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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. That's the a goal. Took my son to a sectional conclave a little bit ago and it didn't work out as well. That happens with youth run sometimes. Maybe next time will be different.
  2. Ah, one of my favorite James Bond scenes.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OmpBYcM06Sk
  3. I would be interested in hearing more about that as I have not seen any Kybos being bulldozed in MO, IL, OH or WV. So the state is outlawing primitive camping? Seriously?
  4. Thank goodness we have a free press and vibrant social media when that process doesn't work out so well.
  5. Soon "Reservation" in the title of camps will be be replaced with "Resort" followed by "Bankrupt". Some still do fortunately. We require the boys to cook for 2 days and nice a month, but heaven forbid they do it for 6. Does anybody here really enjoy dining hall food? I find it less than appetizing.
  6. @@TAHAWK Not a big fan of "back door" methods, just doesn't seem very Scout Like to me and strikes me as a bit cultish. I prefer the Front Door method. (And I dont mean young men in white short sleeved dress shirts banging on my front door) If a Mosque had a good scouting program I might consider it for my kids. If they they used the program as a "back door" to conversion to Islam I would not. If they were upfront about about their goals it wouldn't really be a "back door".
  7. ^ The problem is all those squirrely Scouters running about with nothing to do.
  8. Over in the "Please Explain" thread we have a unfortunate situation that slipped through the cracks on this forum and now everyone is helping but the advise is all over the spectrum, big surprise. I thought it best to start a new topic rather than clutter up that thread, perhaps we can in the end provide a more unified approach for her. We all know how how the hierarchy of scouting works and how this "should" be escalated. However each council is different and more importantly each CO is different with some actively engaged in the program to some who just tolerate scouting and are very hands off and will be extremely annoyed with being forced to deal with drama. My old unit was public school based and chartered by the PTA that consisted of about 8 board members. When I accepted the position of Co-President I was surprised to find out the only person on the board who even knew the PTA was the CO was one of the past Co-Presidents. A couple of the board members expressed concerns about the PTA being the CO due the controversial BSA policies at the time. Some issues still remain. Fortunately my Co-President partner was a long time Scouter at the District/Council/National level and we were able to allay those concerns and continue on. I doubt this situation is unique. Perhaps bringing this kind of drama to the CO could have a detrimental impact on the unit and it is best handled within scouting in many cases? My wife manages about 30 employees many of whom are high maintenance "creative" types. Her mantra is "Bring me solutions not problems."
  9. I have not ready every post in the last 10 pages but I plan to. This thought just occurred to me: So when this young man truly reaches adulthood with a fully developed brain and intellect sometime in his mid 20s what will he think of this experience? It will be about this time that he really makes the decision if he is going to continue with his parents religion or find his own path and likely a mate and family to share that path. Will he think "I sure am glad all those adults put me in a box and determined the path of my religious and scouting journey."?
  10. I completely agree with Stosh this situation needs to be adressed by the SE. Many if not most district level professional positions are entry level so experience is minimal. You probably don't know what Stosh means by SE, Scout Executive. He is an experienced professional Scouter and is in charge of the entire Council which is made up of many districts. He is the decision maker. It took me a moment to wrap my cream filled brain around "former ex husband". I think that counts as a double negative. Let us know how things go.
  11. I think noise pollution needs to be adressed. Few Scouters can nap without snoring which is detrimental to the mating habits of the wildlife.
  12. A Scout can still be trustworthy and sell Trails End if he has never eaten any to KNOW how awful it is.
  13. Idiotic threads are my favorite. Which one is that? I think I am 20 pages behind in this one and trying to catch up. This one looks good again but I really want the juicy one.
  14. I think what Tahawk is getting at is how successful is a religious based CO in converting scouts over to their point of view. I doubt there any any good statistics but his is how I imagine it plays out. The CO wants to have a relatively homogenous faith based troop with a heavy emphasis on faith. So they let in a few scouts of other faiths or relatively no faith and give it a go. Maybe has success with some of the boys maybe not but they still have a troop that does whatever it is they want the boys to do such as have a mass every Sunday morning or as we have heard posted here in the past actually pile in cars and go to closest church for mass. The problem is once you open that door and more and more "unchurched" or "other churched" scouts enter the troop things start to change since we preach the whole "Boy Led" thing. Now half the troop would rather do something else on Sunday morning like fish, or just drive home. This is not what the CO had in mind, but a quota system kind of rubs them the wrong way as well. I guess it boils down to what is their goal? Help others or help themselves. Edit: haven't kept up on all the threads here as I do have a life outside Scouting ( such as rollercoasters) and it seems some of the other threads are backstory to this one. I suspect my input is irrelevant given the context. Carry on.
  15. Dining halls are destroying our camps. An expensive totally useless addition all so the boys can fit in one more MB and have someone else do for a Scout what he can do for himself. And dining halls are indoors. A house has plumbing problems, not a camp. All a camp needs is 1 single source of potable water, distribution can be handled by a truck pulling a 250 gal tank to each campsite a once a day. Oh, I get it, the Dining Hall had plumbing problems.
  16. This one is just like the "National Policy becuase of Insurance" that you must wear the Field Uniform while traveling. It is a great idea and may be a troop policy but not National. Whenever I hear that one I love to watch them squirm when I ask them how can that possibly be a National Policy when National is very explicit that a Uniform is NOT required to be a Scout. Priceless.
  17. I think a much better option is to use your map and compass skills, put it in a dry sack and bury it the woods each evening while they boys are roasting marshmallows. Could even make a game of it. Give the boys some paces and headings and the first one to find it in the morning gets 15 minutes of Minecraft.
  18. Nonsense, boys join Scouts because they are looking for God, not Adventure. Just look at all the BSA marketing materials. Revivals, pastors with their arms over the boys shoulder huddled in a corner to be born again, prayer groups, throngs of teens shouting WWJD. That's the Promise of Scouting. Boys hate adventure, have always hated adventure and will hate adventure until the end of time.
  19. If only employers would allow a true vacation anymore. Fewer and fewer do. My wife's doesn't. What can be done about this?
  20. I thought there have always been COs that limited membership to their own religion, some LDS or Jewish troops come to mind. I don't even see an issue with them allowing certain flavors and not others. (The old joke about the Baptist jumping off the bridge and his negotiator finally pushing him off comes to mind). Same with LGBT, they can take them all or select only certain letters. As long as they own it and are not coy about it what is the problem? A BOR is not the time to find out. In your particular case I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the Pope has an issue with their policy but if that is a battle they want to have, let them. When National sets these kinds of restrictions and start determining membership standards is when people get upset.
  21. All camps I have been to allow the troop trailer on the campsite. That is were we keep the med box and only the adults and SPL have a key. Most likely your troop is going to have at least one boy on controlled substances so you need to hav some secure location unless your camp requires all the meds to be held at the health lodge. Unfortunately Bryan's announcement about Puppy Scouts was on 4/1.
  22. I guess cloth go s alone get with pack it in pack it out.
  23. Teeth. If the forms are not in my possession by this date I will not accept them and my duty has been completed. Period. If someone else wants to step up and process late paperwork they may volunteer to do so. What can they do? Fire you?
  24. Not sure where the current debate on cloth diapers is but last time we used them 8 years ago or so the disposable were considered more eco friendly due to the energy, chemicals and water need to wash cloth. Plus those pull-ups with the "cool strip" we're awsome for potty training. No one likes cold junk.
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