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  1. I'd like to make a suggestion for an on-line team approach to identifying possible locations this boy may have used for shelter. From what I've read, people instinctually search for some sort of shelter from the weather, and those shelters actually hinder rescuers from finding them. In another lost person recently, an on-line forum was developed where individuals reviewed topographical maps, and suggested possible search locations to teams on the field. I think this could be a particularly useful methodology given the training the scout had received. Those of you here on this forum are probably better versed than the individuals searching for him on the types of locations he may have chosen for shelter. So, it is possible tht if you were given an on-line map of the location he went missing from, and the local vicinity (topographical) you may be able to make suggestions as to places he'd have headed. If we can locate someone in the search team, or his parents, we can forward this information on to the searh team on the ground. It seems that for those people on the field, who've seen others go missing in this area, that enough time has lapsed that they feel it is futile to continue. I believe, that with added information to specifiy good potential "targets", we could encourage a handful to do more checking in those specific locations identified. I'd appreciate any/all thoughts on this. ACB
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