down the streets of the city Smilin' at everybody he sees Who's reachin' out to capture a moment Everyone knows it's it's OldGreyEagle And OldGreyEagle has stor-my eyes That flash at the sound of lies And OldGreyEagle has wings to fly Above the clouds (above the clouds) Above the clouds (above the clouds) Who's tripping down the streets of the city Smilin' at everybody he sees Who's reachin' out to capture a Moment Everyone knows it's OldGreyEagle
  11. How does a Roman Catholic scouter evauuate a Buddhist scouts duty to Buddha? or vice versa How does a Jewish Scouter evaluate a Muslim scout, or vice versa? I think we have to have faith in the scouter that he/she will/would put aside personal feelings and listen to what the scout says and make a decision from there You don't have to beleive in the God of the bible to have respect for anothers' belief that is contrary to your own belief
  12. This may be applicable, and then again it may not For the past 3-4 years at summercamp we have roasted a whole pig on a spit. Got a 45-50 pounder from a butcher, already cleaned, but she/he did have his head and ears and feet et al attached. We dug a pit in the main fire circle and then built a huge fire, supplemented it with charcoal and stuck two pieces of re-bar through the pig and flipped it that way. Was always well received. Especially the next day when I would stick the head on a stave and ask if anyone had read "Lord of the Flies"
  13. I don't like Eponymous threads, then again, this isnt one so lets see what happens
  14. I guess its how you value living the Oath and Law part of the scout spirit requirement
  15. Was the CC a Green Beret at one time? Have friends/family who were and paid the ultimate sacrifice? Does he think the Green Barets will become dictatorial in leadership style and run the troop with a military flair, which is not how boy scouts is supposed to be done? Or is he being a buttinsky?
  16. Oh Sure, bring pizza into it Thin "New York" style or the vastly superior "Chicago Style" deep dish and I don't mean that homogenized franchise dribble that Uno's sells at Airports either, Nancy's Stuffed or Lou Malnatti or something like that as opposed to the ketchup and cheese on a saltine that the East Coast favors
  17. Just explain two bits of European gastronomical lexiconography and I will acccept your apology Just who thought of the term "sweetbread", its not sweet nor is is bread? Just who was the swineherd walking through the primordial French forest who jumped on the big fungus ball his lead boar kicked up and shouted "MINE!" ?
  18. Oh Yeah, Like we should strive to be just like Europe, is that what you are saying?
  19. Excellent point JoeBob, but as you say since the system is "tight as a tick", maybe it coulsd use some changes... Then again if its the ego centric "I am closer to God than you can imagine.. wait I am God" physicians that leave, Healthcare may be better off. Ithasnt been that long since I was a Director of a Hospital Dept and had a physician tell me that one of my employee had to come off nights and work days as he was having an affair with her and her schedule made things inconvenient for their trysting BTW, did I ever tell you I have a strong dislike of physicians? The ones who havent been told "no" in such a long time they expect the world to revolve around them? The total jerks who only serve themselves and have no regard for the disasters they leave behind? Think I am exagerating? I ask any pne who works with Doctors to tell me I am wrong, That they dont have absoltely nuts doctors who menance employees and are dangers to the publicc. People think Dr House is funny, he is tame by the standards I have seen There is plenty of weeding out to be done in the physician ranks, unfrortunatley, I dont know where the replacements will come from, so its a concern I wish I didnt have to worry about(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  20. when I was a scout, we never never never ever called cheesecake pie and anyone who thinks cheesecake is close to a pie, or even talks cheesecake in a pie thread is not doing Pie at all, its just doing stuff in a pie thread. When you joined this thread you knew it was about Pie and here you are espousing views that contradict pie, I am highly, finely and ultimately offended and disgusted You can just take your cheesecake and start your own cheesecake thread and have stories about your beloved cheesecake and maybe even have a link to some pictures of cheesecakes you like. Come to think of it, Do you have any cheesecake photo links?
  21. The Original Poster lasted less than 2 hours, just what is being discussed now? Not that there is anything wrong with what is being discussed, just sayin'
  22. You are exactly right, I hope to be half of an old married couple someday, in the far distant future of course and there is no reason to impugn such a lovely franchise that once included my father and mother. My favorite is 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034...
  23. I think I understand what you are saying Beavah, well, as much as I can understand you, but if today's Insurnace Company's are not providing services people want, why not have the people start up their own insurance companies, you know, like we keep telling people if you dont like the way things are, start your own youth program? Why not have new Insurance Companies provide what people want? Is government intrusion the best way to handle this?
  24. Lord help me, but in this topic, I am on JoeBob's side, on this one topic so far When did success become a dirty awful and terrible thing? Why is not Donald Trump reviled and shunned for having money? When did we as a society decide that we would tell others how much money they could make? I mean, if the Chicago Bears can promise ( more or less) 90 Million to Julius Peppers, what difference does it make how much money a person or company makes? We want goverment to regulate how much money Insurance Campanies can make? When did Goverment involvement into something they know nothing about (see Amtrak) go smoothly? One could make a case the reason why health care costs as much as it does is because of the amount of current government involvement as there is now.
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