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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. Have you seen this on contingent crews? http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/Philmont/Camping/75.aspx
  2. Why tie it to advancement? So that it does happen periodically throughout the scouts career. Remember, A Board of Review may be done for any number of reasons, non-advancement of a long time scout being one
  3. Way Way Way back when the first hybrid cars came out and were being sold, the Prius and the Honda whatever it was, there was a huge backlash of publicity and concern about first responders and something about the cables being hot and the potential for life threatening shocks if in the accident wires touched various possible things and people would die because first responders couldnt be expected to risk their lives. It was the first I ever heard of such a concern, I always thoughth the resistance to hybrid cars, or electric cars was the weight and range of the battery. No one ever talked about the risk to first responders in accidents Now, after years and years and years of the Local option being cussed and discussed I dont remember anyone mentioning that if the BSA went Local Option, the local CO's would be sued for following their beliefs. How can a religious organization be sued for following its core tenet principals? From what I see and understand, No faith should have to change its principals so they wont get sued, right? (well as long as they are not illegal. no human sacrifices, etc)(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  4. For people who want their scouts judged on their behavior rather than skin tones and where they live, there is certainly a lot of conclusions and judgemente being made which if done to them would elicit howls to the the heavens
  5. Eagle90 You mean judge them on the content of their charactor rather than the condition of their uniform?
  6. Does anybody think its units like this that drive kids out of scouting less than anything that comes out of Irving? Scoutdaddy21- Its really your sons battle, you should talk to the scoutmaster about advancement, on a troop level, not just about your son. You should be ready to take over as Advancement Chair as the reason the jerk is such a jerk is because he doesnt think anyone else would do what he does Surprise him
  7. Does anybody think its units like this that drive kids out of scouting less than anything that comes out of Irving? Scoutdaddy21- Its really your sons battle, you should talk to the scoutmaster about advancement, on a troop level, not just about your son. You should be ready to take over as Advancement Chair as the reason the jerk is such a jerk is because he doesnt think anyone else would do what he does Surprise him
  8. How are we to teach character to our Scouts when we can't require certain standards of behavior? Woapalanne, I may be misunderstanding, so I want to be sure. I did not see any implication that because the BSA would allow CO's to have gay scouts or scouters that it would be ok to have gay sex on campouts. Do you? I may have misunderstood your point, I don't want to anger anyone else Youth "caught" having sex now (currently with girls) would be sent home immediatley with grave doubts as to contunuing membership and I suspect sex with boys would be dealt the same way, would be in the unit I served
  9. In the words of The Man in Black, the Dread Pirate Roberts, and Westley Get used to disappointment
  10. Ok, I spun this one off anf have reservations but didnt want to hijack the original thread, not that we ever cared about too any Gay threads before but John-in-KC posted this Mom to Eli nails a key issue. Will BSA defend a Chartered Partner who denies membership based on their belief system? If BSA fails to, then I suspect Partners will hit the eject button as fast as they can... Why would a Chartering Organization get sued for not wanting gays? The Venturing Program allows Chartering Organizations to have Coed, Male only, Female only Crews. As far as I know, this discrimination by gender type has not resulted in lawsuits, why would this? Why would the BSA have to defend the Chartering Organization. Already, the CO can say you have to be a member of our church to be a member of our unit I'snt this Religious discrimination, has this caused lawsuits? Why would CO's who do not let gays be scouts fear lawsuits when there are churches that refuse to ordain females as ministers/priests and they have not gotten sued(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  11. I suspect they will model the behavior they experience
  12. Scoutdaddy To answer your question directly, there is no such requirement in the book. You can stop looking for it, it does not exist You said your scout was to have a Scoutmaster Conference for Star. Could it be the patch issue was talked about before and was ignored? To me, yes, its against the rules, but it may be a better lesson for your son in listening and meeting the expectations presented to him, regardless of the validity of the expectation
  13. So, what so we think? Can we focus on something other than Gays, Guns and God?
  14. We are at a cross-roads, if the reaction here is any indication there is quite a diversity in the ranks. BSA has been losing membership and corporate support. No matter which direction we go, we will face controversy. If the mebership qualifications are changed, then we gave in to the PC crowd and we stand firm then we are sexual oritentation bigots who need to get up with the times Going with the present membership qualifications we can see how its worked out, maybe changing will be for the best. Actually, I dont know and it may be time to try out a different position, can't be much worse than where we are now
  15. If I misunderstood you post, I apologize But you might want to get to know a poster before you label them
  16. We want the BSA to take an Evangelistic Christian bent on membership? On behalf of the Jewish, Muslim, Buddist and other non-Christian scouts No
  17. If they have been doing all along as part of the units program, there would be no reason to retest because all the adults, the whole unit would know Johnny scout knows he stuff because we have all seen him do it
  18. Venvidi, I don't think its either or either? The scout learns, shows he knows his stuff and then through the program uses it
  19. So, its ok to sign off on a scout skill and the scout never again has the opportunity to use that scout skill because through your program, he learns the skill. Is deemed proficeint and never has to use it again Got it
  20. TT, I would hope parents searching for a troop join the troop where they trust the leaders the most, the one in which they have the most confidence Just had a substitute teacher just get arrested for sexually assualting a 7 year old boy. He was married, 2 kids and a "nice guy" How do you know who will be a pediphile? I don't know. Be sure you are quick to show how you use 2 deep leadership, buddy system and all other risk management techniques
  21. I am a little confused here about the churches Right now, as we speak there are churches, diametrically opposed in theology who sponsor Boy Scout troops My Baptist Sister in Law just knows we Catholics, or as she put it "You catholics" are some of the greatest heretics of all time and a cult. Yet Baptist and Catholic Troops belong to the same DIstrict, Council Etc. Jewish, Mulslim, Catholic, Baha'i churches all sponsor troops and could camp next to each other. Unless the unit flag says we have gay leaders, how would you know? How do you know now?
  22. My understnding is the topic of allowing Gays in Scouting was on the agenda of the upcomming meeting. It got leaked not by BSA but by someone who had a copy of the agenda. So, I don't know what it means, I can only think if it was on the agenda, LDS knew about it and we wait to see if they say something. Maybe it was a ploy by the leaker, to cause a stir and have the public opinion be positive or negative to make the choice easier
  23. Beavah, if you are going to mention me and my "position", could you at least try to accurately represent it? Where do you see anything I have written that I do not think a scout should be proficient in a skill before it gets signed off? The scout has to know the skill. But just because he knew the skill last week doesnt mean he will know it in 6 months unless he is afforded opportunities to use the skill.
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