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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. I just got out of bed and tried it on Chrome under Windows 10. Once on "my dashboard" the heading is My Training. YPT Status is listed with a little printer icon. When I click that icon a dialog box appears "Select YPT completion course" then click the little arrow and it jumps back to the same screen. BUT a little PDF button appears in the bottom left of the browser window and when I select that a tab appears with my YPT certificate. I can then print that. With that said I updated my YPY on 2/11/16 so maybe that makes a difference. If you still have trouble PM me and we can exchange phone numbers in the morning and I can try and walk you through it. Good luck.
  2. I wouldn't be so sure about that. Just Say'n. I wouldn't be so sure about that. Just Say'n. I will let others point the fingers.
  3. The failings of the adults line made me think. I am leaning toward your side now. The adults did set the schedule and failed to see they were slipping behind and step things up. IF the boys truly did participate at a high level I would be tempted to award it and chalk it up to inexperience with the new program. That or just get it done this summer like others suggested.
  4. Worst case 20 laps around the Middle School track should do the trick.
  5. We had a trophy for the slowest PWD car. There was always one that never crossed the finish line. Now the big problem was the year we had Two not cross the line, but we only had one trophy. My suggestion was to cut it in half.
  6. If they can actually do the 10 miles without a 5 mile first then they have some hiking experience. I don't see any scouts having a problem with only getting credit for 5 especially if it is explained to them that they are joining the group late. Beats waiting for another group to form. A five mile hike is about 2 hours right? Can't they get that in after school some day around town?
  7. Someone on here used to have a saying (paraphrasing) "The never ending nightmare of indoor crafts called Cub Scouts". Was it Kudo? I take offense at that!
  8. Interesting that you took IOLS without the SM/ASM training first. I suppose every Council structures things differently but in my old Council we had the classroom stuff on a Saturday, formed patrols, met a couple of times over the next two weeks and then had a fri-sun Campout for the outdoor portion and a few lectures. That way we were trained in ALL positions including YPT.
  9. I agree, and also like meyerc13s goal of handing over the reigns halfway or so through the year. I am going to give this some thought,
  10. It can be very difficult to convince parents to go to the training sessions especially Baloo or OWl that many times involve an overnight. Offer to go with them as a "buddy" and help them along, sharing a tent or other gear to help ease the anxiety. Also being a point person on planning and implementing campouts can be very helpful. The DLs have enough to deal with The trick is to be a mentor and not run the show.
  11. An ideal position for that type if person is the Pack Trainer. Attend a different den meeting each week and help steer the leaders. Like you said with an emphasis on helping out those new Tiger leaders. We recently moved and my son was only in the pack for 6 months before crossing over. I offered to help as Advancement Coordinator, in person and with a couple of emails but never received a reply back. My troop doesn't need me so now I am helping on the district level. I think some Packs are hesitant to have leaders without children in the pack, or maybe it's personal and they don't want me.
  12. I am in the same boat as you JosephMD, several old cub uniforms and even a pair of official pants. On one hand they do no good sitting in a closet and on the other hand you don't really want to hand them to a MDs kid either, eh? (Channeling Beavah) So the question is how to identify those most in need? No perfect solutions but I generally tried to have some conversations with the single Moms at tiger round ups. Another way to handle it is anounce you have a few uniform shirts that are available for those with financial difficulty and to contact you directly to discuss. I also attempted to contact the parents of scouts who left the pack and request a donation to our uniform closet, also asked the parents of Webelos crossing over. Sewing is a lost art in this age so if you have a person in the Pack who can do it as a service to the pack that would be ideal. Most shops charge $3-5 per patch and that can add up fast. Never had much luck with Badge Magic as it only lasts half a dozen washing S before starting to peel.
  13. It is closed now and the sign hangs in a pizza joint but was a Columbia, MO icon for years. https://www.google.com/search?q=liquor+guns+ammo+columbia+mo&client=safari&hl=en-us&biw=1024&bih=672&prmd=msivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHtqTkvdDMAhUL7oMKHcaKAeE4ChD8BQgGKAM#imgdii=q8xtp8sfYGZsEM%3A%3BWXJVlzvSPQgLPM%3A%3BWXJVlzvSPQgLPM%3A&imgrc=WXJVlzvSPQgLPM%3A
  14. Sasquatch has been running around in forest neutral colors for years and is sighted quite frequently. Wear what you want.
