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Everything posted by Scouter99

  1. Thanks for the blog. I bought some Boypower:Manpower window decals on eBay a few months ago with no clue what the initiative was.
  2. We had a kid come to our troop after his SM in old troop told him he would "never be an Eagle." He had his MBs, he served in a PoR to satisfaction, camped every month, did a more involved project than most of our native guys--I wish all our scouts were like him.
  3. The last time we had ours completely out of sight, they threw an entire bottle of lighter fluid into the fire, and one boy demonstrated setting hair from every part of his body on fire (yes, every). They also state that was one of their favorite outings.
  4. "orally sodomized boys ages 11, 12 and 13 in three separate incidents during 2010." He's 19 now, you do the math. Sounds like he probably waited til they were asleep then got nasty. Here's his personal website http://jacobwittren.tripod.com/id9.html I would swear that in the past I saw a caveat about not letting boys of very large age differences tent together in either the GtSS or YP Training, but I can't find it anymore. Anyway, the case isn't a failure of either barrier-to-abuse rule and has nothing to do with this question.
  5. We've got ~100 Eagles in 50 yrs. To my knowledge, 1 ever came back after college. I completely agree about diminishing non-Eagles' service. I'm not an Eagle; when some hotshot makes a joke I tell them to look around and tell me how many former scouts from our troop they see, the answer is 1, me, and they can put that in their pipe and smoke it. Fun fact: Adults could earn Eagle until like the 1940s.
  6. The perp was 16 when the assaults occurred on an 11, 12, and 13 yr old; that is not germane to the question at hand, as it is not a YPT violation.
  7. The day I need an app to do what I should be able to do myself is the day I'm useless to the troop.
  8. We've had two German exchange students in the past ~10 yrs, I had a little fun asking them if they had enjoyed their time with us brownshirts.
  9. Right with you, qwasze! Same goofball that kept trying to ram Picasa down my throat (rather than local storage) and routed half of everything we did through other Google services was beating down my door when I absentmindedly congratulated 2 youth on our website by first and last name. It would have been fun to point out the irony, but I was a good boy that day.
  10. You have found it, you are simply ignoring it or don't understand it. The Guide to Safe Scouting is the definitive policy on your situation, and we have explained it amply. If that doesn't satisfy you, you and/or your troop are welcome to have your own requirements which are more strict than those in the GtSS, but understand that you are doing just that: Setting your own rule which is more strict. The language in the GtSS is plain, and I have found that the only people who are confused by the two rules are people who have never read them. The answer to your question is simple: You may coach a youth in the MB as long as you are in the presence of another adult, or another youth. "If it comes down to your word against a kid's" Sigh, which is exactly why a second youth is there. You didn't say anything different than what I just said.
  11. You still don't get it: Two youth and 1 adult IS YPT. If a second adult can be conveniently found, there's no reason not to have one, but there is no reason or requirement to tear your hair out finding one.
  12. I don't see anything on eBay or Amazon under pfadfinder or "german scout book" except a Pierre Joubert book (former) and NAZI stuff (latter). Maybe someone from Transatlantic Council could get hands on one and mail it to you.
  13. You have found it, you are simply ignoring it or don't understand it. The Guide to Safe Scouting is the definitive policy on your situation, and we have explained it amply. If that doesn't satisfy you, you and/or your troop are welcome to have your own requirements which are more strict than those in the GtSS, but understand that you are doing just that: Setting your own rule which is more strict. The language in the GtSS is plain, and I have found that the only people who are confused by the two rules are people who have never read them. The answer to your question is simple: You may coach a youth in the MB as long as you are in the presence of another adult, or another youth.
  14. You're giving the word "and" more weight than it carries. Your context is merit badge counseling. If you're not planning to hold the sessions during a regular troop meeting, your interpretation that you must be in view of both adults and youth is near impossible. You cannot guarantee that you will always be in view of adults and youth at the same time in any public place. I use Starbucks, it's public and I'm an addict. Your interpretation would mean that if I walked into Starbucks and there's no minors around I call my MB appointment and tell them to hang around on the sidewalk until they see a kid walk in. We see quickly that the meaning of the rule is as simple as its name: No one-on-one contact. That can be achieved in a number of ways that don't require overcomplication over the word "and."
  15. "How about this": Don't do it. This is basically a matter of your own desire to do it regardless--no, in spite of--your new-found knowledge that you are in violation of BSA policy. No one is forcing you to do it, you've just made up your mind to do whatever you want to do.
  16. You cannot teach it while following procedure.
  17. Ditto. I'm assuming they don't send 10-yr-olds on exchange trips, so the boy is probably old enough to have a mature conversation on the subject that starts with "here's the situation, what are your thoughts?"
  18. On an unrelated note, I tried to send you a PM but the forum says no go. If you PM me first do you think I'd be able to reply?
  19. "...fall 2012 release of documents about BSA's hiding/protection of child molesters." False: http://www.scouter.com/forum/issues-politics/390075-the-warren-report-bsa-inegible-volunteer-files If you honestly believe that BSA "hides/protects child molesters" then you'd have to be either an idiot or a coldhearted bastard to bring or recruit children to the BSA, wouldn't you.
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