First off let me tell you that I have been trained as den leader, cubmaster, unit commissioner, youth protection, roundtable commissioner, day camp director, shooting sports instructor, woodbadge training, plus taking on-line courses in various aspects of scouting and attended various pow-wows and monthly roundtables.
I was also on our district training team until I got so busy with other aspect of scouting that I did not have the time to devote to the training committee. I am mentioning this just show that I am not against training for leaders as I think that all leaders should get trained for their respective positions. I do not think that training should be mandatory. I can see that this would turn a lot of adults away from volunteering their time. We need to find some way to encourage the adults to want to get trained. We took the training to the unit if there was a problem with getting the leaders to a district or council training session. After I got off the training team they went strictly to leaders coming to training instead of taking training to the units. They a looking at possibly going back to that as a possiblity.