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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. I guess I am confused, if he vandalizes a car or gets caught shoptlifting, then he gets arrested and I had thought one would wait on anything scouting to see how it was resolved
  2. I know as a youth the only thing I wanted was for the abuse to stop, oddly enough telling my parents about it was the last thing from my mind, I never thought about it. When he moved on I was elated, that he moved on to my older brother bothered me, but not so much as I told anyone
  3. oh, wow, Pack So, what you are saying, in an attempt to eschew obsfuscation is that you do not have any "zero tolerance" policies and you want to look at each individual on his own merit?
  4. If he never shows up until its BOR time, how did he complete the required tasks to advance to the next level? If he completes the requirements, he completes them, the time it takes is irrelevant. Thats T-1 of course. First Class on he also has his POR and that you hold him accountable for, or not. But if you don't hold him accountable from First CLass to Star, or from Star to Life, don't be surprised if you get the same behavior from Life to Eagle. Make sure he does his POR to the level explained to him when he got it and along the way as well If you make him accountable for his actions at the First Class level going forward, Life to Eagle will never be an issue(This message has been edited by oldgreyeagle)
  5. hey this one is easy, doing drugs? vandalizing cars? Either the scout or I would be gone
  6. Heck, don't sign it, this is covered here: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/boyscouts/guideformeritbadgecounselors/rankadvancefaq.aspx Question: How is the information from the Eagle Scout Rank Application assessed by the board of review? Answer: The unit committee reviews and approves the Eagle candidate's record before his application is submitted to the local council. If a unit leader or unit committee member does not sign or approve his application, the Eagle candidate may still be granted a board of review. However, the failure to secure such a signature may be considered by the board of review in determining the Eagle candidate's qualifications. Now, this reference has been impugned in the past, but if you want a reason not to sign and still be CC, then don't sign it and pass it on to COuncil and reference this website. It is in the BSA website. At the Board of Review have all the things mentioned that you listed and then see what happens, at this point its what you can do Next, Eagledad, I must disagree with your statement "When it comes down to judgment of a scouts character, if the scout has completed all the other requirements, National generally sides with the scout." National does not side with the scout, not do they oppose the Troop, they follow the rules . If the scout has records showing he has passed all the requirements, exhibited scout spirit, passed a Board of Review for Eagle, and now somebody says the kid was always a rotten egg, I can see reticence on the BSA's part to beleive someone would go this far thorugh the program and be the pond scum these youth are portrayed. Crossramwedge says he knows the unit messed up, I would hope he wants to work to assure this never occurs again because if it does then he should resign, but not now
  7. Hey Frank, from one concerned volunteer to another, thanks for all you do !
  8. when you are 11-12, what is reverent? Not breaking up in hysterics during a scouts own because someone "breaks wind"? I am not saying keep the youth forever, neither send him packing
  9. From what I unerstand, oddly enough, even ex-presidents have the freedom of speech and if in their elder years they begin questionable behavior, it doesn't change what they did. OJ Simpson was one heck of a running back, a guilty one now, but still one heck of one
  10. I think Jimmy Carter's biggest failing was that he expected everyone to be as dedicated to doing the right thing as he was and he had no idea how Washington really ran, his presidency is an example what really happens when you send an honest man (and a tad naive) to Washington. They get chewed up and spit out He was the classic Sunday School teacher who has no concept of how to deal with unruly children
  11. Carter went from the White House to Habitat for Humanity, Reagan went from the White House to a blatant money gathering tour pimping ouf the office of the president. As president, I think Carter ranks with the worst, as an Ex-president, I think he ranks with the best. He has done more with his life than feed cattle and think warm thoughts, and golf He behavior can't always be explained however
  12. It does show resolve on the USA's part. I have often heard it said that the terrorists and the radical islamics feel that the west (and that means us and Europe) are soft and have no stomach for "What it takes", we just showed the "Arab Street" that we will hang on and almost ten years later, we accomplished what we set out to do. Will it give pause to future planners of attacks? Probably not, but at the very least we showed we are not as weak and ineffectual as they had painted us to be
  13. I would be slow on the hook, I mean this kid os 10.5 tp 11 years old or so and if someone has asked me then about the people of the feminine persuasion, I may have used words like "Cooties", "Nasty", "Gross" and other unsavory descriptions. My attitudes did change. I would talk to his parents and get some background, they may be atheist as well, thats why the young man was so adamant in his beleifs so then you know where its coming from and you have an explanation to give. You could give a timeline, explain whats at stake and see what happens. I am not in favor of a removal from the program just yet
  14. I want a president to be Presidential, and while I can'f define it, I certainly know it when I see it. I don't understand the idol worship of Reagan and think Clinton was/is a buffoon. I don't want the ex-presidents to live in squalor nor do I want them to pimp out the office as surprisingly enough both Reagan and Clinton did gathering wealth based on the notoriety of their office. We wonder where morals are in the country, and then we don't care if the president is? I want my president to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent... is that too much to ask? PS:Mussolini, whatever you think about the guy, he made the trains run on time(This message has been edited by oldgreyeagle)
  15. Check the Guide to Safe Scouting http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/GSS/gss07.aspx#e In the Shooting Sports section is says: Archery and Knife and Tomahawk Throwing These are approved activities for Boy Scouts and Venturers following the Sweet 16 of BSA Safety. Now, they won't be throwing the 'hawks at animal shapes and as long as the "range" is marked off and there is a backstop to stop the 'hawks or a very long distance no one can throw, and everybody stands behind the "firing line" then fine. Imagine the excitement in the school corridor as the youth explain what they did that week end, threw a tomahawk... and made it stick is even cooler. Hope they use throwin' 'hawks as they are balanced for best results. I have three myself, have my target that I set up in the backyard. First time I did it, the sound of the 'hawk burying itself in the wood made a nice "thud" the kids playing a few houses over stopped to take notice and were enthralled. It took all the self control I have, and thats not a lot, to not say, "told you kids to stay out of my yard"! (This message has been edited by oldgreyeagle)
