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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. You know, I was thinking about Kudu when I heard him say that
  2. I wonder if some day society will look back and say look at those people who lived in the latter half or so of the 20th Century, they prized individuality, they wanted people to actually be responsible for themselves, they thought rewarding people for their independent actions were all actually good ideas. Not that discrimination against gays and atheists is right, it is not, but just because societal values change, does not mean that the change is correct
  3. perhaps we could all take a breath. Mr Fugitive, I have to tell you that in the past we have had people come on the Forum, ask some involved questions and then when the answers start comming the original poster throws out some curve balls and answers follows and then the person posts they were doing a sociology paper or psych paper and we were an experiement and we proved all Boy Scout leaders are idiots, or loons or something of a combination. Now, I am not saying that is the case here, only that having a few brushes with people who like to stir the pot for the stirring effect sometimes we find it hard to beleive some stories that are presented here. I have answered you the best I can in the forum and in PM's ,I answer because I take you at your word you say who you are, the problem is we have been misrepresented to before. SO, ask away, you will get answers, and you will get comments as many beleive "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" For some you could be number 10.
  4. John-in-KC is right, what you describe should hardly ever ever ever happen, but you want to be prepared. OK, you can be In the policy you are writing, you can address what to do when a scout is granted an extension. To tell you the truth, I have never seen an extension letter so I don't know what they look like either. Follow the routine process, if the scout has 6 months extension, then he has six months, just like he has til 18 (unless he gets an extension, natch). If he turns in his papers on the last day of six months and then he has 3 months to get the Board of Review, beyond 3 months, I don't know, I would suggest that anytime an extension is granted by National, the specifics of when the Bord of Review must be done is also addressed. I don't think it will cause a hardship once every 5-7 years or more.
  5. I think you got it wrong If the scout gets a no vote, he may accept the decision and then the Board tells him what he must do and in what framework it must be done. A follow-up Board of Review is schdeuled and the whole process followed as described in the Advancement Committee Guide Policies and Procedures publication If the scout gets a no vote he may not accept the decision and appeal the decision, in which case the process for appeal is followed. This is found in the Advancement Committee Guide Policies and Procedures Publication. There is not another Board of Review, the decision of the Board of Review is either upheld, no rank, or the decision is reversed, the rank is granted. If the scout gets an extension, and these are difficult to get then the time clock startes with 3 and 6 month dealines based on the extension. Most of this is explained in the Advancement Committee Guide Policies and Procedures publication. It should be in your Scout Office. Perhaps before someone in your Council writes up everything, this publication should be studied, anything that is written has to agree with what is in it
  6. I must be off my peyote, I am on twitter, now what?
  7. Fugitive, I would assume so, but you know what Ed says about that I have been on the District Advancement Committee for 8 years now, and I tink we have had about 5 scouts ask for extensions, 3-4 received them because of Medical reasons. I am not sure I can think of a good reason other than medical unless it was for like Katrina. I have heard a bunch of scouts on the Gulf Coast got extensions because they were otherwise engaged for a few years. I can't verufy it, but I would accept and beleive it.
  8. True, but I am not sure I can outrun many people with a knife, in fact, I never could out run many. I would hate to think my mothers survival was based on her ability to outrun a knife wielder Just a thought, the school shootings at Columbine, Virgina Tech and Northern Illinois were deplorable. But it makes one wonder why there are not daily school shootings in Detroit, South Central LA, Chicago or New York. I think one reason why there is a dearth of school shootings in inner city schools is because the youth know if they pull a gun and open fire, there is the distinct possibility of facing return fire. Not something you expect from suburban settings.
