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Everything posted by BoxieLady

  1. No. My son will go into BS alone. I will continue to Direct Day Camp only. As of Feb, I will be done with scouts other than camp. Maybe it's a good thing.
  2. Hi..it's not. I had 2 teachers from my daughters school willing to jump in with both feet and help me get it off the ground but to be quite honest just the feel from this forum has talked me out of it. As I said before, if I can't get support on here (a forum that is supposed to support me) then how can I ever expect to make it. I feel as though I am doomed to fail because of nobody morally backing me. Oh well, maybe I could have reached more kids, maybe not. Thing is, my eyes have been opened to a lot of things in scouting recently and the taste in my mouth is definitely not a good one.
  3. My FD said that the Rep could hole eithe Com Chair or Com member status. I don't know...that's just what he said. I have been reading a lot of the Manual and I just don't think I want to bother with this. Too much work and I know I will end up doing it all....just the way it is around here. Anyway....thanks
  4. I did not say I wanted to start the crew to help me with camp. I said it would give me extra help. I think I am going to scrap the whole idea. If I can't get moral support from Scouters on here, how can I ever expect support from my community, leaders, adults, teachers, or even youth. I guess I should thank you all for opening my eyes to the true world of scouting. I was stuck in my own little bubble thinking you did everything for the youth, no matter how much it costed, hurt, or how much work on your own part was involved. I completely setup my own day camp without a DE for 2 years. Not even having a program director until the day of camp. I setup all activities, supplies needed, bought everything, fought council for money, etc. I did 5 people's jobs...why? Because the kids are worth it. I am going this next spring to become licensed for 5 more years. Why? Because seeing one kid smile makes it worth while. If going through crap to get a Venturing crew up and running, and even trying to get them focused only reached ONE single youth that would have headed down the wrong track, I would think it would be worth it. Who knows.
  5. Thanks guys!! My main concern is not actually the crew itself but the adult leaders. I know myself and my husband will be all geared up and ready but the Charter Rep is not wanting anything to do with actual meetings(Unless necessary), outings, events, etc. She just wants to handle the go between only and I just needed to know if that was ok.(She is also going to hold Commitee Chair) Also another Commitee Member is basically a concerned citizen who wants to help in any way possible but not physically able to go on any outings whatsoever. Adding more adults to help as it progresses past the 5 we need to start-up won't be as big a problem as having the initial adults to start it up. This is why I mainly asked about their "job descriptions". In other words, I wanted to know how "hands on" do they need to be since we will always have 2 deep leadership and ALWAYS have one male and one female adult. The focus will not be anything like band, fire, military, etc. I do know that now because the young adults coming into this are mainly unmotivated, no hobby, no skills youth. This is why I wanted to start this. I know in the beginning as the Advisor that I am going to have to help them decide which direction to take. These are just "odds and ends" youth!LOL (2 being my own) So....y'all answered a lot of my questions and I do appreciate it. (I do like the fact that I will have the extra help at Day Camp this summer!!! :DD )
  6. It was said here and in private message that I need training...I KNOW THIS! I have been in BSA long enough to know that I need training. My crew is not up and running YET. I went by today and picked up the New Unit Application AND the Leaders Manual. I intend on researching before I commit, which is why I wanted these questions answered BEFORE I turn in any paperwork. I am not trying to jump into this head first, just wanting a lot of info before I make a final decision. I am in a very rural area and our Troop/Pack covers about 100 miles. I will basically be the only one around for quite a ways. How did I decide to do this? My son is moving on to Boy Scouts and I wanted to do Venturing. I have talked to our previous 2 DE's about this and yesterday the Field Director came out to talk to me about it and asked could I get this done by years end? So, here I am just trying to cram my head full of knowledge as fast as I can. I am going to sit down with the Leaders Guide tonight and read it. Y'all say get trained...well, I really would like to know if I am GOING to do this before training, not waste time and money on training and then decide against it. I have lost too much Day Camp money that could have been spent on kids by adults going to become trained and then decide it's too much work. Thanks for the info....going to do some reading.
  7. I am just starting a new Venturing Crew and need some advice, comments, help. I would call my DE but we do not have one at the moment and our FD is a busy man. I will try to reach him later for more in depth info that I can't get here. Ok...a few questions. 1. What are the actual jobs of the Commitee Members and Com. Chair and Charter Rep? Do they need to attend meetings or what? I am the Advisor and my Husband is another Com. Member so we will have both of us and also be able to be co-ed.(BTW, I have been in BSA for 5 years-Den Leader and Camp Director) My sponsoring Institution...I have a local store willing to sponsor us.(Not a chain-just a mom and pop store..will that work or do I HAVE to have a church/business?) 3. I know we can focus on various things but like what? Is the Ranger Program a guideline or is that a program? I like the Outdoors, wildlife aspect. 4. For our outings, what adult leaders need to go? The advisor(me-female) and my husband (member-male) or more? 5. Who pays for any awards earned? The Sponsoring inst. or other? 6. How often is good for meetings and outings? A lot of teens have jobs and would not be able to meet weekly or whatnot. Ok...I know I asked a lot but I like to know everything before I jump in. I have to have all my paperwork turned in by next week (all app's and New Unit App.) so I need info!!! Thanks!!!!
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