  15. So here is were BSA Speak becomes a problem. When i as the only Baloo trained leader in my old pack and I could not attend a scheduled pack Campout due to a family wedding I had several committee members argue with we that the GTSS states must and then a laundry list of things nice things but does not say must for a Campout to occur. I understood their point but fortunately my COR backed me up. Finally one of them relented and took a 1 day course at a neighboring council. In the past some on this board have argued that it is the Guide TSS and not the Rulebook Of Safe Scouting so therefor it is only a list of suggestions.
  16. I believe the OP stated there is a Pack Campout planned but the one Baloo trained adult in the Pack cannot attend due to a scheduling conflict. From the GTSS: "At least one adult on a pack overnighter must have completed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO, No. 34162) to properly understand the importance of program intent, Youth Protection policies, health and safety, site selection, age-appropriate activities, and sufficient adult participation. Permits for campouts shall be issued locally. Packs use the tour and activity plan, No. 680-014." Typical BSA Speak, but many on this forum and in my old council have insisted it means that a Baloo trained adult is required on any pack Campout. In fact my COR in my old unit has worked on the National Level and is a National Camping School Instructor and he was in complete agreement that a Baloo trained leader was required on a Pack Campout. It is my belief that OWL is required for a Webelos Den to have their own Campout separate from the Pack or a Troop but I can't find a source for that. It is certainly possible that Baloo or OWL are not National requirements but Council specific requirements. Councils do have the authority to enact requirements that go beyond those of National. Regarding what boy does not like a compass? I had a good chuckle over that one remembering back to my youngest's Tiger year. The den went to a Cub-O and actually won 1st place. First prize was a nice Silva compass for each scout ands cond place was a sling shot. My little one was furious and complained all the way home about not getting that sling shot. He just crossed over and is a natural complainer and is inflicting his terror on the SPL at the moment. I am afraid it is going to take military boarding school to straighten him out, his mother and I seem to be incompetent at it.
  17. Hi there, welcome to the party! My youngest just crossed over to a Troop so my experience is with the old program. Let me try and help a little. 1. 25-50% is what I typically expect from home. What type in of things? Anything, especially if it says "or with your family" 2. Hell yes it is typical to assign tasks to families. You are a "Leader" not a slave. There will always be some that do more than others but if they are truly interested in scouts for their children they can do SOMETHING to help. 3. Under the old program it was possible to complete the core requirements by February and then work on electives and that's how a lot of packs worked it even though it was not necessarily designed to be done by then. From my understanding the new program takes a good 9 months so unless you start in June expect to finish in May. 4. Camping. I have run through the old program twice and Baloo/Owl was one of the first things I did and this is how I did it. When my wife and I accepted the job the Pack Trainer told me I had to go to a weekend campout training that was happening in two weeks so I informed the other parents, in person, that they needed to watch my kids that weekend if they wanted us to do the job. Farmed them out to two different families, they were Air Force Officer families and I knew and trusted them. (This point is critical, No email in scouts, it does not work. Just accept that and move on or your resentment and anger will grow.) You must have a Baloo trained adult to go camping. So you are so in a pickle and here is my advise. Get Trained! If that is not possible in the time frame you have it is now time to promise to do so and beg and plead to get a someone trained to go with you. Go to round table, call your District Executive and see if a Unit Commissioner can help or someone from another pack. Offer a token of your appreciation. Buy me a plane ticket from OH and I will come camp. Lol. 5. Tell that mom who wants you do everything at den meetings to pound sand. If her son doesn't do the work he doesn't get the award, that simple. Awards and rank advancement are a method of scouting and are not required to be in it. My wife worked with a a person who stayed in scouts until he was 18 and never made it passed Tenderfoot and loved every minute of it, he just didn't care about the advancement program. 6. Having said all of that, this is what I suggest. Have an in person meeting with the parents and lay it out for them. This is what you as a leader are willing to do and this is what they have do. That simple, if they don't like it they can ask the Cubmaster and Committe Chair to fire you and find a replacement or go find a new Pack. When I was a Cubmaster I always had a Leaders Manual on the shelf ready to hand some parent who complained that a Den Leader wasn't "doing it right". You can do all of that or you can just find a new Pack with people who get the program, your son deserves it. Good Luck!
  18. I had the good fortune to be invited to a 3 day event in Napa last November. Maybe it was because the wine started pouring at noon and didn't stop until midnight but I dont recall any fog.
  19. Are you certain you have "one hour a week" to spare?😳 Welcome.
  20. +1 I wish I dumped my first troop 1 year before I did. If a talk with the CC and SM don't produce immmediate results, run do not walk away.
  21. We all fail in following the oath and law to some degree every day. So we are then back to a subjective judgement.
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