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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. In the old South, the landed gentry got to sit on the porch and plan what to wear at the next Cotillion. The non-landed free people (read white) had to work for their living and in the fields most often at that. Yes, they had red necks from sun burn. Such people had little resources to educare their children so redneck became slang for a poor uneducated white person. Then again, after Googling Redneck, I am not so sure. Try Cracker as well.
  2. There is Assateque Island http://www.nps.gov/asis/ nothing like cooking dinner amidst a herd of wild pony
  3. So, McCain said he was the maverick, the outsider, why would he choose a VP who would be seen as an insider, such as Biden. I thought not being from inside the beltway was an advantage, but now I guess its a disadvantage. Palin is as far from inside the beltway as you can get and still be in North America
  4. So, what do you say about a thread that talks about the candidates only in a positive manner. For example I like Obama because ... or I like McCain because ... No trashing of the other side, only what the candidate you support's position and why you like it. Can it be done? Who will crack first? And of course as always, Godwins Law is in effect!
  5. And when Ol' Teddy Roosevelt said one should "Speak softly and carry a big stick" did he mean oak or hickory?
  6. Could some of the Political Scientists in the Room go over the Monroe Doctrine for me, I think it relates
  7. Just when you think you are being clear, you arent This is a Troop that wants the Troop Committee to approve all Eagle Projects before a Committee member signs off on it. My gut tells me this is wrong, but unfortunately the ol' gut has been known to be wrong. Can the Troop Committee make this requirement?
  8. OK, just when you think you have heard it all. One of the Troops in the District has decided that to get the signature of a Committee member on the Eagle Project Application, the project needs to be approved by the entire committee. (Insert comment about craziness and come back) Anybody have a reference on why they can't do this? Or can they?
  9. Nascar? Non Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks Just the thing to address that diversity issue, ain't it?
  10. If he would have chosen a Black man or a woman of any kind, he would be called pandering, if he would have selected another white guy he would have been accused of "more of the same". I think they call that a no win situation It is at times like this its good to remember that the president is not the CEO of the Country, he is head of one of three branches of government and like Baseball Mangers, Presidents get more credit than they should when things go well and too much blame when they do not
  11. Note it was the mean ol' nasty institution known as a hospital that wrote the bills off and the God's gift to humanity, the physician healer who did not. And yes, I am most prejudcied against physicians who feign to care about patients while stabbing hospitals and thier personnel in the back more than a few times. I can show you the scars. Perhaps we need to define terms a bit, you all know that hospitals cannot turn away anyone who presents for emergency care regardless of their economic and citizenship status? So, when we already have hospitals providing care for patients whome every knows will never pay them. Then we come to elective or planned surgery. So far that is not paid, but with Government Health Care perhaps it will be. Those of you who know Physicians ask them what they think of the Governments influence in healthcare and what they would do if they suddenly were handed a GS level
  12. I am not sure of the sequences, so some may be off, but I think tthe point will be valid Way back awhile ago, Dan Rostenkowski (d) Ill was indicted, arrested, have something done to him for abusing his "franking" privilege, it had to do with the mail a congressman is able to send. So then the democrats countered by saying that Newt Gingrich improperly used the Congressional TV studio and then Pres Clinton gets impeached. So, no matter who the next republican president would have been, that person would have been under a microscope and any mis step would be examined with allegations of incompetence. As low as Bush's approval is, what is the approval of the Congress, or Senate? How about we have the best goverment money can buy face and tackle issues, not point fingers about how the other side are worthless slugs.
  13. And here, based on the thread title, I thought there was some sort of argument or dispute going on in the OA
  14. I don't see ethics as a base of rules, rather it is set in the values that a Culture holds dear. Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent are all values that might have served a Roman Centurion or a Knight Templar or a Tenderfoot Scout well. In another Culture, such as that of the Ferengi none of the above values are of much use since they do not add profit to the individual. That which is ethical depends on the accepted behavior pattern of the society in which one lives. It is well to remember that just because something is legal, it is not immediately ethical.(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  15. One of the Troops Eagles went to collge this past week, he has two other room mates. One of the room mates told a gathering of people that if he doesn't get good grades, he may just go "Virgina Tech" on them. He was reproted to the School, and the young man is having a Pych eval and his status as a student reviewed, maybe he was just being "funny", maybe not. Then again you may want to ask just how did he plan to inject the cyanide, had the scout learned Phlebotomy over the summer?
