I did not say I wanted to start the crew to help me with camp.
I said it would give me extra help.
I think I am going to scrap the whole idea.
If I can't get moral support from Scouters on here, how can I ever expect support from my community, leaders, adults, teachers, or even youth.
I guess I should thank you all for opening my eyes to the true world of scouting. I was stuck in my own little bubble thinking you did everything for the youth, no matter how much it costed, hurt, or how much work on your own part was involved.
I completely setup my own day camp without a DE for 2 years. Not even having a program director until the day of camp. I setup all activities, supplies needed, bought everything, fought council for money, etc. I did 5 people's jobs...why? Because the kids are worth it. I am going this next spring to become licensed for 5 more years. Why? Because seeing one kid smile makes it worth while.
If going through crap to get a Venturing crew up and running, and even trying to get them focused only reached ONE single youth that would have headed down the wrong track, I would think it would be worth it.
Who knows.