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Everything posted by Scouter99

  1. Irrelevant. The Tigers haven't failed to meet the requirement due to "developmental" differences, they simply haven't done it yet. Good advice from the others. Rather than shutting the Tigers out of the B&G program because they haven't finished yet, use the time to have them do a skit or talk about things tehy've done this year so they still feel part of it.
  2. I can't either, though I'd disagree that it's a redeeming factor.
  3. Is there a pool on when the ACLU files suit to save the poor people of Maine from our rein of tyranny?
  4. Per the website, it's not a steamer--the food is cooked inside a plastic bag and never meets steam or water. The aluminum grid transfers a greater amount of heat from the boiling water than the water itself can transfer. By cooking in a bag, you've turned a pot of boiling water into an oven that doesn't weigh as much as a dutch oven.
  5. Ugh, eggy bread, gives me shivers just thinking about it. I'd gladly skip chores in exchange for jam hahaha
  6. Scouting was largely a reactionary movement to combat social pitfalls of the industrial age among urban boys. Scouting today is couched in the suburbs, which have their own problems, but where boys do not face anything like the problems that urban boys continue to face. So, no, for the vast majority of boys who go into Scouting as just one more extracurricular, Scouting does not have the impact that it has for its original target.
  7. When using axes, you have the safe work area and the ax yard. The safe work area is analogous to the blood circle, but bigger: 10 feet at least. The ax yard is a stationary area set up for long-term use. A safe work area is not necessarily an ax yard, but an ax yard is a safe work area. This information begins on page 406 of the Scout Handbook, which most scouters have never read. In limbing trees that have fallen all over the place, what you need is to observe a safe work area. That means that the area around the boy within the ax's length should be clear of obstructions, and no person should be within 10 feet of him. It does not mean moving a rope around all day, which is the antithesis of what an ax yard is (stationary, long-term) -------------- We had a similar debate over hack saws: What do you need for pioneering projects? Poles. How do you get them? Hack saws. B-b-b-but saws can't be used outside the ax yard. OK, then you move the rope every 5 minutes, or gnaw the poles with your teeth. Suddenly the made-up rule isn't so important or official anymore.
  8. Shooting water guns, laser guns, etc. at people has been banned for quite a while. Which is why it was pretty amusing that Cub Scout "Adventure is Calling" recruiting poster in 2011-ish depicted Cubs having fun shooting each other with water guns. Apparently the propaganda dept doesn't communicate with the gestapo.
  9. I've got a dad/ASM who's been apologizing for his son's absence at literally everything for 2 years with "sorry, he has homework." Right. And so do the other 40 boys who all managed to get here.
  10. So did the boy go and have his project rejected because the District people thought he didn't have enough time and then give up? Did he give up before meeting with the District people, but meet with them anyway? If he wanted to do it and "gave up" because suddenly everyone told him no, that's a shame. In the abstract, it is still not a district's business/problem as to the time left to finish the project, only to approve or decline the project based on whether or not it fulfills the requirements.
  11. There are two words you need to know for these situations: "Show me." If he can't point to it in the most current policy books (Guide to Safe Scouting, G. to Advancement, G. to Uniforms and Insignia, etc.) he can go fly a kite.
  12. Every time I get another antique Boy's Life Reprint in the mail from eBay and start flipping through I find myself thinking "too bad BL isn't like -this- anymore."
  13. I can never sleep, anyway, and I learn a lot more about them from the whispered conversations, so as long as their volume isn't keeping other people up, big whoop. I did listen to some yarns from a man who'd been SM for close to 40 years; one he told was one night the troop was just wild (pranks, yelling, whole nine yards) so he rousted them back out of their tents, and announced they were going for a hike, 5 miles up the mountain and back. They filed back into camp about 6:30 AM just in time for breakfast (summer camp). That was in the 1950s, the legend was good enough to hold the troop til he retired in the late 80s. Probably be arrested for that now, but you could try it.
  14. I've never seen my troop naturally sing around the campfire (or anywhere) in 20 years. We sometimes sing Scout Vespers as we put out the fire. Sometimes a scout shows up with a guitar and knowledge amounting to 3 chords, and that doesn't get too far. No skits, either. I think it's a casualty of the culture wars. Singing boy scouts are super gay.
  15. Well, when you refuse to allow the boys to lead, I guess you're right that it's adult led.
  16. You just have to put your head down and prepare yourself for the long game--it takes at least 5 years to change a troop culture. You're not going to get the 15+ crowd interested in basic scout skills because they're already free and clear, so you just have to start with the newest scouts and inculcate (there's a vocab word from the original aims & methods you won't find anymore, too slow-sounding) the culture you want in them while you wait for the older scouts to get out of your way. As for refusing to learn the stuff, if the carrot doesn't work use the stick. I don't know how your troop does sign-offs, but whether you allow older scouts, only ASMs, or only yourself to sign off, don't sign it off til they know it. Sit down with whoever signs things off, and make it crystal clear that pen isn't to touch paper until the boy can do it. When boys don't know a skill they ought to, get their book and see who it is that's undermining your program and tell that numbskull he's not allowed to sign things off anymore until he gets with the program (and when he gets all puffy about his being volunteer by golly tell him his time is worthless to you if he's fouling things up). Advancement is a method, not an aim (or a right, for that matter) and when boys are advanced without actual skills, they're robbed. Yeah, I'm real popular with the SMs and ASMs who mass sign off for a round lashing around two poles for a useful camp gadget (then deride a real scout's real gadget as "another useless camp gadget haw haw haw") or sign off all three ranks' cooking requirements for boiling some Ramen once, plant IDs based on photos of mom's flower bed. Maybe you don't have quite the same level of issue, but you see where I'm going: Your PLs who can't teach because they don't know got that way somehow, and they're not going to give up the gimme culture because you ask nice. So, work the youngest boys. When they outperform, heap praise on them and some of the older boys will get motivated and get on board, and most you'll just have to wait for them to go. Whatever plans you set forth, you have to spend the time to present your changes and your reasons to the ASMs and parents and youth leadership, and the one's that don't like it can hit up BeAScout.org. Inspiring? Sorry, not really.
  17. Darn Canadians with their flapping heads and their shaken root beer.
  18. Hard to imagine it went on for 80 years. I'm sure the religiously oppressed youth of Chicago Schools and HUD jumped for joy when you liberated them from Scouting's black-hearted grasp.
  19. I don't think it's any of their business how much time he has to do the project. If he thinks he can get it done, it's their job to approve it (or not) based on the merit of the project. Do they think a week is enough time to come up with a smaller/shorter project, but not to finish the one he's planned? Don't be silly. If he can't finish it in a week, that's his problem, but it's not a reason to deny him the chance. Start the appeals process tomorrow at 9:15 AM.
  20. From existing period hats and photos, I'd say what you probably read is that the original BSA hats were made from felt and got crushed a lot.
  21. Tell them yeah, yeah, we're all "busy" http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0
  22. Oh, right, the article that embodies all that is wonderful about political journalism with this line "Rowe didn't immediately return a request for comment." . . . because the reporter never requested a comment from Rowe. In the interest of fairness, Mike Rowe's response from his Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheRealMikeRowe) on Feb 24: And some of his logic on why he agreed to do voiceover work for WalMart, from Feb 12:
  23. Separate. Watch a camp site: a large amount of the hovering, activity, etc is around the cooking. If the adults are eating with the scouts, there's no space for them to lead themselves.
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