  16. Except that the company I work for is located in Salt Lake City while I live in Bethlehem PA and the Compnay that owns the compnay O work for is located in Minnesota. And what happens when we travel? I have often shudderd at the thought of National Health Care. Lets see, what other governmental enterprises do we have to compare them to? Amtrak didnt work out the way it was envisioned, the Postal System is so well thought of that it spawned multiple competitors, and the phrase "going postal" I guess perhaps the best opinions on National Health Care should come from those who have already experienced the National Health System that already exists, Any Veteran want to comment on how the VA Clinics are run? Anyone familiar with CHAMPUS/TRICARE? How is their service level?
  17. Never could understand why they would make a movie out of Romeo and Juliet, I know they both die in the end, I hope you don't mind but in all movies about the Titantic, the boat does go down. In the Daniel Day Lewis version of the Last of the Mohicans, I knew that Cora was going to die, but it turned out that instead it was Alice who leapt into the gorge to follow her beloved Uncas, leaving Cora with Natty Bumpo, nee Deerslayer, nee Hawkeye nee "La Longue Carabine" nee Pathfinder nee Leatherstocking" nee "the trapper". Which never actually occurred, ol'Nat was pretty much a loner who didnt have much use for human relationships, not unlike Ethan Edwards, driven to a goal but with not much of a plan when the quest is through. I am glad I deleted the orginal thread
  18. Gern I disagree that socialized medicine is a good idea. I havent seen a country where it works well nor a country that has socialized medicine that doe snot also have a "private" health system as well. Yet we could claim we already have a socialized medicine system in this country, In 1997 1 out of every three dollars spent for healthcare came from a governmental unit. Hospitals set up their charging systems to be compliant with governmental rules. Hospitals struggle to meet the demands of their patient's while facing diminshing revenues. In all of this I ahve to say that while hospitals are required by law to treat all patients who present for treatment, the same is not said about physicians, The Docs are independent agent who see who they want to see and charge what they want to charge, they are the last true entrepreneurs of society. Yet the helathcare system has to change. We either provide healthcare to all or we need to not have a problem stepping over the dead and dying in the Emergency Department parking lot. I have a lot of complaints about the healthcare system but the fix I guess is above my paygrade
  19. I think we get carried away by what terms mean to us, and I guess that will always be. In "The Social Contract" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau he contended to be safe people had to subjugate their own will for the good of the community. There may be a very nice house in the center of town, however, if the law of the land was there was no law, or property rights, then whoever had the most might would occupy the house. Until some one with more might came along and so on. Of course, after a few "proprty exchanges" the very nice house might not be so nice so the object of desire may switch to another nice house heretofore unnoticed on the outskirts of town. Its great to say we live in the land of freedom, but nothing is free and we as a people accept that. Land must be bought, construction paid for and knowledge attained. And a little knowledge that is in demand is more valuable that copius amounts of knowledge that is not as many University Professors can attest. What rights we give up to the community/society are those that we prize less than the payback. I think it was Ben Franklin who said "Those who would trade in their freedom for their protection deserve neither." Yet he was the one who "invented" subscription Fire Depts. People traded in a part of their freedom, in the form of money for the assurance people would come if their house caught fire. Franklin also started the first Public Library so are we to assume that deep down ol uncle Ben was a socialist?
  20. ". The Wood Badge "experience" takes place in the atmoshere of Scouting fellowship that forms between the participants, not in the content of the lessons." I am sorry, but I have to question this, if the content of the lessons was not important, then the BSA wouldn't have paid what they did to follow copyright laws and would not have gotten use of the management guru's of our time materials. If the content didn't matter then Course Directors wouldn't have to sign statements that they will follow the course curriculae. I think the course content is very important training and allows Wood Badger's and NYLT'ers to speak the same language. I can appreciate that the networking and fellowship of Wood Badge is a great asset of the course, its great to be in a room of people as jazzed up about scouting as you are, and relationships form that may be lifetime long. but to say the content of the lessons is not part of the experience, is just bogus
  21. From what I understand, there are people in the country, world even who find getting through life every day is hard enough without thinking about who is in political office. Just because some of us cannot comprehend the mentality of such an individual, sometimes people attach their whole being to another and do and say whatever they are told, witness Jim Jones, the original "drink the Cool-Aid" man. People will find what works best for them and for us to cast any judgement on it is wrong. Some people like to be cared for and others want to care for people. I guess it takes all kinds to make a world and there actually may be a husband out there who wouldnt dream of voting without consulting the love of his life, the center of his universe and partner, his wife. Is that wrong?
  22. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Establishing justice, sounds like grounds for a police dept along with the court system; Insure domestic tranquility, sounds like the fire dept fits in there; provide for the common defense, thats the military; promote the general welfare, that would be the infrastructure of transportation. Now, securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity is really open to interpreation, aint it?
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