After many months I finally decided to ask for advice. My son's troop is going through a a really rough transition and I am really frustrated. People/leaders are dropping out right and left due to burnout and troop politics. The Scouts are lost and the patrols are suffering as boys leave and are not replaced. I feel bad for my son who used to love scouts(ever since tigers). Now it's a real chore to get him to go to any scout outing. He's not a sport loving boy but has loved the outdoors since Cub Scouts, he used to be real excited about camp outs, COH and summer camp and service opportunities. I am way to busy to be more involved with the troop. I am active in the PTA, sports(younger son)and am a committee member for the troop. Becoming a leader is not something I can do at this time. On the other hand I believe that my scouting son is on the right path for him and hate to see lose interest in it. I have looked into other troops but my son balks at changing troops. Do I just bail out like everyone else or wait it out and hope that things work out.