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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. rmiessler Perhaps we could help you with an answer, what do you wish to know?
  2. Gee Gold Winger, if we took away sarcasm where would you post?
  3. I am not sure if this is what you mean: http://www.nesa.org/trail/manual.html
  4. BobWhite posted while I was doing my research, but I move on. Check this, http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/ageguides.pdf its the Age Appropriate Guide for scouting activities. Check the section titled "Tools", note the last category "Power Tools" and who can use them. Let the kids use a power drill, stave off carpal tunnel syndrome for a few more years...
  5. Don't know, OGE pawn in game of life
  6. Personally I think all public money marked for research on ovarian cancer should halt as well as all funds marked for research for prostate cancer.
  7. See, I have never thought of it until a few weeks ago when I was described in an introduction as being an "Old School" scouter. It was said with respect, but I thought I was a pretty modern kind of dude. I use E-Mail, can pretty well handle most computer programs and trouble shoot my work computer lest some IT help desk monkey gets his paws on it. The introducer said I was old school because I know my knots, can do all the lashings and can make a pretty mean fire in under 5 minutes without accelerant. See, I thought I was just up to First Class Scout skill level. When I hear the term "geek" I think of a guy biting the head off of a live, fairly small animal. In the traveling carnivals it was usually a chicken, but then the great Ozzy Osbourne stepped it up a notch and used a bat. As a child when I learned about Geeks, I asked my mother what would make someone want to bite the head off of a live animal. In the great tradition of depression era raised children she never skipped a beat, she just said maybe the person just wanted to be sure he got at least one meal a day. So, I may be a dork, and a nerd, but I am not a geek, at least not yet...
  8. Saw this term in another thread in the Advancement section on the thread concerning Accountability and I wanted to know more about it what was in it(This message has been edited by OldGreyeagle)
  9. Well actually, if you did get in a car accident on the say to mail your tax forms on the 15th of April and you had a copy of the accident report, you might very well not face anything "bad" it all depends and I know what you mean but still, the example is not an absolute. I am going to go on how the District I serve does things, so if that is not how its done where you are, we all learn more. Your District/Council has approved merit badge counselors. If you think a Counselor did not fulfill the requirements of being a counselor, then you should let somebody know. In the Disitrct I serve, its the Merit Badge dean. In other Districts it may be termed something else or be lumped in other duties. In some places there are Council merit badge lists. Whatever way it went, I do think those responsible for signing off on merit badges other counselors did not should be asked what was the reasoning used. They may have valid reasons, they may not, but if they short circuit the system, they are doing everyone a dis service. You ask what does the boy learn? All the boys learn to shop for merit badge counselors and that is not a good lesson for anyone. How can an Eagle project be not a problem if the youth is 2 days away from his 18th birthday and you and the scoutmaster havent seen the work yet? Thats a real head scratcher. But, beyond all quibbles and questions, if you know you did the right thing, then you did, it just may take some time for others to come to the same realization
  10. merit badge counselors are pretty much the final authority on badges they counsel. If one signs off on a badge, its earned and that about it. You could request that the counselor be removed from the approved counselor list, but that about it as far as counselors go. For the Eagle project, I guess I have to ask, what is the process in your District/Council? For an eagle project where I live, the Disitrct Advancement Committee has to approve the project before it can be started and that form requires the Scoutmaster and a committee members signature. How is it done in your neck of the woods? For whatever reason the boy did not make eagle, It looks liek more from his inaction than your action, but that may depend on perspective. if you know you did the right thing, dont worry about, you did the right thing.
  11. "Yoda? Doesn't quoting fictional character portrayed by puppets put you into a whole new category of nerdiness? " nah. I already am pretty much on top/bottom (depends on how you look on it) of the nerd chain. I already moderate a forum about scouting and expect participants to follow the scout oath and law and am constantly surprised and disappointed when unscout like behavior occurs then again, what is the difference between nerd and dork? Thats ok, I admit to being both...
