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F-P last won the day on December 11 2013

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  1. Just to clarify - I don't think they shouldn't count for advancement and such. I meant more along the lines of having a separate troop campout in the same month.
  2. Thanks for the replies. I'm torn on the issue. I do consider it a campout, but with one in the fall and another in the spring, and Klondike in the winter it's just a lot of council activities counted as campouts.
  3. Curious as to whether you all consider a camporee as the troop’s monthly camp out.
  4. Interesting read. Nothing new. I just don't understand it. Why don't they complain about Girl Scouts?
  5. Could not get in yesterday but here now.
  6. Seems like a bad night waiting to happen. Not the best idea to have youth around alcohol. Especially if they are ever unattended.
  7. You can absolutely transfer whenever you want. And tell people where you are going and why. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
  8. We had a meeting like that. I brought a large pad and we wrote down our thoughts on the different troops along with what we knew about them - how often they camp, size, etc. We didn't call them pros and cons, but there was good and bad things on the pad. I also tried to play devil's advocate for some items - one troop was considered too big, but I pointed out that they have more trips and more opportunities - they're the only troop in town that can send a contingent to Philmont. Stuff like that.
  9. Maybe I'm confused, but what do you mean by super troop when you describe the troop you were in as a kid? That sounds totally adult led. Is that what you consider on par with what scouting should be? Other than that I think you need to let your son decide. Same advice everyone else gave - visit as many as possible and get a feel for the different styles. Don't be afraid to switch troops if it isn't as advertised. On a side note - Jason you're a CC for one troop while your son is in another? I have so many questions I don't know where to start.
  10. Yes have them wear as much bling as they can. Awards, temporary patches, sashes - wear them all.
  11. I also had my son stay home from a meeting. He was incredulous that I was still going. I think the other boys got the hint too. Regarding the teacher, why not ask how she handles her class, what works, etc. Might be able to get some tips and break the ice. Also, I think one thing to remember is that you are automatically more interested in scouts than most of the rest of the parents. Where you have been planning the meeting for two weeks, they remembered the meeting twenty minutes before they needed to be there. I always felt there was a bit of divide between the leaders and the parents.
  12. Well said Rick. Friendly is not the first word I thought of while reading this thread.
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