Some people call me "uniform czar" but it's not something I usually individualize, as in your uniform is wrong. When I talk about the uniform, I do so generally to everyone. I never "criticize" anyone over their uniform, but on the rare occasion when I speak to an individual, I might say "you know, it's great you earned that World Conservation Award and want to display it proudly, but it would look better on your right pocket; it doesn't actually replace the WOSM seal." People appreciate a compliment and friendly guidance. There is another adult in our unit who I call Patch Police. The difference to me is very clear: He's obnoxious about patches and takes delight in deriding someone's uniform issue at inopportune moments mid-conversation, or bluntly, or chidingly. When he gets under someone's skin, they give him a dirty look; when I mention something, people thank me. When someone gives me a hard time about an issue on my uniform (I'm not perfect) I laugh with them; when someone gives him a hard time, he dresses them down.
At the end of the day, there's a right way to wear everything, and its in the book. But if you want to wear something improperly on purpose, it's you looking silly, not me, so I'm not going to spend my time worrying about it. The only time I insist is formal functions, and even then it's not like someone can just fix a patch on the spot, so what's the point being obnoxious on the spot?
I will say there's nothing like the uniform to make scouts silly. I once had a SPL running around at an Eagle court of honor telling all the boys to take off their merit badge sashes; I asked him just what he thought he was doing. "Today is about Johnny Scout, it's his big day and my dad [the SM] said it's rude for everyone else to be showing off their merit badges." I had a laugh and told him he couldn't be any more wrong.