I like the entire integrated approach of troopwebhost and have sent about 12 inquires to troops using it. 90% glowing responses. However, there seem to be limitations on the advancement module. TM seems to handle some automatic functions better in regards to special awards. Such as automatically awarding world conservation award when requirements met. I am not sure how big a deal this is, but my advancement chair is not going to accept anything less than TM so if TWH falls short in that area I am hosed. The TM to TWH data transfer from what I am told does not transfer incomplete MB data. Not good. I certainly don't want to run two systems and without the advancement data TWH loses a significant amount of its punch.
It is like a review on amazon with 150 5 star reviews and 5 1 stars, but the 1 stars have a valid point.
Does the greater good of having better transparency with the troop outweigh the robust functions of TM. I feel it does but selling that to the committee is hard.