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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. I used to to always say about Summer camp that "Camp Minsi was where I live, I consider myself in exile the other 51 weeks of the year" Well, the wife finally heard that and wanted to know why living with her was considered "in exile", I am still working a a retortm any help? Anyone? Anyone?
  2. I used to tell the kids when frying eggs on the cook stove to be sure there was a liberal amount of bacon fat already in the pan. I may have change my choice of words least I get accused of forcing my political views on the youth I also have been known to tell the youth during the winter cabin campout to be conservative on the use of firewood, that the cabin is fine at 70 degrees or so, no need to make it 90 degrees just because its 25 or so outside. Hope thats not too political as well Do we have to say keep liberal and conservative comments in the Politics Secttion or can we discuss things like we would expect the youth to?
  3. Don't be too hard on yourself Beavah, remember when you posted "...other scouters are a wretched hive of scum and villainy..." and were taken to task for being hard on a fellow poster? Well, now the ledger is even
  4. Bite your tongue there Pack, he was great in Driving Miss Daisy
  5. Dr Ray Stantz: Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything! You've never been out of college! You don't know what it's like out there! I've *worked* in the private sector. They expect *results*.
  6. The overall "goal" of scouting is "The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law." The Aims of Scouting are: Charactor Development Citizen Training Personal Fitness The methods are: The Ideals The Patrol Method The Outdoors Advancement Association with Adults Personal Growth Leadership Development The Uniform I very much disagree that the goal of Boy Scouts is Leadership Sklls. Its not mentioned in the Mission, its not mentioned in the Aims and is only one of seven methods, none more important than another If Scouting ain't Outing, I am not sure I want to be a part of that bowdlerized program.
  7. on a lighter note, a contract is essentially a promise, a guarantee of something of value for something else of value. In this case its the service provided by the workers for the pay and retirement plan And the odd thing is that what is happening is we are expecting politicians to honor promises made in the past today. Ask the Native Americans how that worked out for them Why do we absolutely hold politicians to these contracts when we all know the way to tell if a politician is lying is because their lips are moving? OK, the point is, we hold the governmental units to honor these contracts because as a nation of law, its a cornerstone of our society that a contract is to be honored so why do we let policitians off so easy when they break an oral contract, other wise known as a campaign promise. Should not the same ire be raised against any politician who breaks an oral contract with his constituents?
  8. Don't worry Lisabob, that NPR guy, or rather that ex-NPR guy pretty well fits the description of "elites" for me. No reason for that to cross over here
  9. Who said that 3rd graders had to do three digit multiplication? Was it I? So, raise the minimum level of the test In all this talk of education, and Unions and test management, the single most important success factor (IMHO) in Education has not been mentioned as yet and I am at a loss to understand why
  10. Who are the elites? Well, for many that NPR guy pretty well sums it up Well, it seems the guy dosent work for NPR now, or wont be for very long as he has a new job, but his statements are what many (I think) reflect that what is meant when the term "Elite" is mentioned(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  11. Pack, I told my wife you didnt know anything about a petard, she laughed and said he was the Capt of the Enterprise in Next Generation...
  12. So the answer is still improve the test? Expand it to include 123 X 674?
  13. Petard? Everyone knows what a petard is, you know its....wait....am I doing it again?.... Oh man... In the immortal words of Walt Kelly, (sorta) I have met the enemy and I am he
  14. to paraphase a great quote Units get the Charterinng Organization they deserve If you keep the relationship open and vibrant, you get an open and vibrant CO, if you want to be the scuts that meet in the basement on Tuesday, then just do that and that's all you will be Interesting thought would be how much scouting would change if the CO's really understood their role...
  15. Mr Boyce, that can't be true because I know what Julliard is, so then I would be... oh damn!... Hoisted on my own petard,
  16. I think the concensus is "elites" is anyone who has a view different from ours and is a hypocrite about it. Rock Bands or other Celebrities criss crossing the world in private charter jets to spread the word on how important it is to be "green" Telling people to be more green because of global warming while operating a huge energy hog of a home (OK, he fixed this so he is not one of "those elitist" at this time) Telling people war is a natural consequence of global politics and is necessary, usually spoken by someone who has never sniffed basic training in any military branch. In the past this included people who had their own children tucked away in National Guard units who were rarely if ever called up Those who tell people there is no reason to be poor in the US and if you just worked hard and obeyed the laws and applied yourself, success will follow. COmpletley ignoring reality The elites, those who either are in a position of authority, such as politicla office holders or seekers or people who "think" they are in a position of authority by nature of their celebrity (of course, if we listen to them we give authority) and do something else
  17. I got your Klingon right here http://www.boyscoutstore.com/spoof-custom-patches/spoof-interpreter-strips/ amoung others
  18. Just a thought, lets say you are set up for a regular Troop Camp out, the Adults are in the center of the "Spokes" and radiating out 300 feet are the Eager Beavers to the North, the Cobras to the South, the Flaming Arrows to the East and the Buffalo's to the West. Is 300 feet close enough to qualify as "...Appropriate adult leadership must be present for all overnight Scouting activities;" Is 300 yards? Half Mile? How close meets the "Appropriate adult leadership", dependent on patrol experience I am sure, I hope PS What if you have the adults camp in the middle, with the patrols in a line, the ends patrols are 600 feet from the adults, is that ok?(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  19. I think it was Bo Schembechler, or Woody Hayes, or some like era coach who was asked about the obscene amount of money College Football Coaches were making. The reponse was something like if they had a Physics Professor who could fill a stadium with 100,000 people 6 times a year who paid to listen to a 3 hour lecture, they would pay him pretty good as well Cant seem to find it right now
  20. Leona Helmsley The Elite? Those who have no problem telling the great unwashed how to behave while not quite doing themselves
  21. The CO always has been responsible for approving the units adult leadership
  22. Stosh Stosh, Stosh, I can't believe it You said "Law Enforcement Officers and robbers I am shocked and appalled at your use of language, you very well should know its "Law Enforcement Officers and Alleged Perpertrators"
  23. OK, why is it like this? What happended to put the schools in debt?
  24. Beavah, I think that was the point I was trying to make. You don't teach for the test, you teach the field of study. Are we saying the content and questions are known? Is that a problem with having "A" test or having "That" test? For Elementary Schools that content should be Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (the old stannards)and others but at the very least those and yet that still seems to be struggle regardless of class size LisaBob, you said the tests were poor, I asked why not have the Unions work to change them and the reason is because they can't be negotiated? Unions never publicly talk about things they can't negotiate? The President of the United States cannot introduce legislation, yet they always seem to have their pet Legislation. They figure out a way. If its an educational issue then the teachers need to talk about it, maybe they can't negotiate at contract time, but it certainly can be debated in the press. Now, that would impress me
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