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LVAllen last won the day on August 25 2018

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    Las Vegas, NV
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    Estate Planning Attorney

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  1. My council and many others, it seems, offered virtual merit badge classes. My council, and many others, it seems, offered these same online merit badge classes for $10-20 a pop, even though the council obviously wasn't providing physical materials for project requirements, printouts, etc.
  2. This is your council desparately trying to attract users for their camp property. That said, this method had been in place for years at Philmont. Every year, Philmont hosted an LDS Priesthood Leadership Training Conference. The attendees brought their wives and children. While the Leadership was being trained, their wives and children (both sons and daughters) enjoyed Philmont's adventures.
  3. You've been in Scouts long enough to have seen Courts of Honor with elements you didn't like, or that took too long, or that were boring. Don't do those things. You've also probably seen events that were fun, that kept things moving, and that everyone enjoyed. Make it like those events. If you're planning it, it's your show. Let a little swagger show in your step as you reap the rewards of a long journey. Then turn around and work to help others enjoy their own journey. Congratulations.
  4. I've used GPS devices since the late 90s. They have varied in complexity, in map detail, in cost, and in ease of use. But every last one of them allowed you to enter in Waypoints and follow a route. It isn't just a YOU ARE HERE sign.
  5. The vendors at Mountain Man Rendezvous are mainly food & beverage. You've also got knife vendors (must have a Totin' Chip on your person to purchase anything), homemade fire-starters, silversmiths, etc. It's in keeping with the theme of a Mountain Main Rendezvous in which mountain men came down for a little bit of trading, a little bit of fun, and a little bit of other stuff. The scouts are there for the shooting, archery, atlatl throwing, skills contests, and for the fun. Also for the bottled root beer (They sell you a bottle, and provide free refills. We had scouts keep their bottles from years past solely for the purpose of getting this root beer, which apparently is tasty). The family has not filed a lawsuit naming the vendor, the youth, the SMs of either unit. Just the council and BSA. The mention a SM, but don't include him as a defendant. It's possible they have already settled with other parties before filing a suit. Of course, they are also alleging $270,000 in current medical expenses, including an prosthetic eye. Let's not forget that there are serious injuries here. I'm not sure how raising "personal responsibility" would have prevented the Scout's injuries. Do you think he should bear the responsibility for losing an eye?
  6. What makes this worse is that Environmental Science does not have to be done this way. Half of the requirements can be done by doing experiments, for crying out loud. 8 hours of lecture and fill-in-the-blanks? That sounds awful.
  7. The Boy Scout Handbook says nothing about "register for a merit badge class" or "participate in a merit badge workshop." Neither does the Troop Leader Guide. Both say for the Scout to contact the MB counselor, and that the Scout must have a buddy whenever they meet with the counselor. The Troop Leader Guide says "The Scout sets up and—along with another Scout, a relative, or a friend—attends his first appointment with the merit badge counselor." From that, it seems to me that the recommended program is one or two scouts meeting with a counselor. If one scout meets, he/she brings along someone else, although that person need not be a scout.
  8. 2 Scouts (or 1 Scout and a buddy) meeting with 1 counselor. Source: explanation given to Scouts, found in Boy Scout Handbook, for earning a merit badge.
  9. Don't forget the balloon payment of $136 million due in 2022 from the 2012 10-year bonds.
  10. I wasn't there, but the date coincides with an annual Mountain Man Rendezvous. As is typical, they had knife throwing, archery, black powder rifle/shotgun, etc. At least for this year's event, the vendors were not allowed to sell projectile toys or bows. I don't know about 2016.
  11. The article says the Scouts had to obtain a permit from the county to operate, and the permit was only valid for the approved space (the gym). On their Facebook page, they mention that the previous year's venue had a team qualify for the same game last year, but that school simply moved the team to another part of the school, and the two events never interfered with each other.
  12. If National wants to quote me, I'd be happy to tell them about the GSUSA recruiter who, in 2015, insisted to me that Girl Scouts could now earn Eagle.
  13. Welcome to scouter.com! It sounds like you've got two issues here. The first is that, in Scouting, we use constructive discipline. Our aim is to mold young men, which is difficult if we kick them out at the first sign of trouble. On the other hand, the Scouts' safety comes first, and it sounds like the SPL was acting un-Scoutlike in a way that was endangering another Scout. There have to be direct, proportionate consequences for that action. Given the severity of the breach of the Scout Law, I think an immediate counseling with the SPL and his parents is warranted, probably followed by a removal of the Scout from active participation. It's up to his parents to correct his behavior, but until they and he can assure you that nothing remotely like this will ever be an issue again, he simply can't participate. Given the sexual nature of the behavior, as well as the possibility that your son was singled out because of his developmental delays, I don't think you have any choice but to give the SE the heads up. Some helpful tools: https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/incident-report/
  14. I love being a Boy Scout, there's nothing I'd rather be- But if I wasn't a Boy Scout - A Girl Scout I would be! Ding-dong, Hi there! Wanna buy some cookies?
  15. Clarke Green over at scoutmastercg.com recently posted a podcast in which he discussed his troop's reaction to female scouts during a trip to the International Scout Center in Switzerland. It took his troop maybe ten minutes to grasp the concept that the females they saw weren't Girl Scouts, they were just Scouts.
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