If it was not for this trip, there would be a few scouts who would not be interested in scouting any longer. There are even a few eagle scouts from our troop who are coming back to help plan and fundraise for the trip. Out of the whole troop of 22 people, 20 are planning on attending the trip, and we have seven adults who are interested in going on the trip. And even with this, my SM is still trying to discourage us from making the trip happen. He has seperated the trip from the troop saying that no troop money will be used on it at all. I was the one in the beginning who was all gung-ho about the trip, and was pushing for it really hard. Many believe that is why he banned all of the scouts, so that the persistance and high enthusaism would be cut out from the planning. I just don't understand why a scoutmaster should be so negative towards the planning of a great trip, and why the scouts shouldn't be allowed to have an input on the planning of it, isn't it supposed to be a "Boy Run Troop" anyway?
Another question, is it right for a scoutmaster to come into every PLC meeting and give the SPL a list of things he wants added to the list. Then he forces that list to take place on the calendar before anything that the scouts want to do? Every month we have a theme (i.e. cooking, first aid, warm weather camping, etc.) and every PL comes in to the PLC meeting with a list of ideas for things that we could do at the scout meetings. But they never happen because the SM's list is always forced upon us, with no say on our part. Is this right?