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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. Not just teens; even our presumptive presidential nominees.
  2. Judeo-Christian values doesn't help me understand very much, but thanks for trying. Jesus was a bottle baby?
  3. Sounds interesting. 1200 badges. Wow. But none "controversial", what does that mean? As proven on this forum EVERYTHING is controversial, from mosquito netting to footwear to breastfeeding and beyond.
  4. ^^^^Ding, ding, ding ,ding. We have a winner! Tenderfoot requirement 14A. While we are at it probably a good idea to make Disabilities Awareness MB a requirement for Scout Rank. I would imagine it is the rare troop that doesn't have at least one boy with some issues.
  5. My old troop did little right except directly reimburse whoever pulled the trailer and parents always gave their sccouts money to hand their driver. I usually had to refuse a portion of that contribution becuase if I was driving more than 2 other Scouts it didn't seem right to come out ahead. If you are trying to come up with a troop policy. Not everyone itemizes and can write it off.
  6. Even before that and long before he turned his first water into wine, rumor has it JC himself turned donkey urine into Simulac. A quick Google search on the subject will reveal long before the crucifix became the primary symbol of Gods love to his creations the image of Mary nursing her baby was used but fell out of favor 17th centuryish. I don't quote bible verses but the same search will reveal many, many references to breastfeeding even in church. Revent is sometimes the most difficult point of the Scout Law to follow. I will pray for your church. I should bring that the SMs attention next time he or someone else brings a snack to the meeting. As far as a baby fussing for the few seconds while the mother switches sides the Courteous thing to do if one is speaking is to pause briefly, smile and then move one.
  7. I am in central OH and an out of council camp, 7 Ranges in Buckeye Council, offers an option for the older boys to go down to Summit for about $500. I assume Summit offers the whitewater MB. Other camps within reasonable driving distance to Summit may offer that option as well. I would go to the council web site, get the Leaders Guide for more information and maybe contact the camp. Use that as a basis and then see if you can find one that suits all your needs. Good luck.
  8. It is a bit steep for me as well especially with shipping. But Cotton Kills. . Not trying to brag but going commando is not an option.
  9. Perhaps Eagle might not be his cup of tea. Take a look at the National Outdoor Award Program. Very little school work and is much more intense than Eagle and rare. It just doesn't have decades of branding. In addition since it is now open to Venturing he would have until 21 to complete it. There are even rumblings about expanding Venturing to 26. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/Youth/Awards/NOA.aspx
  10. More than the ones they already knew? (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
  11. @@Eagledad I really, really want to disagree with you. However I keep remembering those moms at my last troop saying we can't canoe on the river because of all the drunk college kids. (A couple of the dads as well unfortunately).
  12. Have tried REI, just OK. ExOfficio, just OK. Any tried the Armichillo or Buck Naked from Duluth? Every campsite usually has a flag pole. I want to be this guy.
  13. I respectfully disagree in the strongest terms possible. If a boy no matter the age even bats an eye at a mother feeding her baby what we have is a bad parenting issue. I could care less if a female SM nursed during a SM minute. Now you might have a point if one of the Scouts was getting a snack. It happens.
  14. @@zuzy. Who is stating the NYLT "tickets" needs to be completed before Eagle? They are really two unrelated issues and there is no NYLT requirement for Eagle. I am certain if you are an Eagle a scout will not be denied attending NYLT so I just don't see the connection.
  15. Aggghhhh! Nails on chalkboard! Eagle is not: The End, Finsihed, Done, Complete, Over.
  16. "Get this unit back on track". Wat? The boys didn't even notice. Hopefully Mr. Lackey is not responding becuase he has been wished "the best with his future endevours."
  17. I think the Labor Dept. is going to have an issue with that until at least 14.
  18. I think the weekly dues thing is a holdover from Cubs. Although I never used them I remember many BSA forms had a column for "dues paid" for each cub.
  19. Hmmmm. May have more success if it something to boys want to change. Just seems like it should be the other way around.
  20. @scoutdr Is that a cooler and glass soda bottle I see there? Mattress?
  21. All this cash in scouting is really starting to anoy me. They should be using Bitcoin.
  22. Do Your Best. A rank advancement form is one page as well. I wonder how this approach would go over in this thread. http://scouter.com/index.php/topic/28207-something-to-give-in-place-of-badge-at-graduation/
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