  9. this is what is stated in the Advancement Committee Guide, Polices and Procedures: "In large troops, Scoutmasters occasionally assign this responsibility to assistant Scoutmasters or members of the troop committee; but this is unfortunate, because most Scoutmasters feel that this is truly the opportunity to get to know the Scout and help him chart his course in life." I dont think you will find a reference on not doing your sons Scoutmaster conference as there is no prohibition, it's all an apearances thing. In the troop I serve my son earned a silver palm and I did not counsel a single merit badge for him as it worked out there were always other adults available. I could have and had no problems with BSA policy. If you don't think it is an issue, then it isn't do the conferences
  10. there seems to be a disconnect here, at least I think there is. let me try this, A scout is turned down by a Board of Review for a rank advancement, any rnk advancement. The scout has a choice, accept the decision or appeal it. if he accepts the decision then the schedule and expectations are laid out and the follow-up Board of Review is scheduled. The follow-up Board of Review need not have the same people, but obviously newcommers should be aware of the situation. Now, if the scout does not accept the decision and decides to appeal it, then there is no reason for a second Board of Review, the decision will be either to grant the rank or not. If the decision is that the rank will not be awarded then the scout would hae to do what the unit wants to advance. If the scout get the rank, then its done. If the scout is past 18 and the rank is not awarded, he should not have waited until he was so close to 18 to get the whole ball rolling, he knew quite early on when his 18th birthday was
  11. we had a female Den Leader shot to death by her estranged husband. He had a restraining orde on him to stay away from her and due to conditions of his probation he was not to be in possesion of fireams. So he short her with a percussion cap and ball black powder pistol because those were not included in the court order. If he would have been precluded from a gun, and axe would have been just as lethal. He was certifiable, actually he was certified, he just wasn't locked up when he should have been
  12. I feel liek such an old decrepit dinosaur, can someone explain what a Tweets on Twitter is and how its used? Type slow, I am slow on the uptake
  13. It is my understanding that the decision of a Board of Review is what is appealed. If a Eagle Board of Review does not "pass" a scout, the scout may then appeal the decision not to award the Eagle. If the scout prevails on the appeal, he gets the rank of Eagle, there isn't a second Board of Review
  14. Beavah, once again, I have no idea what you are talking about, I will just simply declare I would no problem asking a scout past Tednerfoot to recite the Oath and/or law, most of what you wrote makes no sense to me at all, sorry, I blame me
  15. And here I thought the punchline was: "First you have to get their attention"
  16. Actually Obama has done a few good things for me. I never had called my Congressman or Senators before, now I have them on speed dial. I think part of it stems from his promise to bring change to how Washington does things. There is nothing worse for anyone to face than high expectations, and Mr Obama set the bar pretty high for himself. I hope things work out for Obama, because that means it works us for us as well. I do still hear Hilliary's comment in my head about how patriotic Americans have a right to debate any topic that they disagree with anytime they wish and that its not unpatriotic to disagree with any Administration. I want to hear debate, to hear different views on what should be done. It would also help if there was a few different views on what should be done. We have the Democrats view and then the Republicans saying no that's wrong. But what are their alternatives? I am sure they have them, how do you find out about them? Anybody for a New Political Party? The Citizens Party? based on commonsense and Traditional American Values. Of course first we will have to define what that means, see you in a decade or so
  17. "The strictly by-the-book, "no adding, no retesting" folks would argue that once a lad is signed off for the Tenderfoot requirement, he is never required to recite the Oath and Law again from memory, or describe what it means." Gee Beavah, I always thought of myself as a member of the "strictly by-the-book, "no adding, no retesting" folks" list, but I would never argue that once a lad is signed off for the Tenderfoot requirements he never has to recite the Oath and Law again or talk about what it means, or for that matter, tie another square knot. So does this mean I am not a strictly by-the-book, "no adding, no retesting" folk?
  18. Now that we have gotten a few posts from the flurry of insults and attacks, can we argue facts or even positions but not ones perceived intelligience level of another poster?
  19. OK. I submit, I asked for opinions and I got them. Like I said, wejust had a long time nationally honored volunteer arrested for having sex with a 14 year old and I was probably too sensitive at the time. I will not mention it again
  20. Perhaps its just my dirty mind at work, I saw the name an immediately went to "Bare asses" patrol, but it may be I am too sensitive, it would not be the first time
  21. I was quite miffed at the name of the winning patrol of the local Klondike Derby, in First Place was the "Bear Rasslars" which I took to be quite offensive. The reality check, is would anyone else also find this name offensive or do you think this an acceptable name. I have to admit that the week the Klondike derby was held at the end of a week that had a long time unit leader and Camp staff member arrrested for sex with a 14 year boy in his home (the leaders, not the boys). Should that make a difference?
