I know this an old thread, but I am new to the forum and would like to share my opinion. I am VERY active in GSUSA, not a staff member, but a very active volunteer.
I have two girl scout troops, in which I have Daisy through Ambassadors. I love the new curriculum. The basis of the Journeys is Servant Leadership, a skill that is vitally important. The leader manuals that come with Journeys have very detailed lesson plans in them, but emphasize that girls should be taking "side trips." They should be earning other badges, going on trips, doing other "fun stuff." Each Journey challenges the girls to invesigate a topic, and to complete a "take action" project (service project) based on what they have learned.
The new handbook does decrease the number of badges greatly, but there is the option to "design your own." This option allows girls to work through the process to design their own badge and earn it. They can delve into any topic they want. This is a great way for them to show proficiency in any area. The badges that are available in the handbook, as well as the skill-builder sets mirror the older badges. Many of the them are almost identical (the Brownie "senses" badge).
As far as combined troops go, trust me, I understand! It can be a challenge with the Journeys, but you will find that many of the other badges work well across age levels, as they are desined to build on each other. I often combine activities to allow girls to work in one big group.
And, as has been said, let the girls decide! They are not bound by a book or set program. Let them explore what they want, and make it fun.
I will happily assist anyone with planning!