  12. Actaully the "quote" ran "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." Quotation marks mean, of course, an exact duplication and this is more of a paraphrase
  13. Gern, since I am in the 40+ club, I need a physcial every year prior to going to summer camp. My physician wanted to know if I would be doing anything strenuous and I said no,it wqs just summer camp but what if I was going to like Philmont and he said he would want to get a stress test first before he would clear me. I am not sure what hurt more, being told I would have to pass a stress test or the "Male procedue" I had to undergo as part of the physical. Then again, perhaps being a moderator on this site constitutes a stress test, you know Your a troll No You are Am not you are Nyah Nyah Nyah Ed is not a troll And that is all I have to say about that
  14. Hey, I declared Bankruptcy two years ago and haven't heard a thing from the Council office unless its if I can help with a Council Event, hold Venturing Training or staff a Powderhorn course. Many things can happen to force a bankruptcy,
  15. Back when I was a youth, after Brownsea Island but prior to the untimely demise of the red berets I was a scout in the western 'burbs of Chicago. It was by far the most fun I had growing up. The troop went to the Grand Canyon and then two years later, Glacier National Park. It was a happening troop and I loved the mix of people and expereinces. When my son joined the troop he was with, I became a leader, we both attended the 2001 National Jamboree, he as a patrol leader and I as an assistnat scoutmaster ( in another troop in the council contingent)he had a lot of fun, so much so that for his graduation we ended up backpacking through Yellowstone, something we could never had done without our scouting experiences. My son is now 23, I scout now in honor of a man I knew when I was a scout. He was the Troops COR, but I knew him as the Troop songmaster, he taught me Green Grow the Rushes Ho, Johnny Verbeck and a host of other songs I still am liable to burst out in song. He was a good deal older than my father (who I thought wa an old man)and was my first glimpse that older didnt have to mean stodgy and stationary. He is my inspiration for teaching youth songs, for having fun at a campfire, for being in the business of making memories, because if it aint fun, why bother/ Now, in honor of Mr Melvin Brockman, a one and a two: Peepin' through the knot-hole of grandmas wooden leg, Who'll wind the clock when I'm gone? Go get the ax There's a flea in Lizzie's ear, For a boy's best friend is his mother, his mother A horsey stood around, With his feet upon the ground, Why do they build the ocean so near the shore Who cut the sleeves Out of dear old daddy's vest, And dug up Fido's bones to build the sewer? The sewer? I fell from a window, A second-story window, I caught my eyebrow on the window-sill. The cellar is behind the door, Mary's room is behind the ax, But a boy's best friend is his mother. His mother Gee Mr Brockman, I miss you
  16. I still think the story of Jesus washing the feet of the apostles is a great demonstration of Servant Leadership
  17. My Nissan Frontier was assmebled in Smyrna Tennessee, is that better than GMs asembled in Canda with Mexican parts?
  18. Which is not to be confused with the Dark Side of the Moon, naturally...
  19. It does seem like there is a lot of confusion about the election process. Who has to be present when a sanctioned election is held. How many youth may be elected, how many votes does each have to get, how to be eligible for election and the role of the Scoutmaster in the process. For an organization that has been around as long as the OA, why do these issues persist? What could be done to assure a level, or at least a more level playing field so such errors don't occur?
  20. Well Kudu I admit I have no experience with having patrols camp 300 feet apart, and I wouldnt have known it unless you mentioned it. I do, however, have experience with self-appointed passionate saviors of the Scouting program who beleive the best way to sway the opinions of the masses is to insult them, belittle them and pretty much let them know how inferior they are to you and how much scorn you have for the way they do things. I do have experience with posters who can view any topic and turn into a diatribe against some specific program in the BSA even though clearly that was not the intention of the original poster nor is it remotely on topic. I have often asked such a passionate scouters that while I admire his/her knowledge of the program and their dedication to the cause of scouting if they really think their approach will engender support for their position. The odd thing is, the scouter rarely if ever responds, instead off they on a tangent, carrying on about what is wrong with the BSA, the Troops, Councils, ect. I wonder what it would take to have them examine how others see them and perhaps their presentation of their position gets in the way of people accepting or even bothering to learn about their position. As Marshall Mcluhan said, "The Medium is the Message". If a person comes across as hatefull and condescending, its hard to beleive many people will respond to the message that person espouses.
  21. My son bought into the OA hoopla, it being a club of honor campers, he went through the ordeal and was impressed by the ceremony of it. The came the next few weekends where it was obvious the members intent was to do as little work as possible and make fun of those who actually did work. Didnt take either of us long to figure out it was a total waste of time. When asked by the Lodge Advisor why I stopped comming, I told him what I thought, he said he disagreed with my assesment. Many more boys have done the ordeal and then after one or two weekends stop going because they get teased for actually working. Ah yes, the tradition continues...
  22. Kudu, I find I am trying to come up with an explanation that will resonate with you and am lacking, I blame me(This message has been edited by OldGreyeagle)
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