  22. C'mon GB, Pork is always what goes on elsewhere, everybody knows that. Pork is a bridge two states over, the bridge being built in your town however is an example of goverment doing its best. The legislator who got that bridge done two states over is just a pork barrel king, your legislator who got the bridge approved in your town knows how to best serve the constituents of your home town
  23. Then I am so glad you never were, But for the 17 year old budding thespian who wanted a Shakesperian themed Eagle Court, it was exactly what he wanted
  24. Maybe Clinton didnt think the evidence on Saddam was strong enough for a war, he also didn't want any part of grabbing Bin Laden when he was offered to us by a foreign goverment. Maybe that makes him one for two, I don't know. I do know if we keep trading maybe my side sucks but your sides sucks more we will never move forward The whole about wanting Obama to succeed or fail has many levels. Do I want his presidency to fail? TO lead the country to socialism to the degree is takes decades to recover? I do not want that. When people talk about Obama failing, I can only tell you my view. If Obama wants to do the Each to his ability, each to his need thing where personal responsibility is abicated and the state controls what is good, then heck yes I want him to fail. If he wants to strengthen personal responsibility, he wants personal accountability, then heck yeah, I want his to succeed. As a sports fan many times at the end of a season I have wanted to see my team lose to improve their draft selection spot. In some cases thats fan heresy, but I figure since the short term is lost, why not strive for future improvement. If Obama's policies are going to fail, then let them fail quickly, if they work and individual right s are preserved, well then, kewl What about what our Secretary of State said when she said she was sick and tired of being called unpatriot if she disagrees with the administration, that as Americans it was our right to debate anything we wanted. I may have jumbled the words, but the message then was that disent is patriotic, at least it was when #43 was president, why wouldn't it be now with #44?(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)
  25. I saw the thread on Band of Brothers as a cross over ceremony topic and it reminded me of this speech I paraphrased for an Eagle Court of Honor. It's based on Henry V's speech prior to the Battle of Agincourt. Some of you may remember it as the speech the recruit recites in the pouring rain in Renaissance Man. The soliquoy from Henry V is where the term "Band of Brothers" originates. The original is worth reading as well http://www.chronique.com/Library/Knights/crispen.htm but onto the speech: Brothers, this is he who that wishes to join the ranks of we Eagles. We must assure ourselves his efforts match the requirements of our little band He hath served the troop for over 6 months as a Life scout, earned the required merit badges and he performed a service project, demonstrating the Leadership required of an Eagle We must not dilute the requirements of attaining this, the highest of all scouting honors. The fewer men, the greater share of honor. Wish not one more Eagle unless he deserveth to attain this rank. By Jove We are not covetous for gold, Nor care who doth feed upon our cost; It yearns us not if men our garments wear; Such outward things dwell not in our desires: But if it be a sin to covet honour, we are the most offending souls alive. If one hath not attained honorably this rank, if it found That he hath no stomach to this earn this honor and live as an Eagle without blight, Let him depart; his passport shall be made And crowns for convoy put into his purse. We would not be in that man's company That fears his fellowship to live with honor. This day is called an Eagle Court of Honor, He that enjoys such a day, Will stand a tip-toe when such a day is named or the rank of Eagle mentioned. He that shall live and see old age, may yearly on the vigil feast his neighbors, And say 'To-morrow is an Eagle Court of Honor for once an Eagle, always it is so. Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot, But he'll remember with advantages What feats he did that earned him the Eagle honor. Then shall our names. Familiar in his mouth as household words , be freshly remember'd. (recent Troop Eagle names) and more. This story shall the good man teach his son. And an Eagle Day shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember'd We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that wears his Eagle medal with us Shall be our brother; be he ne'er so young, old, rich or poor or of any creed.. This day shall make him like our own family. And gentlemen who can not wear the Eagle Shall think themselves accursed they did not achieve what we have And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks about what they did to earn the right to Eagle be called.
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