  16. Veterans as in former military or veterinarians as in animal doctors?
  17. One thing I have done with large flags to be retired is to make a metal frame work almost like a grill that is placed in the center of the fire lay. It may be placed close to the edge, but still far enough in to be hidden. Then after the fire has burned down and the ceremony starts, the folded flag is placed on the grill during the ceremony. The flag is elevated so it never touches the ground, the flag rests on "grill wires" so the heat and flames can come up and burn the material. I have had people say it looks looked like the flag was hovering above the ground while it burned, that all depends on how thin you can make the grill of how high you can make the fire. Its a thought
  18. in The last SUperman movie, didnt they drop "the American Way" in that one? I guess its just a matter of time. Imagine if Mr and Mrs Ivan Tratkinsky had found him, what a story that would have been... I of course don't plan on buying any Superman Comic Books, of course, I have not bought any for about 40-50 years so I guess my boycott is moot
  19. When will it end? We have a president who is not eligible to be president and now we have Superman Aka Clark Kent renouncing his... his... wait, Obama is eligible to be president and we still have the Constitution that allows for Freedom of Speech... Wait, thats it, if all the people outraged that Superman renounces his citizenry do not buy the comic book and sales plummet 70% or so, I see him draped in an American flag quite quickly.
  20. I beleive it was Billy Connally, but who gets to set the stanard? Slavery? was that good? It was a standard...
  21. When I first became a manager I was determined to be the Best Boss Ever, I wanted to be the boss I never had, humane, understanding, able to help the employees under my authority. I soon learned how simply over idealistic I was. I found there were people whom I could not please. That no matter what I did, it was never enough and my growing irritation that I could not make their work environment better was testament to idiocy of the upper management who simply could not hire competent managers as any competent manager would have been able to create a decent work environment. I soon lowered my expectations of being the Best Boss, to merely a Competent Boss, a goal that eluded me in some employees eyes. I told a fellow manager of my issues, an older gentleman who gave me this He said Its like this OGE, there are some people in the world who have to believe they are working in the worst possible job, in the worst possible location for the worst possible boss. That way whatever they do is a testament to their own talents, abilities, ingenuity and talent. If their life is not as they had imagined it, if they do not have all they want, they want to blame it on their job and how screwed up it is and how unappreciated they are and how their boss is just the guy who keeps them from excelling. Because if they ever acknowledged this was not the worst place to work, you were not the worst boss in the world then they would only have one person to blame for their lot in life and that would be them and of course that would be anathema to their self image as perfect So possibly this is as it is in scouting, perhaps there are people who have to believe that they toil silently for a clueless organization headed by evil incarnate, people who have no concept of the program and are out only for their own greedy agenda. That Mos Eisley, that most wretched hive of villainy and scum ,would be a step up from Irving. That any success they have working with youth is a direct result of them and only them and anything connected with the BSA is rotten and rancid. Now that would explain a lot Of course, unless I am wrong, or at the very least until Irving does some boneheaded thing like do away with the patrol camp out, oh wait, they already did that the dunderheads, wait I just wrote about that thought process, well never mind
  22. No, he would go as far as the state border, the line that marked regular folks from those who were "from away", especially since his brother had some cottages at Kittery
  23. Vermont, New Hampshire? Like there is a difference anyway As my Uncle in Skowhegan would say, anything south of the border is full of roughnecks roustabouts, and other unsavory charactors anyway
  24. One possibility would be to go to Camp School http://www.ncsbsa.org/resources/ncs/2011%20NCS%20Brochure.pdf check for First Year Camper I think to be a certified camp some percentage of directors have ot be Camp School trained YIKES you are going to be Scoutcraft Director and do the First Year Program? Are you being set up to fail? How long have you been a Scoutcraft director? These two areas Scoutcraft and First Year Program need 2 full time people. I am not sure one person can do it, well do it yes, do it well? I am not so sure Its not that I doubt your abilities, I dont know you, just that these two areas are quite complicated, I hope you are an organized person and God bless you(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  25. Live Free or Die Hard (Its an embellishement of Vermont's motto)(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
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